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Active Words and Phrases:






банківські справи



clearing bank

клірінгів (розрахунковий) банк

air freight

повітряні вантажі


активи (банку)


товари (куплені завчасно)

stock exchange

фондова біржа

options exchange

біржові операції


обіг (капіталу)

insurance premium

страхова премія


позика коштів (напр. від банку)


організація, орган, товариство

trading floor

торговий зал


оптова торгівля


рецесія; спад


роздрібна торгівля

commodity exchange

товарна біржа



Ex. IV. Match the words with their definitions:

1) options- a) a product that is bought or sold;

2) commodity- b) the right to buy or sell smth in the future;

3) equity- c) an amount of money that you pay for smith such as insurance;

4) premium- d) the value of smth you own, such as a house or shares;

5) turnover- e) the business of a bank;

6) banking- f) the amount of money a business earns in a particular period;

7) retail- g) the sale of goods in large quantities usually at low prices to people or stores that then sell to other people;

8) recession- h) the sale of goods in stores to people for their own use;

9) wholesale- i) a period of time when there is less business activities.

Ex. V. What do the following numbers in the text refer to?

565, 1694, 1567, 60, 1996, 1986, 1987, 28, 38, 1680, 24, 1980, 1973

Ex. VI. Answer the following questions

  1. What is the City of London famous for?

  2. What is the world’s largest center for trading foreign equities?

  3. What did the abolition of foreign exchange controls in 1979 result in?

  4. What do other London based exchanges deal in?

  5. Why did many commercial, manufacturing and professional bodies relocate to the suburbs of London?

  6. What do London’s wholesale and retail centers include and what do they deal in?

  7. Name some media-related businesses in London

  8. What can you say about the development of manufacturing and light industries in London?

Ex. VII. Find examples of verbals in the above text. State their forms and functions. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

Ex. VIII. Compare the economy of London with the economy of your native town.

Grammar: Gerunds


Ex. I. Read the following text paying attention to the underlined words. Translate them into Ukrainian.

An American anthropologist and family counselor speaks on the challenges of modern life:

I want to begin by asking all of you. How many of you live your life by the clock? Are you guilty of any of the following: Dividing up your day into small blocks, like half hours or even quarter hours? Getting angry in a traffic jam? Forgetting to eat your meals?

I, too, used to be guilty of overscheduling my life but fortunately, I saw light. My having changed my basic relationship with time is probably the best thing I ever did. I am an anthropologist and about six years ago I did some field work on group relationship among the Navajo people in Arizona and New Mexico. My work included spending time with Navajo elders, observing their activities and recording many of the things they said. One thing I learned very quickly was that hurrying is basically foreign to Navajo.

I spent my days with them watching what they did. I loved being allowed to take part in Navajo culture but at first I was a bit angry with their taking so long to do things, and I’m sure they smiled at my becoming so impatient with them and not wanting to wait. Then I started slowing down and entering into the Navajo lifestyle. I started looking at things in a new way, and today I’d say that my having been given this opportunity to see how another culture deals with time probably taught me more than any other single thing.

It wouldn’t be a good idea if we adopted part of that lifestyle. Too many of us want thing to happen immediately: fast food, microwave meals, instant money from automatic tellers, instant credit. When things don’t go according to the schedule, we feel stress, and stress can kill us. And it keeps us from enjoying as we experience them.

(Adapted from “Focus on Grammar” Longman 1998)

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