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Practice Translation

Translate the text into English using phrases and words from the text above.

Для человека, поработавшего даже небольшое время в сети, становится совершенно естественным, что у каждого компьютера, подключенного к Интернет, есть свое название, имя, которое легко запомнить. Система, которая позволяет нам использовать эти привычные для человека имена, избегая других неудобных способов «маркировки» компьютеров, называется DNS (domain name system, доменная система имен).

В Интернете существует два основных способа адресации компьютеров. Первый – численный IP-адрес (например,, второй – символьный (noc.radio-msu.net). Доменная система имен (DNS) предназначена для преобразования символьных доменных имен в IP-адреса, либо наоборот – IP-адресов в доменные имена.

Доменное имя должно начинаться и заканчиваться буквой латинского алфавита или цифрой. Промежуточными символами могут быть буквы латинского алфавита, цифры или дефис.

У каждого доменного имени имеется суффикс, определяющий домен высшего уровня, к которому принадлежит это имя. Данный суффикс стоит на самом последнем месте (.com, .net, .edu, .org и т. П.) и обозначает либо сферу деятельности компании, владеющей доменом (com – коммерческая, edu – образовательная), либо географическое положение (ru – Россия, uk – Великобритания и т.п.)

Например, у доменного имени hosting.caravan.ru есть три составных части, называемые уровнями и разделенные точками(dots):

ru — доменное имя 1 уровня;

caravan.ru — доменное имя 2 уровня ( домен второго уровня в зоне ru);

hosting.caravan.ru — доменное имя 3 уровня (домен третьего уровня в зоне caravan.ru).

В электронном почтовом адресе hosting@caravan.ru доменное имя – caravan.ru.

Конечно, каждая компания, подключающаяся к Интернет, стремится зарегистрировать как можно более естественное и легкое для запоминания имя. Так, для «Microsoft inc.» логично зарезервировать домен Microsoft.com. Если вы хотите разместить в Интернете собственный сайт − для начала зарегистрируйте доменное имя.

Read and Talk

The Internet has been a major source of leisure since before the World Wide Web, with entertaining social experiments such as MUDs and MOOs being conducted on university servers, and humor-related Usenet groups receiving much of the main traffic. Today, many Internet forums have sections devoted to games and funny videos; short cartoons in the form of Flash movies are also popular. Over 6 million people use blogs or message boards as a means of communication and for the sharing of ideas.

The pornography and gambling industries have both taken full advantage of the World Wide Web, and often provide a significant source of advertising revenue for other Web sites. Although many governments have attempted to put restrictions on both industries' use of the Internet, this has generally failed to stop their widespread popularity. A song in the Broadway musical show Avenue Q is titled "The Internet is for Porn" and refers to the popularity of this aspect of the Internet.

One main area of leisure on the Internet is multiplayer gaming. This form of leisure creates communities, bringing people of all ages and origins to enjoy the fast-paced world of multiplayer games. These range from MMORPG to first-person shooters, from role-playing games to online gambling. This has revolutionized the way many people interact and spend their free time on the Internet.

While online gaming has been around since the 1970s, modern modes of online gaming began with services such as GameSpy and MPlayer, which players of games would typically subscribe to. Non-subscribers were limited to certain types of gameplay or certain games.

Many use the Internet to access and download music, movies and other works for their enjoyment and relaxation. As discussed above, there are paid and unpaid sources for all of these, using centralized servers and distributed peer-to-peer technologies. Discretion is needed as some of these sources take more care over the original artists' rights and over copyright laws than others.

Many use the World Wide Web to access news, weather and sports reports, to plan and book holidays and to find out more about their random ideas and casual interests.

People use chat, messaging and email to make and stay in touch with friends worldwide, sometimes in the same way as some previously had pen pals. Social networking Web sites like Friends Reunited and many others like them also put and keep people in contact for their enjoyment.

The Internet has seen a growing amount of Internet operating systems, where users can access their files, folders, and settings via the Internet. An example of an opensource webOS is Eyeos.

Cyberslacking has become a serious drain on corporate resources; the average UK employee spends 57 minutes a day surfing the Web at work, according to a study by Peninsula Business Services.

A survey performed by JWT advertising agency showed that most Americans say they cannot live without use of the Internet for more than a week, preferring web surfing to friends and sex. 1,011 Americans participated in the survey answering such questions as how long they can do without Internet. As much as 15 percent mentioned that they would be able to live without the Internet for not more than a day or less, 21% mentioned they could be Internet-free no more than a couple of days, 19% said mentioned a few days. Only 1/3 of respondents mentioned they will be able to live without Internet for a week. (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet)

What about you?

What do you think Qs:

  • Which of the pleasures the Internet provides access to would you call suitable for a teenager?

  • Which of them are ok with you? With your parents?

  • Which of the opportunities do you find the most exciting? The silliest and time wasting?

  • Can you say you are an Internet addict already? Why? How regularly do you go online? How often do you go cyberslacking?

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