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12. The following pie graph portrays the results of the survey held in Russia. Working with your partner, examine the graph and discuss the questions below.

    1. How long is a typical working week in Russia?

    2. What commonalities and differences can be listed in the lifestyle of Americans and Russians working 35–44 hours a week?

    3. What could be professions of people working 45–59 hours a week in Russia? In the U.S.?

    4. Can you think of somebody and describe their lifestyle to illustrate any sector of the graph?

13. Since over 70 % of Americans feel that "there just aren't enough hours in the day", making better use of time is becoming an increasingly essential feature of American lifestyle culture. Time-management consultants publish dozens of articles and books giving tips on how to take control over your daily routine and to help organize your life. Read some examples of some time-saving tactics, rank them from 1 to 6 as the most helpful and say if they can be applicable to your life.

Time-saving tactics

Create a "To Do" List. Every evening, jot down the top 20 tasks to be done the next day, and review the list several times throughout the day. The best way to accomplish what's on the list is to give each task a specific time slot.

Do It Now. Many people waste so much time preparing to do something that they often have no time left to do it. Just dive in and you'll be surprised at how fast you get things done.

The 80/20 Rule. How do you know which tasks for your day are most important? One way is to apply the 80/20 rule. Stay focused on priorities and allow more time (80 %) for the most important things.

Know When to Say "No". If you are busy doing too many chores, you have to learn when to say "no" to some of them. Try to stay firm to save some time for yourself, turning down an invitation, missing an event, or telling anyone they can't come visit.

Off-Peak Perks. Avoid long lines, traffic and other time-wasters by living off-peak. Go to restaurants early, before the crowds. Go grocery shopping during the dinner hour, when most people are home eating, or late, after 9 p.m. Beat holiday crowds by buying gifts all year long. Come to work early when commuting is faster.

Use Technology. Keep your work notes on a computer, not in a notebook. Why? Because the computer has a search function that can locate any topic in seconds. Consider buying a mobile phone. Once you get it, you wonder how you ever got along without one.

14. Write a controversial issue essay (approximately 500 words) entitled "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". To write this kind of essay you will need your opinions about the topic and some reasons for them as well as the opinions of oth­er people who ought disagree. The folio-wing questions may help you organize your thoughts.

  1. What's your main opinion on this topic?

  2. What's the strongest argument supporting your opinion?

  3. What's a second good argument that supports your opinion?

  4. What's the main argument against your opinion?

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