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Упражнение № 24

Употребите нужную форму местоимения.

1. Would you like to see some of ... latest sketches?

1. hers 2. her 3. she

2. He hasn't read a line of .... How can he criticize ... poems?

1. your 2. yours 3. you

3. ... knowledge of the subject is not much superior to ... .

1. Theirs 2. Them 3. Their 4. we 5. ours 6. our

4. I'm afraid they will take ... words against ... .

1. your 2. yours 3. hers 4. her

5. All ... clothes were extremely dirty, and ... especially so.

1. our 2. ours 3. my 4. mine

6. Will you help me to sort out the things? I cannot tell which are ... and which are ... .

1. mine 2. my 3. yours 4. your

7. ... boat was faster than ... .

1. ours 2. our 3. Their 4. Theirs

8. This doesn't look like ... book, it must be ... .

1. yours 2. my 3. your 4. mine

9. He has come to see me, ... father and ... are school friends.

1. my 2. his 3. mine 4. he

Упражнение № 25

Перефразируйте следующие предложения, используя притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной форме.

Например: He is my cousin. - He is a cousin of mine.

1. He's her friend. - .. 2. We are your students - ..

3. She is his niece. - .. 4. I am your colleague. - ..

5. They are her pupils. - .. 6. She is our neighbour. - ..

7. He is her former school-friend. - .. 8. I'm his student. - ..

Грамматика: The Present Indefinite Tense

Упражнение № 26

Вставьте подходящие глаголы в правильной форме.

1. I ... at the University. I ... to the University every day.

1. study 2. Like 3. Live 4. Work 5. Be 6. Go 7. Cook 8. Have 9. Play 10. see

2. I ... to learn English.

1. like 2. cook 3. have 4. study 5. be

3. I don't ... to learn poems or to write tests.

1.go 2.Like 3.Work 4.Be 5.Play 6.cook 7. Live 8. Have 9. See 10. study

4. I often ... my friends.

1. go 2. play 3. cook 4. live 5. see

5. Every day my aunt ... in the garden and ... for me.

1. cook 2. Live 3. Works 4. Have 5. Cooks 6. Work 7. Play 8. study

9. like 10. see

6. She ... happy that she ... with me.

1. have 2. be 3. is 4. live 5. lives

7. We often ... to the theatre or cinema.

1. play 2. goes 3. go 4. plays 5. run

8. Sometimes I ... tennis with my aunt. She ... to play with me.

1. likes 2. like 3. play 4. plays 5. study

9. I ... happy that I ... such a nice aunt.

1. is 2. am 3. be 4. have 5. has

10. And she ... to have one more nephew.

1. want 2. wants 3. comes 4. come