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My speciality is heat and power engineering.doc
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3. Work with a partner.

a) How do you rate these different types of power plant on a scale from l (good) to 6 (very poor/bad)?

Power Plant Type


Public perception

Effects on environment

Availability of primary fuel/source



Hydro power plant

Solar power plant

Nuclear power plant

Wind power plant

Gas-fired power plant

Lignite-fired power plant

Biomass-fired power plant

b) Compare your results with other students and give reasons for your rating, using the phrases, expressing opinions and agreement or disagreement on page 6.

4. A) Anna Smith at elec received this email invitation to a seminar. Complete the email with the given expressions.

by invitation only • Could you please let me know • I would also be grateful • It is with great pleasure • It would be beneficial • Kind regards • please see attachment • to get to know

Dear Ms Smith,

______1 that we invite you to take part in the tenth International Forum for Energy to discuss the image of the energy industry. This three-day event will be taking place at the International Hotel in Dubai from May 5th-8th of this year (_______2 – for more details).

Participation in this forum is ______3, and the main topic will be public relations regarding the image of the energy industry as a whole, and how this image affects our business. Jane Hall, the CEO of ELEC, will be giving a talk on how ELEC is approaching the subject of public relations and the lessons we can learn from this experience. There will also be an opportunity ________4 other delegates.

________5 if you wish to attend this seminar by sending me an email? ________6 if you could inform me about any other issues you may wish to raise during these three days. There will be an open forum on Thursday evening, May 6th, in which delegates can discuss topics which they feel are important for the industry.

________7, however, if delegates informed me about what they wish to discuss beforehand so that we can draw up a relevant agenda for the evening. I look forward to hearing from you.


Abdullah Al-Naimi

b) You are Anna. Write an answer to Abdullah Al-Naimi accepting the invitation. Ask him also to send the attachment again as it did not come through to you. Tell him that in the open forum you would like to raise the issue of biofuels. Use phrases from the box to help you.


Accepting invitations

I was delighted to receive your kind invitation...

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to take part in...

I would very much like to attend.

Making requests

Would/Could you please...?

I would be grateful if you could...

I would appreciate it if you could...

5. One of the participants at the meeting attends a conference on the future of energy supply. There is a workshop on the fuel cell. Not all conference participants work on the technical side, so an information sheet has been provided. Read this sheet and complete the chart.

1. An uninterrupted stream of _____ passes over the anode while the _____ comes into contact with oxygen from the air.

2. Hydrogen is divided into _____ and _____ as a result of the chemical process.

3. An _____ then conducts the electrons to the cathode.

4. _______ pass through the membrane.

5. There is a ______ between the hydrogen ions, electrons and oxygen at the cathode and ______ or ______ is produced.

6. The type of electricity produced is DC (direct current), which can be turned into ______.

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