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Business English Шерсткова.doc
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Making appointments

1. Answer the questions.

  1. Who do you make appointments with?

  2. What things do you have to arrange when you make an appointment?

  3. Do you often have to cancel or postpone your appointments?

  4. Have you ever missed an appointment without having informed your partner? If yes, why?

  5. What is the worst appointment you’ve ever had?

2. Study the key vocabulary for making arrangements.

I’m calling to fix (arrange / agree) another time.          

Я звоню, чтобы назначить (условиться / согласовать) другое время

I’m afraid that… / I’m sorry but Bob and Anna are tied up (are busy / are unavailable / can’t manage) this week.

Сожалею, Боб и Анна заняты (заняты / не могут) на этой неделе.

Do you mind if we postpone it (move it back / put it back) to next week?

Не возражаете, если мы отложим это (перенесем / отложим) на следующую неделю?

I’d like to bring our appointment forward to an early date.

Я бы хотел перенести нашу встречу пораньше / на ближайшее время.

Which day are you thinking of (do you have in mind / do you want)?

Какой день Вы предлагаете?

Does Wednesday sound good (suit you / look ok)?

Вам подходит среда?

How about (are you free on / can you make / Could I suggest / What about / Perhaps) Thursday?

Как насчет четверга (вы свободны / вас устроит)?

Which would be best (convenient / OK) for you?

Какой день Вам удобен?

We can make it (are free / are available) after lunch. 

Мы можем сделать это (свободны / доступны) после обеда.

No, sorry, I can’t make it then.

My diary’s rather full that day/week.

Sorry, I’ve already got an appointment at that time.

Извините, я не могу.

Мое расписание полностью занято на этот день / неделю.

Извините, у меня уже назначена встреча на это время.

That sounds fine / great / good. / That’ll be fine. / That’s OK.


The appointment is / So that’s / We can confirm Thursday at two o’clock.

Итак, мы встречаемся в четверг в 14.00.

3. Lisa Watson wants to make an appointment to see Martin Lennon. Complete Martin’s half of the dialogue with sentences a) to h).


Hello, is that Martin?




Hello, Martin. This is Lisa.




I’d like to make an appointment to see you next week.




How about Wednesday?




No, I’m afraid I’m busy that day.




Yes, that’s fine. What suits you better – morning or afternoon?




How about 2.30p.m.?




OK. See you next Friday at half past two, then.



Martin’s words:

  1. What about Friday?

  2. After lunch is more convenient.

  3. Of course. What day suits you?

  4. Yes, speaking.

  5. Hi, Lisa. What can I do for you?

  6. Great. I look forward to it.

  7. Yes, that’s fine.

  8. No, I’m afraid I’ll be attending a sales conference. Is Thursday convenient?

4. Three people telephone the company Lawson and Fowles to change their appointments. They bring for­ward, postpone or cancel their appointments. Read their conversations and say who brings forward, postpones or cancels their appointments.


A: Lawson and Fowles. Good morning.

В: Good morning. This is Andrew Sands. I’ve got an appointment with you on Thursday at half past four.

A: Yes, Mr Sands.

B: Well, unfortunately I've now got an important meeting in London that afternoon. Could I change my appointment to Wednesday morning?

A: Well, I’m afraid the morning’s completely full up. How about Wednesday afternoon, at the same time - at four-thirty, I mean?

B: Yes, that’s fine. OK, Wednesday at half past four, then.


A: Lawson and Fowles. Good morning.

B: Good morning. This is Mr Watson of EGC. I’m afraid I have a problem with my appointment next week – I’m away all week.

A: Okay. Sorry did you say Mr Watson or Mr Whiteson?

B: Mr Watson. W-A-T-S-O-N.

A: Fine, so you’re cancelling your appointment on Wednesday at 12 midday, then. Would you like to make another appointment now?

В: No. I haven’t got my diary here. I’ll call next week.

A: OK, Mr Watson. Thank you. Goodbye.


A: Lawson and Fowles. Good morning.

B: Hello. This is Sarah Roach of Technos. I’m sorry to bother you, but it’s about my appointment - the one on Thursday.

A: Yes, Mrs Roach.

В: Could I postpone it until later in the day? I have to collect my car from the garage?

A: We’ve got a free slot at half past four now. Is that convenient for you?

B: That’s perfect. Four-thirty on Thursday. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

A: Goodbye, Mrs Roach.

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