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Book One





В.А. Брылева, О.П. Сафонова,

Н.Ю. Сороколетова, Т.С. Мякишева


English for IT

Book One

Учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений

Рекомендовано Ученым советом факультета филологии и межкультурной коммуникации Волгоградского государственного университета.


Изд-во ВолГУ


УДК 811.111'42

ББК 81.2(Англ)

В.А. Брылева, О.П. Сафонова,

Н.Ю. Сороколетова, Т.С. Мякишева


Заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков с курсом латинского языка Волгоградского медицинского университета, доктор филологических наук, В.В. Жура

Доцент кафедры социальной работы Волгоградского педагогического университета, кандидат педагогических наук Л.Е. Млечко

CompuTALK: English for IT

Учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведений / [В.А. Брылева и др.]; под. ред. В.А. Брылевой – Волгоград: Изд-во Волгоградского государственного университета, 2009 г. - 73 стр.

Учебное пособие предназначен для студентов направления «Лингвистика и информационные технологии» а также для студентов, изучающих английский язык и информационные технологии.

УДК 811.111'42

ББК 81.2(Англ)

© Коллектив авторов, 2009


The AIMS of the book:

(1) Introducing the students to basic IT English concepts and vocabulary

(2) Developing the students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in the context of IT English

(3) Preparing the students for further IT and language studies

The OUTCOMES of the course:

(1) using English to discuss a wide range of IT related topics

(2) understanding basic IT-related written texts

(3) understanding basic IT-related spoken texts

(4) writing basic IT-related documents using appropriate language


  1. Utilising the ‘Adult Learning’ principles of ‘Active’ and ‘Experiential’ learning and instruction

  2. Interactive, student-centered classes involving:

  • group work

  • pair work

  • class discussions

  • individual reading, writing, listening and speaking activities

The types of ASSIGNMENTS to do:

  1. Written assignments

  2. Notetaking based on listening and written texts

  3. Vocabulary tests

  4. Formal presentations

  5. Group and individual projects

The way ASSESSMENT is applied

  1. In-class and homework assignments 40%

  2. Module Tests 30%

  3. Presentations and Projects 10%

  4. Final Test 20%


UNIT 1 Computer World 7

UNIT 2 A closer look 13

UNIT 3 Applications 26

UNIT 4 Operating Systems (OS) 42

UNIT 5 Hardware 53

UNIT 6 Computer History 63

UNIT 7 Intro to the Internet 74

UNIT 8 The WEB 83

Glossary 92

  1. Computer World

Warm up

Do you know what computers are used for? Where and how are they used?

Look at the pictures to get some ideas.

Read the replies from the visitors of Answer.com. Make up a list of uses mentioned in the messages. What other uses of computer technologies can you remember?

When we ask ourselves why we use computers today, we come up with many answers. I can not even imagine what our world would be without computers. I personally use my computer for pretty much everything. I use it for my education, entertainment, and as an information source. -Katie Malone

Today, computers are part of everyday life. When the first computer was invented, people probably never thought technology would be what it is today. Computers are involved in almost everything. Currently, children as young as 3 years old are utilizing the computer in new ways. - Sarah Hartsell

Computers are used for almost everything in today’s world. You can do anything on them from paying your bills to booking a vacation to anywhere in the world. They are used in office building to do accounting, put presentations together, do billing for companies and much more! − Kesley Corbicz

<key words>



word processor



surf the Internet








Read and Talk

Read the text about computers in our life. Translate the word combinations in italics. You can use the right field for your notes.

Computers have evolved from bearing the role of strictly computing to having the ability of completing unthinkable tasks.

Why do we need computers nowadays? Can't we live without them?

Yes, indeed computers are necessary in today's society. We live in a fast-moving world where almost everything must come instantly to us. At lot of times we depend on the computer to help us complete tasks, and to solve problems. We use this technology wonder to balance our check, entertain ourselves, keep in touch with our friends, and find information on a particular subject.

With computers joined into the global network (Internet) we obtain information, exchange messages, and perform other important tasks.

A computer need not necessary be something like the one you used to word process articles or surf the Internet. Anything that requires you to input data for it to process before outputting the results can be considered a computer.

Computers are used in various fields like business, medicine, music, education, engineering, defense, transportation, and cooking as they help to ease certain tasks, provide information faster, and speed up the work. Supermarket scanners calculate our grocery bill while keeping store inventory; computerized telephone switching centers perform traffic control to millions of calls and keep lines of communication untangled; and automatic teller machines (ATM) let us conduct banking transactions form virtually anywhere in the world. From Toasters to Televisions, just about all electronic things have some form of processor in them.

Time indeed is money especially for someone who is in business. It is important that we get the necessary information to make vital decisions. Such information is stored in databases and can be obtained quickly with a computer in a real-time mode.

In the field of medicine, doctors use computers to help diagnose a patient and to keep track of the patient's history. They also use computers to communicate with other people who are authorized to look after the patient or have treated the patient before to get the necessary data to provide the best treatment. Computers are also used to monitor the condition of patients. Surgeons used specially built computers to help them to more safely and accurately operate on patients.

A music composer can use a computer to compose music and to find out how it sounds before publishing it or giving it to the orchestra to play it. Engineers and architects use 3D computer modeling to design buildings, machine, and equipment. Cars and aircraft designers and engineers visualize models on their workstations and see them function before they go into the production process.

Computers are important in education. Modern schools are now using computers as tools to teach students various skills, to keep records of the students' performance, and other important data that is important.

For driver's education, computers are used for testing and to help them improve their skills with the help of driving simulators.

Computers are used in transportation. With computers, passengers can know when the next train is coming. Computers are found in the modern vehicles to ensure the smooth running of the engine and the easiness of starting it up.

The defense forces of modern countries use computers to help them response faster to threats. For example, computer systems warn of any danger and inform the pilots to take off at the correct time to counter the threat. Computers can be found aboard fighter jets to help pilots detect the enemies, find the safest route to fly, and to know the condition of their aircrafts.

You may not have realized that computers are already being used even in your homes and in the kitchen. The microwave actually has a computer chip that controls the amount of microwaves depending on the amount of time entered by the user. Perhaps, one day, it will be possible to have a microwave that can detect the type of food and decide how much time to cook or heat it up by itself. As more and more people want to have their food faster, computer-controlled devices are used to prepare food.

As we can now understand, we've become seriously dependant on computer technologies. The digital age has impacted all of our lives and today's society is no longer able to function without computer technology.

  1. Make up a list of uses of computer technologies. Add the list with your own ideas. Discuss your ideas with a partner and present them to the group.

  2. “− today's society is no longer able to function without computer” – Do you agree with this statement?

  3. Sort all the uses in the order of importance. Which uses are crucially important in today’s life? Which uses can we do without easily? Exchange your ideas with the group.

  4. How often do you use computers and what for?

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