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5.9. Past Simple и Past Perfect.

Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое уже совершилось до определенного момента в прошлом:

We carefully examined the samples which they had sent us.

Сравните, как меняется смысл предложения при описании с использованием этих времен последовательности событий в прошлом:

When we arrived at the stadium, the match started. (Мы успели во время и ничего не пропустили.)

When we arrived at the stadium, the match had started. (На самое начало матча мы опоздали.)

Упр.5.9.1. В каждом предложении поставьте глаголы в скобках : один - в Past Simple, другой - в Past Perfect.

Пример: He  died  (die) after he had been (be) ill for a long time.

  1. I ____________ (thank) her for everything she __________ (do).

  2. When I got to the office, I _________ (realize) that I _________ (forget) to lock the front door.

  3. When they _______ (finish) their work, they _________ (go) home.

  4. I _______ (call) you at 8.00, but you _______ just __________ (go) out.

  5. I took my family to Paris last year. I _____________ (be) there as a student, so I ___________ (know) my way around.

  6. When I _________ (listen) to the news, I ______ (go) to bed.

Упр.5.9.2. Соедините следующие пары предложений, используя союзы в скобках. Замените время одного из глаголов на Past Perfect.

Пример: I had a bath. I went to bed.(after)

  After I'd had a bath, I went to bed.

  1. I read the letter, I threw it away. (when)

  2. He passed his driving test. He bought a car. (as soon as)

  3. I took the book back to the library. I finished reading it. (when)

  4. I didn't go to bed. I did my homework. (until)

  5. I spent all my money. I went home. (when)

  6. I read the book. I saw the film. (before)

  7. Her children left home. She started writing. (after)

Упр.5.9.3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

Пример: When we returned to the car we saw (saw) that someone had smashed (smash) the windows.

  1. I ________ (realise) I __________ (lose) my purse when I opened my bag.

  2. He ________ (lose) the squash game because he _________ (never / play) squash before in his life.

  3. David ____________ (buy) his ticket the week before, so I don’t understand why he ___________ (try) to get in without paying.

  4. By the time she __________ (be) eighteen she ___________ (visit) nearly every capital city in the world.

  5. Paula ________(drop) the cup she was holding and ________ (burst) into tears.

  6. Why _____________ (you / not speak) to Jim at the meeting yesterday? Because he _______________ (leave) by the time I got there.

  7. Sally was upset when _________ (you / not / eat) any of her birthday cake. I _______ (not / can) help it. I __________ (just / eat) a huge meal.

  8. You _______________ (look) happy when you were talking to Jackie last night. Yes. I _________________ (not / see) her for six years.

  9. “It _________ (take) nearly four hours to drive to the garden party, and when we ____________ (get) there they ____________ (refuse) to let us in!”


“Because we _______________(forget) to bring our invitations.”

10. Johnny ___________ (spent) seven years of his life in prison before he ______ (realise) that the things he _______ (done) to get there were wrong. He _______(rob) banks, he _______ (burgle) houses, he ________ (steal) cars. But, fortunately , he ___________ (never / kill) anyone.

Упр.5.9.4. Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы у него было значение, подобное первому. Используйте выделенное слово и от двух до пяти других необходимых слов.

1. Barry was very excited because it was his first time on television.


Barry _______________ before, so he was very excited.

2. The children ran over the bridge to see the fire engine, but it was no longer there.


The fire engine ___________________ time the children ran over the bridge.

3. He looked familiar to me, but in fact he was a complete stranger.


Although he looked familiar to me, I ___________________ before.

4. After they had had the contract read by a lawyer, they signed it.


They had the contract read by a lawyer ___________________ it.

5. Staying in a five-star hotel was a new experience for us.


We __________________ in a five-star hotel before.

6. They arrived at the cinema just in time to see "The End" come up on the screen.


The film __________________ by the time they arrived at the cinema.

7. He had to write over fifty letters to get an interview.


He got an interview only after ___________________ over fifty letters.

8. She left the office after turning off all the lights.


After __________________ all the lights, she left the office.

9. When we arrived at the house, Dan had just left.


Dan left the house and __________________ after.

10. I checked that I had my passport with me before I left for the airport.


I left for the airport ________________ that I had my passport with me.

Упр.5.9.5. Закончите следующие предложения или добавьте свое, используя глагол в Past Perfect.

Пример: When I arrived home, I was starving. I hadn't had anything to eat all day.

  1. Tom was furious with Alice because she ______________________.

  2. James inherited a small fortune from his father, but a year later he didn't have a penny. __________________.

  3. She was fined $ 200 because she ____________________.

  4. When I saw him, he was pale and shaking like a leaf. ______________.

  5. He was two hours late for the wedding because ______________.

  6. I didn't know her name, but the face was familiar. I was sure __________.

  7. I couldn't answer any of the exam questions, although __________.

  8. James was very proud of his eighteen-year-old son, who _________.

Упр.5.9.6. Подчеркните правильную глагольную форму.

Пример: Everybody knew he had stolenhad been stealing  from his employer for years.

  1. I knew the facts of the case because I had read / had been reading the report.

  2. My eyes ached because I had read / had been reading for three hours.

  3. The children were filthy. They had played / had been playing in the garden, and they were covered in mud.

  4. I was very nervous at the beginning of the match. I had never played/ had never been playing  her before, and I didn't know how good she was.

  5. Donald excelled himself as a cook. He had cooked / had been cooking a wonderful Spanish dish.

  6. Donald was very cross. He had worked/ had been working in the kitchen all morning, and none had offered to help.

Упр.5.9.7. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках. Используйте следующие глагольные времена: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Coutinuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Coutinuous.

Пример: Ann is sitting on the ground. She's out of breath. (she / run) She has been running.

  1. Where's my bag? I left it under this chair. (somebody / take / it)

  2. We were all surprised when Jenny and Andy got married last year. (they / only / know / each other / a few weeks)

  3. It's still raining. I wish it would stop. (it / rain / all day)

  4. Suddenly I woke up. I was confused and didn't know where I was. (I / dream)

  5. I wasn't hungry at lunchtime so I didn't have anything to eat. (I / have / a big breakfast)

  6. Every year Bob and Alice spend a few days at the same hotel by the sea. (they / go / there for years)

  7. I've got a headache. (I / have / it / since I got up)

  8. Next week Gerry is going to run in a marathon. ( he / train / very hard for it)

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