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11 Committees support international relations.

Secretariat of the ASEAN heads by Secretary General, who changes each 3 years. He has deputy, 3 Principles and 9 their deputies.

Head-Quarter of the ASEAN is situated in Djakarta.





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Tasks for IWS: Prepare information “South Pacific Commission”.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Structure of APEC”.

Home tasks: Write a short essay: “Kazakhstan and the ASEAN”.

List of the reference on the theme

1. Страны мира и международные организации: Справочник/ Под ред. В.Н.Филатова. М.,2004, с.278-280

2. Улахович В. Роль международных организаций в современной системе международных отношений Материалы круглого стола. Минск, 2001, с.221-225

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.319-332

Lecture 27

Theme of the lecture: African International Organizations

The objective of the lecture. Students should know main aims, activity, structure, and perspectives of the African International Organizations.

Outline of the lecture

1. African Union

2. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

3. Economic and Financial Union of Western Africa.

4. African Development Bank.

5. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa.

6. Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The brief content of the lecture

1. On May, 1963 Conference of State and Government Heads of African states adopted Charter of the OAU (Organization of African Unity). All African states, including of Madagascar and Mauritania were members of it.

Aims of the OAU were:

  • assistance to unification and solidarity of African states;

  • cooperation for increasing of living standards of African people;

  • protection of sovereignty;

  • territorial intact and independence;

  • liquidation of colonialism in Africa;

  • cooperation in policy and diplomacy, defense and security, economy, education and culture, public health and food provision, science and technique.

Charter principles:

  • equality;

  • non-interference to internal affairs of each other;

  • respect of sovereignty, territorial intact and right on Independence;

  • peaceful regulation all contradictions by negotiations;

  • blame of political subversive activity;

  • struggle for liberation of dependent African territories;

  • following to non-alignment policy.

On September 9, 1999 Heads of African states and governments adopted Declaration about foundation of African Union. In 2000 Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Cooperation adopted Declaration. Summit in Loma (2000) adopted Constitutional Act. Document about new partnership of African development as a Program of the AU on Summit in Lusaka was adopted in 2001.

Structure of the AU:

        1. Assembly of State and Government Heads;

        2. Executive Council (special ministers appointed governments entered to it);

        3. Commission of the AU, consists of Chairman, his deputy and 8 commissions on supporting peace and security, political questions, infrastructure and energetic, social problems, human resources, science and technology, trade, agriculture, economics);

        4. Committee of permanent representatives;

        5. Pan African Parliament;

        6. Economic and Social Council;

        7. Court of the AU;

        8. Seven Technical Committees: agriculture, finance, trade and custom, technology and energetic, transport and communication, public health and social problems, education and culture;

        9. Secretariat.

Financial institutes:

          1. African Central Bank (elaborates program of transference on unique African currency – afro).

          2. African Monetary Fund.

          3. African Investment Bank

53 states are members of the AU. Working languages are Arabic, English, French. Secretariat is situated in Addis-Ababa.

2. ECOWAS was formed in Lagos in 1975. Aim of the ECOWAS is acceleration of economic development of Western African states by foundation of common market, liquidation of barriers in trade-economic sphere, development of agriculture, industry, improvement of monetary system, cooperation in political sphere, foundation of peacemaking forces in region.

15 states are members of the ECOWAS.


  1. Conference of State Heads – is a high body and meets ones in year;

  2. Council of Ministers;

  3. Parliament of Community;

  4. Economic and Social Council consists of experts and is a Consultative organ;

  5. Court of Community;

  6. Bank of Development and Investment;

  7. Executive Secretariat is situated in Abuja.

  1. Economic and Monetary Union of the Western Africa was formed in 1994. Heads of W.A. States adopted decision about formation of Monetary Union.

Benin, Burkina-Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Coute d’Evour, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo.

Integration in next spheres: coordination in economic, trade, finance and custom, cooperation on development of regional infrastructure, transport and telecommunication; mutual development of agriculture and decision of ecological problems, cooperation in energetic, culture and tourism.


  • Conference of State and Government Heads;

  • Council of Ministers;

  • Commission (Executive organ);

  • Court;

  • Parliamentary Committee.

Special Autonomy Institutes: Central Bank of Western African States and Western African Development Bank.

  1. African Development Bank was formed in 1964, 77 states are members of it: Africa, Northern and Southern America, Europe and Asia.

ADB assistances to financial cooperation of African states, financial aid of economic and social development, program of financial supporting and technical aid. Head-Quarter is situated in Abidjan.











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Tasks for IWS: Prepare information “Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa”.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Southern African Development Community”.

Home tasks: Characterize activity of the AU and NAM (Non-Alignment Movement).

List of the reference on the theme

1. Независимая Африка в документах. М., 1966,с.3-115

2. Тузмухамедов Р.А. Организация африканского единства. М., 1965, с.3-189

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.349-356

Lecture 28

Theme of the lecture: Arabian and Islamic International Organizations

The objective of the lecture. Students should know main aims, activity, structure, and perspectives of the Arabian and Islamic International Organizations.

Outline of the lecture

1. League of Arab States (LAS).

2. Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

3. Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC).

4. Council for Cooperation of the Gulf States.

5. Maghreb Arab Union (UMA).

The brief content of the lecture

1. League of Arab States (LAS) was formed in 1945 and based on the Pact of Arabian League, which was signed by Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Trans Jordan.

Aims of the LAS:

  • strengthening connections between state-members (finance, transport, culture, public health);

  • coordination of state-members actions in provision of national security, independence and sovereignty.

22 states are members of the LAS.

Council of the LAS consists of representatives of the LAS and is a high body. Council meets twice in year. Chairman replaces due to Arabic Alphabet. Each state has one vote.

Some institutes and specialized organizations were formed by LAS: Arabian organization on education, culture and science; Arabian Management Organization, Arabian Labor Organization and so on.

General Secretariat is headed by Secretary General, elected by Council on 5 years. LAS has an observer status in the General Assembly of the UNO. Arabic is an official language. Head-Quarter is situated in Cairo.

2. Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was formed in 1969. In 1972 Charter was adopted:

- strengthening of Moslem solidarity;

- protection of Saint places;

- supporting of Independence and national rights of Moslems;

- supporting of Palestine people struggle;

- development of cooperation in economy, social, cultural, scientific and other spheres;

- liquidation of race discrimination, segregation, and colonialism;

- supporting of international peace.

57 states are members of the OIC.

Structure of the OIC:

  • Conference of state and government heads;

  • Conference of Ministers Foreign Affairs;

  • Secretariat;

  • Branch Commissions.

OIC is formed some institutes: Islamic Solidarity Fund, Jerusalem Fund, International Islamic News Agency, Islamic Trade Development Center.

Arabic, English and French are working languages. Head-Quarter is situated in the Saudi Arabia capital.

3. On January 9, 1968 Kuwait, Libya, and Saudi Arabia signed agreement in Beirut about Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries foundation. Head-Quarter is situated in Kuwait capital.

Structure of the OAPEC:

Council of Ministers is a high body of the OAPEC, consists of Oil Ministers of state-members;

Executive Bureau helps to the Council of Ministers in coordination of Organization activity;

General Secretariat realizes decisions of Council of Ministers and is headed by Secretary General;

Court of Tribunal was formed in May, 1978, and consists of 7 judges, appointed on 3 years.

  1. Council for Cooperation of the Gulf States was formed by 6 states in 1981 in Abu-Dhabi. Aim of the organization is coordination, cooperation and development of integration in economic, social, and cultural spheres. Tariff barriers were liquidated between 6 states.


Supreme Council of State Heads convokes annual and defines development strategy of organization;

Council of Ministers meets each three month and consists of Foreign Affairs Ministers;

General Secretariat is situated in Er-Riad and consists of next bodies: political, economic, military, environment, legislative, financial-administrative, patent, audit and information.

5. In 1989 Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunis signed treaty about foundation of Maghreb Arab Union in Marrakech.







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Tasks for IWS: Prepare information “Islamic Development Bank”.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Organization of Islamic Conference and Kazakhstan”.

Home tasks: Write a short essay: “Maghreb Arab Union”