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Ex. I. Look through the text in “Presentation” section again. State forms and functions of the gerunds. Ex. II. Read and translate these sentences into Ukrainian, identifying gerunds:

  1. The doctor went on examining him.

  2. Is this model worth producing?

  3. The young girl was fond of dancing.

  4. Why do you object to his joining us?

  5. I prefer staying at home to going for a walk tonight.

  6. Everything depends on Peter’s getting in touch with them.

  7. We are thinking of setting up a joint venture.

  8. We are looking forward to meeting you.

  9. We believe in spending money on research.

  10. We have thought about applying for a grant.

  11. John’s telling them about the project was a big mistake.

  12. I didn’t remember him (his) telling them about it.

Ex. III. Work in groups. Decide together what is:



good exercise




against the law


takes a lot of time


saves energy

a good idea

For example: Jogging is good exercise.

Going to restaurants is expensive.

Ex. IV. Look at the activities listed below. Work with a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions using gerunds.

  1. more fun

swim/ ski

  1. more relaxing

take a hot bath/ sunbathe

  1. more fun

stay in a hotel/go camping

  1. more exciting

ride a bike/ ride a horse

  1. worse

miss a train/ lose your luggage

  1. more important

enjoy your work/ make a lot of money

  1. more useful

learn to cook/learn to drive

  1. easier

learn mathematics/ learn a second language

For example: A: Which is more fun, swimming or skiing?

B: I think skiing is more fun than swimming.

Ex. V. Write nine sentences about something you like or don’t like using gerunds after these verbs and phrases:

enjoy, avoid, dislike, miss, regret, often postpone, have trouble, have fun, don’t mind

For example: I enjoy sleeping late on Sunday mornings.

Ex. VI. Work with a partner. Make up polite requests and responses that would be appropriate in each situation. Use would you mind and a gerund in you requests.

  1. It’s stuffy and you’re sitting inside a cafe waiting for a cup of coffee. The person next to you lights up a cigarette. You can’t stand the cigarette smoke:

A: Would you mind putting out your cigarette? The smoke is making me sick.

B: No, not at all. I didn’t know it was bothering you.

  1. You are going home from university with a friend of yours. You have a terrible headache. You would like your friend to stop at the drug store on the way home:



  1. You are in the computer room at your university. You can’t get your computer to work properly. You need some help from the classmate:



  1. You are having trouble concentrating in class. The professor has just said something important but you missed most of it. You want to know what he said:

A: B:

  1. You were absent from class last week and you would like to borrow from a classmate the notes on the lecture you missed:



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