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The invasion occurs in the Far East, INDIA, Egypt, Tunisia, Romania. Metagonimiatis results from the invasion of a small trematode about 2,5 mm long - metagonimus eokogawj. Dogs, cats, foxes, herons, storks can be infected including the man. The man can be infected while eating raw or insufficiently cooked fish and at casual swallowing of fish scales.


In a migratory phase there are the following signs:

  1. attacks of fever

  2. generalized urticaria

  3. tocsico-allergic syndrome

  4. eosinophilia

In an intestinal phase there are the following signs:

  1. Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.

  2. Salivation

  3. The diagnosis is confirmed only by detection ova in feces.


Hecsilresorcine is prescribed in a single dose of 1gr .

Opisthorchiasis viverrae

The main center of the disease is Thailand. This helminthiasis also in India and Taiwan island is registered. The agent - Opisthorchis viverrini. It parasitizes in ductus cholicus, cholic bubble and pancreatic ducts of the man, home cats, dogs, vivers. The infection of the man and mammal occurs at the use in nutrition raw and not enough heat-treated fish.


  1. The incubation interval is near 2- 4 weeks.

  2. Fever, exanthema.

  3. Enlargement of the liver.

  4. Pulmonary syndrome.

  5. Eosinophilic leukocytosis.

  6. Gastrointestinal disturbance.

Dyskinesia of cholic paths, cholangitis, less often - hepatitis.

  1. Chronic pancreatitis

  2. The addition of the secondary bacterial infection and development of purulent processes in the hapatobiliary system are possible.

10. Absolute proof of opisthorchosis is the detection of ova in feces and duadenal contents.


PRASICVANTEL is prescribed in a single dose of 25 mg/kg body weight.


The disease is frequently recorded among the population living in the basins of the rivers: the Ob, the Irtish, the Dnieper, the Southern Bug, the Dnister, the Danube, the Nemen, the Northern Dvina, the Pechora, the Enisei, the Lena, the Amur and others. If a man eats raw or inadequately cooked freshwater fish, invasion takes place.


  1. Incubation period - 2-4 weeks.

  2. Weakness, fever.

  3. Headaches, muscle pains, arthralgia.

  4. Various dermal eraption, itch.

  5. Pains in the right hypochondrium, disorders infringement of liver functions.

  6. Icterus, hepatomegalia, splenomegaly.

  7. Eosinophilia is note 90 %, hyperleukocytosis is up to 50000-70000 in mkl, increase of BSR is up to 70 mm / h.

  8. Diagnostics is based on the detection of ova in the bile and IFA.


Opisthorchiasis in the chronic stage proceeds at the phenomena of a dyskinesia of cholic paths, chronic cholangitis, cholangioholecictitis, chronic pancreatitis, the development of the liver cirrhosis is possible.

Opisthorchiasis is frequently complicated by addition of the secondary bacterial infection. In these cases the temperature rises periodically a marked pain, sharp enlargment and induration of the liver and icterus appear. At bacteriological bile research pathologic bacteria “Coli” and streptococcuses are often found.


PRASICVANTEL is prescribed in a single dose of 25 mg/kg body weight.

Desintoxication and antibacterial therapy are indicated.


Human invasions are most frequent in the Far East but there are endemic foci in South America, Cameroons, Somalia and India. There are several species of Paragonimus which may affect the man, the commonest being — P. westermani. If a man or certain other mammals eat raw or inadequately cooked freshwater crabs or crayfish, invasion takes place.


  1. Slight fever, cough and the expectorations of sputum streaked with blood are usually ferst symptoms.

  2. Severe pain in the chest.

  3. Symptoms of pneumonia or pulmonary tuberculosis.

  4. When the parasites lodge in the abdomen there may be symptoms of enteritis or hepatitis.

  5. If they settle abdominal wall they produce sinuses with the discharge through the skin.

  6. Develompent in the central nervous system may cause signs of cerebral irritation, encephalitis or myelitis.

  7. Ova may be found in microscopic examination of the feces, sputum, or discharges. Extrapulmonary lesions are diagnosed in life by biopsy.


Antibiotics are useful to combat secondary pyogenic infections. The specific drug is Bithionol given in a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight daily in three divided doses on alternate days. In all, 10 to 15 days of treatment are required and results are encouraging. PRASICVANTEL is prescribed in a single dose of 25 mg/kg body weight. Lesions localized in one lobe of the lung only may be treated surgically.

Prevention. In an endemic area crabs or crayfish should not be eaten unless adequately cooked.


Fascioliasis is registered in Cuba, France, England, Vietnam, Georgia, Uzbekistan and on Hawaiian islands.

Causitive agents — Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. Fasciola hepatica has a foliaceous form, length of a body — 20 — 30 mm, width — 8 — 12 mm. Eggs of helminth are large, oval form, size - 125 - 150 Х 62 - 81 microns. Fasciola gigantica (gigantic fluke) is characterized with prolonged, in comparison with hepatic fluke, form and large sizes: length 50 - 75 mm, width 9 - 12 mm; eggs are 137- 162 Х 87 - 112 microns.

The man is infected by the use of polluted water, vegetables and berries.


  1. Incubation period of a fascioliasis is from 1 up to 8 weeks.

  2. Weakness, nausea.

  3. Abdominal pain.

  4. Fever.

  5. Urticaria.

  6. Icterus, enlargement of the liver and spleen.

  7. Leukocytosis, eosinophilia (up to 85 %).

In the chronic form there appear dyspeptic phenomena pressing or paroxysmal abdominal pains, the rising of temperature up to 38oС and higher. These pain attacks can last from several hours to about several days.

The fascioliasis can be complicated by a purulent cholangitis, liver abcesses and icterus, owing to the occlusion of ductus cholicus..

TREATMENT. With the purpose of particular treatment apply PRASICVANTELUM nominate in a dose 25 mg/kg body weight 3 times a day within 1 day and also tryclabendazolum in dose 10 mg/kg/day, bytionolum - 30-50 mg/kg/day within 10-15 days.


Genitourinary shistosomiasis is spread in countries of Africa and Middle East, intestinal one - in Africa, Central and Southern America (especially in Brasil), Japanese one - in China, Japan and on Phillippines.

The agents of shistosomiasis in men are 4 kinds of parasites: intestinal (S. mansoni), intestinal intercalatum (S. intercalatum), genitourinary (S. haematobium) and Japanese (S. japonicum). The length of a female - 15- 20 mm, width - 0,17- 0,36 mm, male - 9,5 - 17 and 0,55 - 1,2 mm.

The man is infected by shistosomiasis at working on rice fields, bathing, catching fish, washing of linen and other kinds of work made near open reservoirs. Shistosomiasis more often affects village population, fishermen and persons connected with the construction of reservoirs, irrigation systems and other hydrostructures.



Incubation period is 5-8 days. There are the following symptoms:

  1. Fever.

  2. Losing of appetite, nausea, vomiting.

  3. Often liquid stools.

  4. Abdominal pain.

  5. Enlargement of the liver and spleen.

  6. Rash urticaria, peripheric edemas appear on the skin

  7. Eosinophilia, leukocytosis, rising of BSR

The clinical signs of intestinal intercalatum shistosomiasis do not differ from intestinal shistosomiasis Mansoni. Intestinal intercalatum shistosomiasis is the most benign of all the group of intestinal shistosomiases.

The clinical signs in the acute stage of the development of genitourinary shistosomiasis last for 3- 4 weeks. Cystitis and terminal hematuria plus the signs of acute intestinal shistosomiasis can be seen.



Incubation period is 2 - 3 weeks

The main signs of the diseases:

  1. Fever.

  2. Exantema urticaria.

  3. Quincke's disease.

  4. Vomiting, diarrhea.

  5. Pains along the colon.

  6. Lymphatic nodes , enlargement of the liver and spleen.

  7. Leukocytosis with marked eosinophilia.