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Strongyloidosis is widely-spread practically everywhere, where meet Ancylostomidoses are found and also in many countries of a moderate climate. The causative agent of strongyloidosis — Strongyloides stercoralis. The human being catches strongyloidosis is penetrating mature larvas of a parasite through the skin or through the mouth, with meals and drink.


1. Punctiform erythema, edema and mild itch of the skin in several hours in the place of larva inoculation.

2. After 3 - 4-th day short-term cough occurs.

3. On 2 - 3 weeks dyspepsia is observed.

4. Abdominal pain.

5. Eosinophilia.

  1. Eosinophilic infiltrates in the lungs.

  2. At prolonged treatment urticaria rash appear.


For treatment of a strongyloidosis Tiabendazol (mintezolum) is applied in 25-50 mg/kg after meal for 2 days, ALBENDASOL (Nemozole) is prescribed in 400 mg 1-2 times a day for 3 days. Efficiency of the drug - 75 - 90 %. The control parasitologic researches are carried out monthly during a half-year.


The agent of trichinosis are 3 kinds of the parasite: Trichinella spiralis, Tr. Natuva, Tr. Nelsoni. The man is infected as a result of the taking badly cooked or semi- and crude meat of animals.


The diagnosis of trichinosis is based on clinical signs (edemas of blepharons, and face, pain in muscles, eosinophilia), carefully gathered epidanamnesis about the use in food not enough treated pork meat, lard, meat of wild pigs, bears etc. for 10-25 days prior to the beginning of the illness, research of this meat on presence of parasites. The serological test reaction becomes positive only in 3-4 weeks of an invasion. The most effective of them is the reaction of binding complements, IFA.

The complications are myocarditis, pneumonia, meningocephalitis (in 3-5 weeks).


For 5-10 days Tiabendazol is taken. The daily dose of the drug is 25 mg/kg which is given in 2-3 receptions and is taken in 1 hour after meal. The application of the drug is the most effective at the first 3 weeks after infection. Within 1-3 days Prednisolon or other glucocorticoids are prescribed. Prednisolone is given from the account of 1mg/kg of body mass per day and more. Desintoxicated therapy is carried out from the take of 30-40 mls / kg of body mass per day. Together with Prednisolone the patient has to accept antihistamine drugs (Fexofenadine /telfast/ for 240 mg/day in a combination with + Loratadine /klaritine/ in 10 mg/day).


The causative agent - Trichocephalus trichiuris. Trychocephalosis is widely-spread in the countries with hot and moderate climate. The infection occurs at the use of the polluted vegetables, fruit, berries and water.


Symptoms of trychocephalosis are limited by signs of stomach dysfunction. The abdominal pains more often localized in ileal area, a nausea, losing of appetite, hypersalivation are most constant.


Vermox is prescribed in this disease for adults and children more senior than 9 years in a dose of 100 mg a day depending on intensity of invasion for 1 - 3 days. For adults the daily dose can be doubled. Taking Vermox is counterindicated for pregnant women.