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59. A) Write a list of advantages and disadvantages of television. Compare it with other students.

b) Which of the following are arguments in favour and which are arguments against television.

1) What is more, the average child spends as many as eight hours a day watching TV.

2) On the other hand, some TV companies provide educational programs.

3) Furthermore, children are negatively affected by what they watch.

4) What is more, it has adverse effect on pupils’ progress at school.

5) Moreover, no active thought is required.

6) One argument for television is that it is a highly entertaining medium.

c) Match examples / justification to each argument.

a) While they are watching TV, they’re not doing anything else. They’re not playing ball in the schoolyard, or falling in love, or getting in fights. They become passive TV addicts.

b) They don't have to think, because everything is done for them. Television rots the mind. By deadening thought, television has turned us into zombies.

c) Watching educational programs gives children a chance to increase their knowledge and develop their outlook.

d) Children are exposed to a wide range of obscene programs. My little brother watched a horror film one evening, and when he went to bed he had terrible nightmares. And there are cases of children trying to do things their superheroes do, for example, jumping off buildings.

e) Watching some amusing program or a film can be a good way of relaxation.

f) Children become dumber from watching TV demonstrating weakening intellectual skills. My nephew, who is 10, was bright, active, and imaginative. And then, slowly, the boy’s brain began to deteriorate. He started to slur words, and then he couldn’t finish sentences. He didn’t hear me when I talked to him, and he couldn’t answer clearly my questions. He became quite dumb in a few short years.

60. Write for and against essay “The impact of tv”. Write 200 words.


Paragraph 1. State the topic without giving your opinion

Television has become an important part of everyday life and children today spend hours watching a variety of programs. These facts have led people to question what impact television viewing has on children.


Paragraph 2 and 3. Arguments for and justifications, examples

Supporters of television, such as the representatives of TV channels, claim that …. ….

Paragraph 4 and 5. Arguments against and justifications, examples

On the other hand, opponents claim that …


Final paragraph. Balanced consideration / your opinion directly or indirectly

In conclusion, it may be said that as the negative influence on children does exist, it might be wise to take precautionary measures. After all, as they say “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.