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3. Few explanations to the text

1. …by improving products, cutting prices, or enhancing service. – …улучшая товар, снижая цены или повышая качество услуги.

2…and driving competitors downhill. – …и вытесняют конкурентов.

4. Key vocabulary / words and expressions

affordability – n доступность

customer – n покупатель; клиент (банка)

expectation – n ожидание

highlight – v выделить

hone – v точить, оточить

infringe (on) – v посягать; ущемлять; нарушать

penalize – v штрафовать

treatment – n обхождение

value – v ценить

5. Have you read the text attentively? Give equivalent English phrases to the following Russian ones.

движущая сила______________________________________________________

ценить удобства______________________________________________________

вытеснять конкурентов________________________________________________

6. WORD FORMATION (Different ways to construct the words or new notions)

6.1. Form adjectives by adding the suffix - ful and translate them into


care, truth, watch, skill, use, wonder, meaning, thought, plenty

6.2. Form nouns by adding the suffix -er or –or and translate them.

fund, invest, read, found, bank, manage, lend, custom, work

6.3. Give antonyms to the following words:

careless, flawless, useless, unmatched, unwritten, unproductive, unskilled,

imperfect, impossible, dissatisfied, displeased, disarrange

Essential grammar (Essential Grammar Appendix p.p. )

Pasive voice

время (Past, Present, Future)

be — число (1, 2, 3) + Participle II

лицо (Plural, Singular)

ex. The baby is washed by its Mom.

The lecture was delivered by our professor.

The message will be sent on Sunday.

7. Translate the following sentences into Russian

1. References are not used in the examination room.

2. Are you fully informed of your financial picture?

3. The program was developed to preserve the value of ceremony.

4. A well - known Impressionist work was chosen as a logo for the company.

5. A recent study will be reported in Public Relations Review.

6. The increased attention is paid to the ethical dimensions of the businesses.

7. Technical skills are acquired through professional training.

8. The number of the host computers in the Internet can be counted fairly


Passive construction

8. Translate the following sentences into Russian

1. The article will be adopted by the Public Relations Society of America.

2. An illness was induced by overwork.

3. The decisions on cases like that are made by Dean Adams.

9. Speaking practice. Discuss the topic “My Native Town (City)” with your partner using such words as

native(s), citizen, inhabitant, city council, settlement, a fast-growing town, an advantage of living, to be situated (located), to stretch, to be surrounded by, to be hedged with, an ancient city, a relatively young town, a monument to, to be connected to, to be divided into…districts, to be noted for, places of interest, to go sightseeing, biggest southern / northern international sea port, a convenient geographical position, a Hero City, to be founded by, to be named after, to be proud of, to grow up around…, to dominate, to be the center of, to have one’s own infrastructure, sister city, etc.