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It’s a bad remake. The director shouldn’t have tried to improve the original story.

The film is technically old fashioned.

Many scenes are represented without supreme technical competence.

The screen-play isn’t intelligent. It is dull and confusing.

The leading actor is miscast.

The film is a complete flop: miscast, miswritten, misdirected.

The violence is too extreme.

The scenic effects of the earthquake (fire, horse races, etc.) might have been created much better.

It contains pleasant images but teaches nothing.

You like it because it is unreal, offers a kind of escape. But it doesn’t affect the spectator.


It is well worth seeing.

The film will appeal to everyone, young and old, who likes good comedies.

Don’t miss the film, it will change the way you see life.

I wouldn’t recommend it because there is too much violence.

Tv habits

42. A) Choose types of programs from the box to match the definition below.

You do not need to use all the words on the box.

chat show news sitcom documentary quiz show sport TV soap opera wildlife program drama reality TV

b) Match each kind of TV program you see in the photos below with its definition. Compare answers with a partner.

1) An amusing program in which there is a different story each week about the same group of people.

2) A program which broadcasts sports competitions regularly.

3) A program in which there is a story about different animals.

4) A program in which famous people talk about themselves and answer questions about their lives, opinions, etc.

5) A program in which people or teams compete to answer questions to win money and become famous.

6) A program that gives you facts and information about current events.

c) Look at the words in the box below and find:

1) five people who work in television:

2) two pieces of television equipment:

3) a person who goes to a TV studio to appear on a program:

4) a program which goes “on air” at the time of the recording:

5) the people who watch a program in a TV studio:

сameraman microphone producer audience contestant newsreader

live performance presenter actress TV camera

d) Use words in the box to describe the photos above.

43. Choose a program from the box of Exercise 42 to match it with the extract from a tv listing below.

1) Jonathan Ross talks to Julio Iglesias and Ben Affleck.

2) Eastenders Andy tries to destroy Kate and Alfie’s marriage.

3) Question time Four public figures answer your questions on political subjects.

4) The Royal Family Another hilarious episode in the life of the Royals.

5) Celebrity Big Brother Which celebrity will you vote out of the house tonight?

6) The Weakest Link Nine new contestants. Anne Robinson asks the questions.

7) Panorama A new investigation into teenage crime.

44. How often do you watch these kinds of TV programs? Tick (√) your answers and compare them with the partner. What TV programs do you particularly like or dislike? Why? What other programs do you watch?








Game show

News programs


Reality shows

Soap operas

Talk shows
