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2. Taking part in discussion

Участие в обсуждении доклада

А. Improve your Communication Skill

Развивайте свое умение общаться

The art of effective dialogue lies

in the ability to disagree without

being disagreable.

Do not interrupt other speakers. Show courtesy to the speaker – refrain from private conversation. Avoid expressions that arouse hostility (even though you will encounter differences of opinion).

Be frank and honest, but avoid emotionally tinged words and expressions that create unnecessary opposition.

B. Discussion. Asking and Answering Questions

Обсуждение. Обмен вопросами и ответами

Asking questions:

I have got several questions

My first question is...

У меня есть ряд вопросов.

Мой первый вопрос заключается в следующем...

I have a question about...

У меня вопрос о...

I have two brief questions.

У меня два коротких вопроса.

Let me ask a question concerning…

Позвольте мне задать вопрос относительно...

My next question relates to...

Мой следующий вопрос относится к...

One more question

Еще один вопрос.

One last question...

Последний вопрос...

I would like to ask you why...

Я хотел бы спросить вас, почему…

What can you tell (about...)

Что вы можете сказать о...

Would you mind explaining how...

He могли бы вы объяснить, как...

It would be interesting to know...

Было бы интересно знать...

I am interested to know if you agree with...

Меня интересует, согласны ли вы с…

Could you tell us...

He могли бы Вы сказать...

Have you done any studies on...?

Вы проводили исследование...?

Answering Questions:

The answer to the first questions is...

Ответ на первый вопрос заключается в следующем...

I would answer your questions as follows...

Я бы ответил на ваши вопросы следующим образом...

I would like to answer your question with...

Я хотел бы ответить на ваш вопрос...

In relation to you question... (Answering your question...)

I'd like to point out that...

Что касается вашего вопроса, я хотел бы отметить, что...

Do you have any more questions?

Имеются еще вопросы?

Thank you, that's a difficult question to answer... Well, it's rather difficult to say it at present, but... I'm afraid I don't have enough information to answer that… It is beyond the scope of my research. It is not within the scope of my research.

I'm afraid I'm not in a position to comment on that just yet.

3. Discussion. Expressing an Opinion

Обсуждение. Выражение мнения

Expressing an opinion

As I see it...

I think (that)...

I consider...

In my opinion...

As far as I'm concerned...

Personally, I...

My point of view is...

From my point of view...

Expressing an opinion weakly

I'm inclined to think that...

I tend to think that...

I rather think...

Expressing an opinion strongly

I'm sure that...

I'm certain that...

I'm convinced that..

I really do think that...

I definitely think that...

I'm absolutely convinced that...

There's no doubt (in my mind) that...


Sometimes when you are answering a question you may need to delay replying in order to collect your thoughts. Here are some useful phrases:

Well, let me see...

Oh, let me think for a moment…

Well now...

What do I think of the problem? Well...

I've no idea, I'm afraid.

I'm sorry, but I'm not the right person to answer that question.

I can't answer that.

I'll need some time to think about that if you don't mind.

Asking for an Opinion

What is your opinion of...?

What do you think of...?


I completely agree.

I agree entirely with your point of view.

I'm exactly of the same opinion.

I agree in principle, but...

Strong Disagreement

I totally disagree with you.

I don't agree at all. I disagree entirely.

I respect your opinion, of course, however...

I don't completely agree with you on that.

Asking for Confirmation

If I understood you correctly, you are saying that...

Are you saying that...?

Asking for a Repetition

I'm sorry, I didn't quite follow what you said about..

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.

Correcting Misunderstandings

I think you've misunderstood me.

That isn't quite what I meant.

For Disbelief

It's hardly likely that...

It's not likely that..

It contradicts the facts...

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