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VII. Put the proper words into sentences:

programming, insights, innovation, ethic, instructions, exhilaration, endeavor, awe-inspiring, encompass, freshmen, authority, bogus, mistrust.

  1. Decentralization results in ... to the chief.

  2. Holding the door for a lady is the question of...

  3. This still life isn’t Picasso’s; it’s a...

  4. The report you’ve presented doesn’t ... some of the problems.

  5. If you can survive both in the jungle and the desert, a ... Indian youare.

  6. The ... in how hardware works is obligatory for a good programmer.

  7. Each ... is another step to a new technological revolution.

  8. In 1961 the Soviet Scientists’ ... to conquer the space was a success.

  9. ... without any reason proves one’s carelessness.

  10. Iron grip boss expects you to carry out all his ...

  11. Annually MIT gains over 5000 ...

  12. ... should cause ... terror in your heart.

VIII. Answer the questions:

  1. What is the Russian for hacker?

  2. Are hackers good or bad?

  3. What examples of computer abuse do you know?

  4. Do we need hackers?

  5. Should we store personal information in computer files?

  6. Do you think hackers have their own Ethic Code today?

  7. Computer- related crimes have diminished, haven’t they?

IX. Give the synonyms of the following words:

Freshman, access to, authority, reign, pride, innovation, bogus, endeavor, exhilaration, insights, to encompass, to promote, bonafide, awe-inspiring, mere, efficient.

X. Give the opposites of the following words.

Common, to reveal, former, by accident, total, artificial, available, fewer, the least, success, to survive, careless, authorized person, confidential information, experts, to detect, abuse.

XI. Put the following sentences logically in the right order according to the text:

  1. Those two professors understood that hacking created new insights.

  2. Finally they formed a group.

  3. Levy presented the hacker’s rules in his book.

  4. The first hackers belonged to the TMRC.

  5. They offered a new course at MIT.

  6. At the Al Lab many innovations were created.

  7. Other members were fond of the wires and circuits underneath the track platform.

XII. What's missing? You can help yourself referring to the text.

  1. Computers can …… your life for the better.

  2. Those members who were …… in creating innovative, stylistic, and technically clever circuits called themselves…..

  3. Hackers were given …. ….. on the computer by two AI Lab professors.

  4. Access to computers should be ……..and total.

  5. The first “hackers” were …… at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who ……..to the TMRC.

  6. John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky realized that hacking created new …….

  7. During the spring of 1959, a new course was …… at MIT, a ……. programming class.

XIII. Match the words given in the left column with their definitions in the right column.

  1. Innovation a) functioning well with little waste of effort

  2. Hacker b) introduction of new ideas or methods

  3. Available c) help to make something happen or increase

  4. Access d) obtain data from a computer

  5. Promote e) one who breaks into the computer system of a company

  6. Bona fide f) genuine

  7. Efficient g) obtainable or accessible.