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7.4. Вопросы в косвенной речи.

При обращении специального вопроса в косвенную речь производятся следующие изменения: вопросительный знак опускается; вопросительное слово становиться союзом, соединяющим главное и придаточное предложения; вопросительный порядок слов заменяется порядком слов повествовательного предложения; соблюдается правило согласования времен.

Общие вопросы в косвенной речи требуют соединительного союза “ли” - if или whether между главным и придаточным предложениями. Порядок слов прямой, правило согласования времен используется, если сказуемое главного предложения употреблено в прошедшем времени.

Упр.7.4.1. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.

Пример: “Where do you live?” Mrs Mawby asked.

She asked (me) where I lived.

  1. “How many bedrooms are there?” Sally asked.

  2. “When do you want to move in?” Mrs Mawby asked.

  3. “What sort of heating is there? Sally asked.

  4. “How often do you want the rent?” Sally asked.

  5. “How far is it to the shops?” Sally asked.

  6. “What do you think of the flat?” Mrs Mawby asked.

  7. “Where have you been today?”

  8. “What have you been buying?”

  9. “Where do you intend to go tomorrow?”

  10. “Why don’t you learn Spanish?”

  11. “Where are you going for your holidays?”

  12. “When I see him, what shall I say?”

Упр.7.4.2. Задайте вопросы в косвенной речи.

Пример: “Are you a student?”

She asked me if I was a student.

a. “Do you want to go abroad?”

b. “Do you think it will be possible to get a job abroad?”

c. “Do you intend to go to Germany?”

  1. “Are you going to answer any advertisements?”

  2. “Is there a chance you might continue with your studies?”

  3. “Is John trying to get a job?”

  4. “Have you been to the Labour Exchange?”

  5. “Aren’t you tired of doing nothing?”

  6. “Haven’t you got any plans at all?”

  7. “Are you definitely going to leave home?”

**Упр.7.4.3. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.

  1. “I can’t turn this screw,” said Ann. “Will you do it for me?”

  2. “Would you like to tighten the bolt?” said Ann, handling me a spannel.

  3. “Would you mind discussing this question at the seminar?”

  4. “Shall I explain my recent results?”

  5. “Will you help me with translating the article please?”

Упр.7.4.4. Задайте вопросы в прямой речи.

The job interview.

The interviewer asked Bill why he wanted to change his job.

  1. First the interviewer wondered if Bill is pleased with his job.

  2. He needed to know what sort of translation Bill had ever been engaged in.

  3. He was interested in how much Bill would like to get for his job.

  4. He asked why Bill thought the company might be interested in hiring him.

  5. He wanted to know what Bill’s career goals were.

  6. He doubted if Bill was qualified enough for the job.

  7. He asked if Bill could prove his experience with letters of recommendation from his previous job.

7.5. Обзорные упражнения.

Упр.7.5.1. Закончите следующий рассказ, используя вопросы в косвенной речи, помещенные в конце рассказа.

I had a most strange experience a few weeks ago. I was sitting at home, when at about nine o’clock there was a knock on the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I wondered (a) _____________ . I opened the door, and there was this man, wearing an old raincoat. I asked him (b) ____________, but he didn’t tell me at first. He wanted to know (c) ___________________ in the house, which I thought was an odd question. Anyway, I said I was, because everyone else had gone out for the evening. Then he asked (d) ________________, so I said that I wanted to know who he was before I’d let him into my house, which is only natural, after all. Anyway, he didn’t answer, but looked up and down the street. By this time I was getting a bit worried, and I wondered (e) ______________ , because this chap seemed a bit suspicious. But he told me (f) _____________. He was a policeman, and he showed me his card to prove it. He said that the police were watching the people who lived in a house a few doors away, and he asked me (g) ___________________ .

I said I didn’t. I’d seen them a few times, but I hadn’t spoken to them. Then he wanted to know (h) __________________ , so I said ‘a few weeks’. I’d seen their furniture van on the day they moved in. Then he explained (i) _____________________ . He asked me if he could stay in my front room and watch the street for a while, so I showed him in. I asked him (j) _________________ , and he said it was because they suspected of being drug smugglers. I couldn’t believe it. He stayed for three hours, and then left. Anyway, a few days later, I read in the paper that the police had arrested them.

1 if I knew them

2 if he could come in

3 why he was watching them

4 who it could be

5 who he was

6 what he wanted

7 if I should call the police

8 if I was alone

9 what he wanted to do

10 how long they’d been living there

**Упр.7.5.2. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, избегая, по возможности, глаголов to ask, to tell, to say, и употребляя глаголы из следующего списка: to accept, to accuse, to admit, to advice, to agree, to apologize, to assure, to beg, to call, to complain, to congratulate, to deny, to exclaim, to explain, to give, to hope, to insist, to introduce, to invite, to offer, to point out, to promise, to refuse, to protest, to remark, to remind, to suggest, to thank, to threaten, to warn, to wish.

  1. He said, “Don’t touch the cable until you’ve switched off the power; it isn’t safe”.

  2. “You press the wrong button. Don’t do it again. You might have a nasty accident,” said the mechanic.

  3. “I’ll drop you from the team if you don’t work harder,” said the supervisor.

  4. “Never operating a cutting machine until you‘ve oiled it and checked it,” he said.

  5. “You’d better twist electric wires together using a pair of scissors,” said John.

  6. “I wish the procedure would reduce the energy losses,” he said.

  7. “Mr Brown, this is Mr White,” he said.

  8. “Please, don’t tell my colleagues,” he said. “I won’t, I promise,” I said.

  9. “Hurrah! I’ve passed the first exam!” he said. “Congratulations!” I said, “And good luck with the second!”

  10. “You are in a difficult position for you cannot explain this result,” said my colleague. “It is,” I said.

  11. “I am sorry I am late,” she said. “My car broke down.”

  12. “He expects a lot of work for very little money”, said one of the engineers. “Yes, he does,” said the other.

Упр.7.6.1.Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных.

  1. “How often do you attend your English classes?” - I ask John.

A I wonder how often does John attends his English classes.

B I wonder how often John attends his English classes.

C I wonder how often attends John his English classes.

D I wonder how often John attend his English classes.

  1. “She has been unwell this week, hasn’t she?”

A I wonder if she has been unwell this week.

B I wonder if hasn’t she been unwell this week.

C I wonder whether has she been unwell this week.

D I wonder has she been unwell this week.

  1. It takes me twenty minutes to get to school.

A I wonder how long it takes you to get to school.

B I wonder how long does it take you to get to school.

C I wonder how long does you take to get to school.

D I wonder how long do take you to get to school.

d. They say John was in Japan in September.

A Where they say John was in September?

B Where do they say John was in September?

C Where do they say was John in September?

D Where they say was John in September?

e. “It was a long conference, wasn’t it?”

A I wonder was the conference long or short.

B I wonder whether the conference is long or short.

C I wonder if it was a long conference.

D I wonder a long or short conference was.

f. The “Consumer Price Index lists …

A how much costs every car C how much every car costs

B how much does every car cost D how much are every car cost

g. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sonia said you ______ ill.

A are B were C was D should be

h. Ann ___________ and left.

A said goodbye to me B said me goodbye C told me goodbye

j. I don’t understand this sentence. Can you ______ .

A explain to me this word B explain me this word

C explain this word to me


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