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Упражнение № 43

Выберите нужное местоимение.

1. Do you have ... classes today? - No, we have ... classes on Saturday.

1. some 2. any 3. no

2. Have you got ... questions?

1. some 2. something 3. any 4. anything 5. nothing

3. I want to tell you ... interesting about our friend Sally.

1. some 2. any 3. anything 4. something 5. somebody

4. Is there ... interesting in today's paper?

1. any 2. some 3. something 4. anything 5. no

5. Come here. I want to show you ... pictures of our country house.

1. any 2. no 3. some 4. something 5. anything

6. There is ... in the fridge. Go to the shop and buy ... food.

1. any 2. no 3. some 4. something 5. nothing 6. anything

7. Do you know ... in this family?

1. some 2. any 3. anybody 4. somebody 5. anything

8. Hi! Is there ... in the house? - No, I'm afraid, there is ... . - Let's go and see.

1. something 2. any 3. nobody 4. somebody 5. anybody

9. There is light in the flat. I think, ... is at home.

1. something 2. some 3. anybody 4. somebody 5. anything

10. I can't post this letter because ... knows their new address.

1. somebody 2. nothing 3. anybody 4. nobody 5. no

Упражнение № 44

Выберите нужное местоимение.

1. Do you have ... work to do?

1. some 2. nothing 3. any 4. anything 5. something

2. I've got ... time to read a book.

1. anything 2. some 3. nothing 4. any 5. something

3. My son has ... French books at home.

1. any 2. some 3. something 4. anything 5. nothing

4. I haven't got ... questions.

1. any 2. something 3. nothing 4. some 5. anything

5. Please, bring me ... chalk.

1. anything 2. nothing 3. any 4. some 5. something

6. ... children don't like to play football.

1. Any 2. Some 3. No 4. Somebody 5. Anybody

7. Have you got ... friends here?

1. some 2. any 3. something 4. anything 5. nothing

8. Have you got ... money about you?

1. something 2. anything 3. some 4. any 5. nothing

9. I think, we've got ... time to discuss our problem.

1. any 2. something 3. some 4. anything 5. nothing

10. Please, take ... magazine you like.

1. any 2. anything 3. nothing 4. something 5. some

11. Do you learn ... foreign language?

1. something 2. some 3. anything 4. any 5. nothing

12. May I have ... water?

1. nothing 2. some 3. anything 4. something 5. any

13. I don't get ... letters from her.

1. some 2. any 3. something 4. anything 5. nothing

14. Would you like ... tea?

1. anything 2. something 3. any 4. something 5. some

15. She is ready to get ... job.

1. something 2. any 3. nothing 4. some 5. Anything