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Lecture 1

Theme of the lecture: History of International Organizations Origination

The objective of the lecture. Students should know typology, legal bases, procedures and structure of the International Organizations.

Outline of the lecture

      1. History of the International Organizations.

      2. Typology of the International Organizations.

      3. Legal bases of the International Organizations.

      4. Procedures of the International Organizations.

      5. Structure of the International Organizations.

      6. International non-governmental organizations.

      7. Investigations of the International Organizations.

The brief content of the lecture

I. Permanent International Organizations. Formed in the end of the XIX-beg XX cc. Formula of the origination of the International Organizations. Is: negotiations – conference – organization.

First International Organizations. Are:

  1. Commission on navigation on Rhine (1831), formed on multisided base after Vienna Congress 1815;

  2. In 1856 Commission on Navigation on Danube was formed on Paris Congress;

  3. In 1839 High Public Health Council was formed in Constantinople;

  4. In 1840 International Union on the base of World Convention against slavery was formed;

  5. In 1863 first international non-governmental organization – International Red Cross Committee was founded.

In 1910-1914 212 organizations existed: 192 – non-governmental, 20 – intergovernmental. Official registration of the International Organizations. Is led Union of International Association, formed in Brussels in 1909.

Stages of the formation of the International Organizations:

  1. Organizations, which were formed in the XIX c. (administrative unions);

  2. Attempts of collaboration on universal level after the IWW (League of Nations);

  3. Organizations, formed after the IIWW;

  4. Organizations, formed after collapse of colonial system 60-s XX c.

After the IIWW International Organizations. The UNO, NATO, GATT, IMF, World Bank, Warsaw Pact, Mutual Economic Assistance Council, EU, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development were formed.

Regional organizations: NAFTA, Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation, ASEAN, Asian Development Bank and others.

Successful integration processes in Europe:

In 1957 European Economic Community – Common Market – EU.

In the middle of 80-s about 1000 intergovernmental, and about 300 interstate organizations existed in the world.

International Organizations act on world, regional and sub regional levels. Some scientists consider, that two systems of the International Organizations exist (J.Layens):

  1. Universal system of the UN, all states participate on the equal rights (excluding Security Council);

  2. System, limiting membership and unites industrial developed states: NATO, EU, OESD, NAFTA etc.

II. International Organizations. are classified on next signs: participants, entrance order, membership character, competention and power:

  1. On participants International Organizations. divide on world, or universal (UNO, World Post Union), and regional (OCSE, Central-European Initiative);

  2. On entrance order International Organizations. are open and close. Open: any state enters to the International Organizations. on the of recognition of main documents: charter, convention etc. Close: assume availability of some criteria’s and state-members agreement (NATO);

  3. On membership character International Organizations divide into interstate (CIS, UNO, NATO, OCSE), and intergovernmental (Red Cross, Soc Intern, International Amnesty);

  4. On competention character: common and special competention. Common competention comprehends all spheres of cooperation (UNO, CIS). Special competention cooperates in special spheres (Universal Postal Union, Public Health Organization);

  5. On power character International Organizations divide on interstate and over national:

  • Interstate International Organizations form certain framework of cooperation. Their decisions have not compulsory character (Council of Europe, OCSE);

  • Aim of over national organization is deeping of integration. Their decisions are compulsory (EU).

The same organization can be characterize in many measuring. For instance, CIS – is a regional, interstate, international organization of common competention.

III. Legislative base of the International Organizations is Constituent Act. Constituent Act is an international treaty, defines status, structure and mission of organization. It calls: Charter, Constitution, Statute, Convention, Pact act.

Flexible terminology uses in the title of the International Organizations: organization, federation, confederation, association, union, alliance, league, commonwealth, community and so on.

IV. Foundation of organization consists of stages:

  • Adoption of Constituent document;

  • Formation of material base;

  • Convocation of main organs.

Legal norm regulate next questions:

    1. Common order of meeting of the International Organizations:

  • Structure of delegations and powers of representatives;

  • Foundation of Committees;

  • Official languages;

  • Conduct of protocols;

  • Duties of Secretary General and Secretariat.

    1. Common and special rights of Chairman;

    2. Special rights of representatives;

    3. Methods adoption of decisions.



полагать, допускать




















Tasks for IWS: Prepare information “International non-governmental organizations”.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Structure of International Organizations”.

Home tasks: Write a short essay: “Investigations of International Organizations”

List of the reference on the theme

1. Страны мира и международные организации: Справочник под ред. В.Н.Филатова. М.,2004, с.3-12

2. Улахович В. Роль международных организаций в современной системе международных отношений. Материалы круглого стола. Минск, 2001, с.21-24

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.4-37

Lecture 2

Theme of the lecture: The United Nations Organization

The objective of the lecture. Students should be know the main reasons, stages of the foundation of Universal International Organization – UNO.

Outline of the lecture

  1. League of Nations

  2. Foundation history

  3. The United Nations Organization..

The brief content of the lecture

1.Eve defeat of Germany many projects of peace discussed. Ideas about foundation of Universal International Organizations discussed in France. Washington and London suggested joint international organizations. About 400 projects were proposed. Famous of them – foundation United States of Europe. This plan was elaborated by Austrian count R.Kudehove-Kallegary in 1923. In works “Pan-Europe”, “Struggle for Pan-Europe”, Europe wake-up” he developed ideas of Pan European federation and All European international organizations. Many projects expressed interests of state-winners.

On January 8, 1918 American President W.Wilson proposed 14 points about post war regulations. One of them was foundation of the League of Nations. On January 27, 1919 project was suggested to Conference in Versailles and on April 28, 1919 was adopted. 2 projects of the League of Nations Charter were proposed to Parisian Conference: “House” (USA), and “Horst” (Great Britain). American document was adopted as a basically document. IWW ended by formation of Versailles-Washington system, and League of Nations was a part of it as a first international universal organization.

Charter of the League of Nations was included 26 articles of Versailles Treaty, San-Zherman (10 September, 1919, confirmed disintegration of Austro-Hungary), Trianon Treaty (regulated relations with Hungary: Transilvan was given to Rumania, Chorvatia – to Yugoslavia, Slovakia-to Czech, Nay Treaty (relations with Bulgaria) and Sevr Treaty (establishment relations with Turkey and confirmed collapse of Ottoman empire).

Inter political struggle and isolation sights dominated, and American Congress didn’t ratificate Versailles Treaty and League of Nations Charter, that’s why USA didn’t become a member of the League of Nations, meanwhile had non-official representatives in General Assembly and it’s working bodies.

2. The main index of international relations was a problem of membership of the League of Nations. Principle of equality which was suggested by Americans was rejected by France and Britain (colonial empire). American model was adopted.

Chapter 1. “Each states, dominions and colonies can be a member of League Nations, if 2/3 of the League vote for it.” 26 states became a members of the League, 4 dominions and India as a state fought against Germany.

Charter declared a procedure of free entrance and leaving of League. Right of free entrance was used by Germany in 1926, the USSR in 1934, Egypt in 1937. Right of free leaving was realized by Brazil in 1928, Japan in 1933, Germany in 1933, Italy in 1937. Soviet Union was excluded from the LN in 1939 after invasion to Finland.

Structure of the League of Nations looks like a small model of the UNO:

  • Assembly

  • Council

  • Secretariat

  • Auxiliary bodies

Assembly worked in Geneva under the head of President elected each year and 6 vice-presidents. Assembly convoked each year (usually in September) and considered adoption of new members, election of Council members, confirmation of General Secretary, budget, financial control commission etc. (like UNO nowadays).

First session was held in 1920 in hotel “National” in Geneva. Commissions were formed. Later Palace of Nations became a Head-Quarter of the League of Nations.

Council of the League of Nations (nowadays Security Council) should been consist of 5 big states: Britain, USA, France, Italy, Japan, which had a status of permanent members, and four non-permanent: Belgium, Brazil, Spain and Greece. Later 3 categories of the Council members were introduced: permanent, semi permanent, and non-permanent.

General Secretariat like an Assembly situated in Geneva and consist of General Secretary, secretaries and personal assigned by General Secretary. General Secretaries were: D.Drammond (Great Britain) in 1920-1932, G.Avenol (France) in 1933-1940, S.Laster (Ireland) in 1940-1946.

League of Nations existed from 10 January 1920 till April 1946, when XXI session passed it right to the UNO.

3. After the iiww preservation of peace, prevention of conflicts by peaceful means were main aim of world commonwealth. The main stages of the formation of the uno:

- On January 1, 1942 26 states signed Declaration in Washington known as Declaration of the UN;

- On October 19-30, 1943 conference of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, USA and Great Britain was held in Moscow. Decision about foundation of Universal International Organization for preservation of peace and security, based on sovereignty principle was adopted;

- These principles were confirmed by heads of 3 states in Tehran in December 1943;

- In 1944 Conference was held in Dumbarton Oaks, where Charter of the UNO was elaborated;

- Crimean Conference confirmed some principles of Dumbarton Oaks Conference.

Division of the powers of Security Council and General Assembly was a main problem. Soviet Union suggested to give high rights to the Security Council, the USA and Great Britain to General Assembly. After a long negotiations compromise variant was adopted: General Assembly discuss any questions, but can’t adopt compulsory decisions.

Trusteeship Council: Soviet Union proposed total independence of colonies; Great Britain had conservative position, USA a double position.




Қабыл алмау







Simi permanent


Жартылай тұрақты










Tasks for IWS: Prepare information about history first international organizations.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Foundation of League of Nations”.

Home tasks: read «Международные организации системы ООН» and make annotation.

List of the reference on the theme

  1. Международные организации системы ООН. – М., 1990.

  2. Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов.- М., 1981

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.38-79

Lecture 3

Theme of the lecture: The United Nations Organization

The objective of the lecture. Students should know the main reasons, stages of the foundation of Universal International Organization – UNO.

Outline of the lecture

    1. Charter of the UNO.

    2. Aims and principles of the UNO.

    3. Members of the UNO.

The brief content of the lecture

1. Constituent document of the UNO is a Charter, where rights and duties of members and procedures were defined. Charter consist of 111 articles, collected in 19 chapters:

I. Aims and principles (articles 1-2)

II. Membership (3-6)

III. Bodies of management (7-8)

IV. General Assembly (9-22)

V. Security Council (23-32)

VI. Regulation of conflicts and supporting of peace (33-38)

VII. Acts on removal threat of peace and aggressive actions (39-51)

VIII. Regional agreements (52-54).

IX. International social-economic cooperation (55-60)

X. Economic and social Council (61-72)

XI. Declaration on non self ruling territories (73-74).

XII. International system on trusteeship (75-85)

XIII. Trusteeship Council (86-91)

XIV. International Court (92-96)

XV. Secretariat (97-101)

XVI. Other regulations (102-105)

XVII. Security measures on transition period (106-107)

XVIII. Amendments (108-109)

XIX. Ratification and agreement (110-111).

2. The UNO is a permanent diplomatic conference. It is a World Association states with next aims:

- supporting of international peace and security;

- development of peaceful relations between nations on the base of equal principles and self determination of nations;

- international cooperation on decision of international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems, encouragement of human rights and basically freedoms independently of race, sex, language and religion.

3.UNO consists of states, signed Washington Declaration 1942 or took part in San-Francisco Conference 1945, signed and ratificated UNO’s Charter, and states entered to the UNO later. Due to the UNO’s Charter, any peaceful state can enter to the UN, if it ready adopt duties of Charter. Entrance depends on decision of General Assembly, approved by Security Council. General Assembly, on recommendation of Security Council has right to exclude states from the UNO, violated Charter. And this right can be restored by Security Council. Each state has one voice in General Assembly, submitting Committees and Councils. Status of observers can be given to states non-members of the UNO, liberation movements, interstate organizations.

To 2004 – 191 states are members of the UNO. Vatican, Palestine Liberation Organization< International Red Cross Organization are observers of the UNO.

Arabian, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish are official languages of the UNO. English and French are working languages.








Transition period

Переходный период

өтпелі кезең




Self determination


өзін өзі билеу







Tasks for IWS: Prepare information about history of the UN’s formation.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Foundation of the United Nations”.

Home tasks: read «Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов» and make annotation.

List of the reference on the theme

1. Международные организации системы ООН. – М., 1990.

2. Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов.- М., 1981

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.38-79

Lecture 4

Theme of the lecture: The United Nations Organization

The objective of the lecture. Students should know the main reasons, stages of the foundation of Universal International Organization – UNO.

Outline of the lecture

1. General Assembly

2. Security Council

3. Economic and Social Council

4. Trusteeship Council

5. International Court

6. Secretariat

The brief content of the lecture

1. Due to Charter, the UNO includes 6 main bodies:

- General Assembly

- Security Council

- Economic and Social Council

- Trusteeship Council

- International Court

- Secretariat

General Assembly and Security Council are political and legislative bodies. Economic, Social and Trusteeship Bodies submitted to General Assembly. International Court is an independent Body.

General Assembly is a main Organ of the UNO, united all it members by “one state is a one member principle”. General Assembly defines policy of the UNO, it’s program, confirmed budget, elects non-permanent members of the SC, appoints General Secretary, organizes conferences. GA works through the auxiliaries bodies. Among them – main bodies (7), procedure committees, special organs.

Main duties of the GA are:

  • Considering and discussing problems in the framework of the UNO;

  • General principles of cooperation on preservation of international peace and security;

  • Consideration and confirmation of the UNO budget.

Plenary meeting of the GA begins in New-York in third Tuesday of September and lasted till middle of December. Before Plenary session Assembly elects new President, 21 vice-presidents and 7 chairmen of 7 GA main Committees.

Main Committees:

  1. Disarmament and international security;

  2. Economic and financial;

  3. Social, humanitarian and cultural;

  4. Trusteeship and non self ruling territories;

  5. Administrative and budget;

  6. Legal;

  7. Special political Committee

Vote in GA acts by simple majority. Members of Organization, which have debts for fee, have not a vote rights, if debt equal or more sum, paid last two years.

Activity of the UNO builds on regional group states principle: African, Asian, Latin American, Western European and others. The USA includes to the group of “Western European states”.

2. Security Council a unique Body of the UNO, which has right to adopt decisions, compulsory for the UNO states. Due to Charter, SC has main responsibility for supporting international Peace and Security. SC consist of 5 permanent members: Great Britain, China, Russia, USA, and France. 10 non-permanent states elected by GA on 2 years. Due to Charter all members of the UNO agree and submit to the decisions of the SC. Chairman of the SC changes each month. SC has some Committees:

1) Permanent Committees include representatives of all members of the SC:

a) Committee of experts on procedure rules;

b) Committee on adoption of new members.

2) Special Committee.

Powers of the SC:

  • Supporting of International Peace and Security;

  • Investigating of any arguments, which lead to international conflicts;

  • Elaboration of recommendations, concerning regulations of arguments;

  • Using of economic sanctions against aggression;

  • Undertaking of military actions against aggressor;

  • Elaboration of recommendations, concerning appointment of General Secretary and jointly with GA to elect judges of International Court.

3.Council consists of 54 members, elected by GA for 3 years on the base of geographical representation. 18 members reelected annual. Main aims of the EcoSoC are:

    1. increasing of life level, economic, social development conditions;

    2. decision of international economic, social problems, international cooperation in cultural and educational spheres;

    3. respect of human rights and main freedoms, independently of race, sex and religion.

Council convokes 2 times annual: in April in New-York (organizational session) and in July in Geneva (basically session).

EcoSoC includes 4 permanent Committees, functional Commissions, permanent export groups, 5 regional Commissions, and special export groups.

Permanent Committees:

  • Committee on non-governmental organizations;

  • Committee on coordination programs;

  • Committee on natural resources;

  • Committee on planning development.

Functional Commissions: Commission on Statistics, Commission on human rights, Commission on social development, Commission on stable development and so on.

Regional Commissions:

  • Economic Commission in Europe (Geneva);

  • Economic and Social Commission in Asia and Pacific Ocean Region (Bangkok);

  • Economic Commission in Latin America and Caribbean islands (Bangkok);

  • Economic Commission in Africa (Addis Ababa);

  • Economic and Social Commission in Western Asia (Baghdad).

  1. 11 territories which were under the Trusteeship of the UNO took Independence. In 1994 Pacific Ocean island Palau as a 185 member entered to the UNO and Trusteeship Council fulfilled mission. Before Trusteeship Council Sessions convoked in New-York annual. In 1997 K.Annan suggested to transform Trusteeship Council to Forum on Collective Trusteeship over Environment, World Ocean, Atmosphere and Space.

  2. International Court was founded in 1945 and situates in Hague. Legal base of it are:

  • Charter of the UNO;

  • Statute of International Court;

  • International Law;

  • Regulations of International Court.

Court consists of 15 high qualified judges, elected by GA and SC on 9 years. Two judges can’t be citizens of one state. French and English are official languages of International Court.

  1. Due to Charter of the UNO, General Secretary is a Chief of General Assembly, Security Council, EcoSoC and Trusteeship Council. General Secretary should been offer to G.A. annual report about UN’s activity. General Secretary assigns by G.A. on recommendation of the S.C. for 5 years.

Secretariat responds for fulfillment current business. Secretariat prepares negotiations and conferences. In 2004 25 th. men worked in Secretariat (including regional representations and auxiliaries organizations).

  • T.Lee (Norway) was a first General Secretary);

  • D.Hammarsheld (Austria) was elected in 1953;

  • U.Tan (Burma) was elected in 1961;

  • K.Waldkhaim (Austria) was elected in 1971;

  • Peres de Kualjar (Peru) was elected in 1982;

  • Butros Butros-Gali (Egypt) was elected in 1991;

  • K.Annan (Gana) was elected in 1997.




Заң шығаратын






Жарна төлеу










Tasks for IWS: Prepare information about Holly Alliance.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Basically Bodies of the UNO”.

List of the reference on the theme

      1. Международные организации системы ООН. – М., 1990,с.22-28

      2. Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов.- М., 1981, с.43-52

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.38-79

Lecture 5

Theme of the lecture: Intergovernmental Universal Social Organizations

The objective of the lecture. Students should know main aims, activity, structure, methods of the Intergovernmental Universal Organizations.

Outline of the lecture

1.International Labor Organization (ILO).

2.World Health Organization (WHO).

The brief content of the lecture

1. ILO was formed on the base of Versailles Treaty in 1919. I ILO Conference was held in October-November 1919 in Washington, where 6 conventions were adopted, including Convention about duration of working day and 6 recommendations. After the II WW main aims and principles of the ILO were developed and confirmed by Philadelphia Declaration. In 1946 ILO was the first Specialized Committee in the system of the UNO. In 1969 ILO was awarded by Nobel premium.

ILO has unique three-side structure: employer and employee (social partners) have equal votes with representatives of government on elaboration of measures and programs.

International Labor norms and measures of the ILO adopt by International Labor Conference, which held annual. Program and budget of the UNO, financed by state-members adopt in a two years. Each state-member of the ILO has right to send 4 delegates: 2 from government, 1 from employer, and 1 from employee, who can vote independently from each other.

Administrative Council, which consist of 28 representatives: 14 employers and 14 employees lead by ILO between annual Conferences.

177 states are members of the ILO. Secretariat of the ILO, Head-Quarter, Investigation Center and Edition are situated in International Bureau in Geneva. Regional and branch Bureaus are situated in 40 states. Special Committees help to Administrative Council and Bureau.

Strategically aims of the ILO:

  • development and realization norms and basically principles and rights in labor sphere;

  • formation wide possibilities for men and women occupation provision;

  • strengthening of social protection;

  • strengthening of three-side structure and supporting of social dialogue.


  • improving of labor conditions;

  • elaboration of international labor norms;

  • multisided program for international technical cooperation;

  • preparatory, educational and editional activity.

2. WHO was founded in 1948 and 192 states enter to it. 7 th April celebrated as a World Health Day. The main activity of the WHO is increasing of Health standards in the world.

Regional representations are situated in Alexandria, Brazzaville, Copenhagen, Delhi, Manila and Washington.

Functions of the WHO:

  • coordination of cooperation in World Heath sphere;

  • consultation and aid;

  • elaboration of norms and recommendations;

  • elaboration and introduction international quality standards in diagnostics, food, biological and pharmacological preparations;

  • foundation of national Health systems;

  • organization necessity administrative and technical services;

  • supporting by technical aid in extraordinary situation, and accidents;

  • improving of educational system in medicine and Health;

  • participation in liquidation of epidemic diseases;

  • protection of mother and child protection;

  • struggle for mental health and harmony of human relations;

  • encourage of scientific institutes and professional groups cooperation for improving health.

World Health Assembly is a top body of the WHO. Assembly defines main organization directions, considers report about Executive Council activity and General Principle;

  • Assembly discusses and adopt budget (two times in year);

  • Assembly elects members for three years;

  • Assembly assigns Principle-General;

  • Assembly defines norms and gives recommendations.

Annual Assembly sessions held in May in Geneva.

Executive Council consists of 31 specialists. Council has rights to found Committees, to adopt extraordinary decisions. Executive Council works 2 times in year.

Secretariat consists of 8 divisions and headed by General Principle – top administrative position, submitted to Executive Council.

WHO formed 6 regional organizations for activity centralization: in Africa, America, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, South-Eastern Asia, Western part of Pacific Ocean, each of them has regional Committee and regional Bureau, by regional principles. Regional Committees include full and associate representative from regions.

International Conference WHO/UNICEF was held in 1978 and adopted Almaty Declaration, consists of 8 main points primary health.

In 1981 World Health Assembly adopted global Program “Health for everybody by 2000”. In 1987 World Health Assembly adopted World Program warning and struggle with AIDS, which realizes in 187 states and regions. December 1 (from 1988) is a World on AIDS struggle Day.







Жұмыс беруші
















Tasks for IWS: Prepare information about structure of the World Health Organization.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Basically Programs of the WHO”.

Home tasks: read «Международные организации системы ООН» and make annotation.

List of the reference on the theme

1. Международные организации системы ООН. – М., 1990, с.73-77

2. Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов.- М., 1981, с.62-67

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.80-84

Lecture 6

Theme of the lecture: Intergovernmental Universal Agricultural Organizations

The objective of the lecture. Students should know main aims, activity, structure, methods of the Intergovernmental Universal Organizations.

Outline of the lecture

1.International Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

2.International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

The brief content of the lecture

FAO was formed on October 16, 1945 by the Quebec Conference and this date is celebrated as a World Food Day. Main aims of the FAO:

  • improving of food and life quality;

  • improving of suburb life conditions;

  • tribution to development of world economy and struggle with starvation.

Priorities of the FAO:

  • Preservation of variety genetic resources;

  • Coordination of Tropical Wood Preservation Program;

  • “Aquaculture” Program;

  • Elaboration of food norms for protection of consumers;

  • Encouragement of investments for suburb development.

Functions of the FAO:

  • processing information about world agriculture, wood sector and fishing;

  • production, realization, consuming of food, land using, protection of natural resources and market investigations;

  • provides stable development of agriculture.

Conference is a high organ of the FAO, and meets one time in a two years. Conference defines main principles of the FAO, confirms budget, adopts recommendations on national and international competention and adopts further program.

Council consists of 49 representatives of state-members, elected by Conference and it’s Executive organ. Council adopts decisions and fulfils consultative, recommendation and control functions. Council has 5 committees:

  • on food

  • on fishing

  • on wood

  • on agriculture and world food security.

FAO elaborates such programs as: System of food security, International Code of spread and using of defoliants.

Principle General and Secretariat are situated in Rome. Regional representations are situated in Africa (Accra), Asian-Pacific Region (Bangkok), Europe (Rome), Latin America (Santiago), Near East (Cairo), Northern America (Washington) and New-York). 188 states are members of the FAO. EU, Puerto-Rico are an associated members of the FAO. IFAD was formed in 1977 due to decision of World Food Conference (1974).

Aims of the IFAD:

  1. increasing of food production;

  2. struggle with poverty by planning and financing projects on increasing income of population;

  3. mobilization of finance means for growth of food production and improving nourishment in non-developed states.

Members of the IFAD divide into three categories:

- developed state-donors;

- developing state-donors;

- developing states-receiver of aid.

Council of Managers is a high organ. Sessions of the Council is held one time in a year.

Executive Council consists of 18 members and 17 deputies (6 members from each categories) and responds for current business. It meeting is held for necessity.

President is elected by Council of Managers for 4 years, manages by business under control of Council of Managers and Executive Council. Vice-President helps him. President is a chairman of the Executive Council.

Secretariat divides into three departments:

  1. economy and planning;

  2. management by projects

  3. general problems.

IFAD invests small enterprises, cattle breeders (nomads), peasants, who haven’t lands, women in suburb, poor population.

IFAD defines 9 spheres of activity:

  • credits

  • agricultural development

  • melioration

  • cattle breeding

  • fishing

  • storage of stocks

  • processing

  • staff preparation.

















Tasks for IWS: Prepare information about Programs of the FAO.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Aims, principles, structures of the IFAD”.

Home tasks: Find information about intergovernmental universal agricultural organizations and it’s role in Kazakhstan.

List of the reference on the theme

1. Международные организации системы ООН. – М., 1990,с.78-85

2. Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов.- М., 1981, с.87-89

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.82-84

Lecture 7

Theme of the lecture: Intergovernmental Universal Cultural and Humanitarian Organizations

The objective of the lecture. Students should be know main aims, activity, structure, methods of the Intergovernmental Universal Organizations.

Outline of the lecture

1. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.



The brief content of the lecture

1. UNESCO was formed in 1945 by London Conference. Charter was adopted on November 4, 1946. From December 1946 the UNESCO is a specialized department of the UNO. 37 states signed Charter in 1945. 190 states are members of the UNESCO nowadays.

Main activity of the UNESCO is realization projects on increasing educational standards in the world, knowledge exchange, and international cooperation in educational, scientific and cultural spheres.

General Conference is high Body of the UNESCO. General Conference meet one time in a two years (in last quarter of the odd year) in Paris.

General Conference elects Chairman and Presidium. Each state has 1 vote. Decisions take by simple majority. General Conference defines program aims of the UNESCO, convokes inter government and non-government conferences on education, natural and humanitarian sciences, spread of general knowledge, elects members of Executive Council and due to it recommendation assigns Principle General.

Executive Council consists of 51 members, elected by General Conference. Executive Council prepares agenda of the General Conference, recommendations on program and budget. Executive Council meets two times in year.

National Commissions have next functions:

  • consultation of government and informing of society;

  • relationship of state-members with UNESCO, elaboration and realization it programs;

  • realization of own acts (exhibitions, conferences, edition etc.);

State-members divide into 5 regions: Africa, Latin America, APR, Arabian states, Europe and Northern America), where 50 regional bureaus exist. Majority members have permanent representations at the Head-Quarter of the UNESCO.

Principle General is a top administrator of the UNESCO. He headed by Secretariat. He elects on 6 years.

Departments of Secretariat:

  • Upbringing;

  • Natural sciences;

  • Social and humanitarian sciences;

  • Culture;

  • Communication;

  • Information.

Departments are headed by Principle deputies.

UNESCO based on:

  • International Commission on history scientific and cultural human development;

  • International Oceanographic Commission;

  • Commission on culture and development (Commission of P. d’Kualjar).

  • International Commission on education in XXI c. (Commission of G.Delor);

  • International Bureau on school education in Geneva;

  • International Institute of educational planning in Paris;

  • UNESCO’s Institute on upbringing in Hamburg.

UNESCO organizes annual conferences, meeting of experts, seminars and takes part in elaboration of International Agreements: World Convention on author rights, Convention about protection of world cultural and natural legacy (about 300 objects).

UNESCO make up list of memorial dates, devoted to famous persons and historical events in education, culture, science spheres each two years.

Budget of the UNESCO finances by compulsory fees of state-members.

English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French are working languages of the UNESCO.

2. UNICEF gives aid and social provision to all over the world children. Fund supports special projects in health, nourishment, education, giving equipment for mother and child centers, leads companies against epidemics, assists to producing and using of qualified foods, gives aid to child services in developed states, extraordinary aid to children, who became victims of earthquake, drought and other disasters.

Activity of the UNICEF controlles by the ECOSOC and finances by sacrifices of governments and private persons.

Manager assigns by Secretary General of the UNO, after discussing with Committee, consists of 31 members, convoking each year. Fund is situated in the UNO’s Secretariat in New-York. Regional representations are situated in Abidjan, Bangkok, Bogota, Copenhagen, Katmandu, Sydney and Tokyo.

3.UNDP was formed on the base of General Assembly Resolution on November 22, 1965. It is a combination of the UN Special Fund and Program of complex technical assistance, consultation and aid to developed states. Sacrifices of state-members of the UNO form a fund of Program. UNDP realizes high priority programs, gives experts and consultants, special equipments, services, scholarships for studying in other states.

UNDP is controlled by Council of managements and consist of 48 members, elected by ECOSOC, and has representatives in about 100 states. Administrator is a top head of the UNDP, who assigns by Secretary General after consultation with Council of managers. Assignment confirms by General Assembly of the UNO. Head-Quarter is situated in New-York.







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Tasks for IWS: Prepare information about memorials, protected by the UNESCO.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Basically Programs of the UNICEF in Kazakhstan”.

Home tasks: find information about auxiliaries humanitarian, cultural and scientific organizations of the UNO.

List of the reference on the theme

1. Международные организации системы ООН. – М., 1990,с.100-105

  1. Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов.- М., 1981, с.111-115

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.84-86

Lecture 8

Theme of the lecture: Intergovernmental Universal Cultural and Humanitarian Organizations

The objective of the lecture. Students should know main aims, activity, structure, methods of the Intergovernmental Universal Organizations.

Outline of the lecture

1. History of the WIPO foundation.

2. Structure, aim and functions of the WIPO.

The brief content of the lecture

1. In 1873 some states refused to take part in the International Invention Exhibition, fear that their ideas would been stolen and using in other states. In a ten years (1883) Parisian Convention about protection of industrial property (first international treaty) directed on giving aid to citizens of one state in taking protection of their intellectual property, as an inventions (patents), label, industrial sample. Parisian Convention was confirmed for administrative functions. In 1886 Bern Convention about protection of literature and art was signed. Aim of this Convention was gaining of international protection their rights, to control using their works: novels, stories, tales, songs, operas, sonatas, pictures, drawings, sculptures, architectures. Like a Parisian Convention, Bern Convention formed International Bureau. In 1893 two Bureaus joined, and Joining International Bureau on Protection of Intellectual Property was formed. Head-Quarter situated in Bern.

2.In 1960 IBPIP moved from Bern to Geneva. In 1970 the IBPIP was renamed to the WIPO. In 1974 the WIPO became a specialized office of the UNO system. WIPO provides protection of author rights and owners of intellectual property and gaining reward for using by these rights. International protection stimulates art, science and techniques, promoted to development of international trade, creates stable conditions for sale products of intellectual property. 179 states were members of the WIPO in 2004. In 1898 the IBPIP realized administrative functions of 4 international treaties. In the beginning of the XXI c. the WIPO realizes administrative functions more than 20 treaties. WIPO differed from other International Governmental Organizations, because it is self financed organization. 85% of it budget expenses (approximately 350 mln Switzerland francs) cover by it register system incomes. Other 15% are fees of state-members and incomes from sales of the WIPO productions. Structure of the WIPO: General Assembly- Conference- Coordination Council- Secretariat. Head-Quarter of the WIPO is situated in Geneva.



















Кіріс, табыс

Tasks for IWS: Prepare information about WIPO in the art sphere.

Task for IWS under a teacher’s control: Write a short report: “Structure and membership of the WIPO”.

Home tasks: Find information about Parisian and Bern Conventions.

List of the reference on the theme

1. Международные организации системы ООН. – М., 1990, с.103-108

2. Организация Объединенных Наций. Сб.документов.- М., 1981,с.111-117

3. Улахович В. Международные организации. Справочное пособие. Москва. Минск, 2005, с.118-122

Lecture 9

Theme of the lecture: Group of World Bank

The objective of the lecture. Students should know main aims, activity, structure, methods of the of the financial credit specialized bodies of the UNO.

Outline of the lecture

1. International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

2. International Development Association (IDA).

3. International Finance Corporation (IFC).

4. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

5. International Center for the Settlement of Investments Disputes (ICSID).

The brief content of the lecture

I. World Bank Group includes 5 Institutions:

1. International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

2. International Development Association (IDA).

3. International Finance Corporation (IFC).

4. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

5. International Center for the Settlement of Investments Disputes (ICSID).

Aim of group is supporting of economy and social progress non-developed states-members of the UNO by means of financial and consultative aids, preparation of staff. World Bank stimulates economy and social progress in developing states by financing of long-term projects and programs.

IBRD is an international intergovernmental credit financial organization, joining 184 states. IBRD was formed in 1945 due to decisions of Breton-Wood Conference. It is specialized institution of the UNO (de-jure), but according Charter and Agreements between the UNO and IBRD, Bank is independent (de-facto).

Functions of the IBRD:

  • Assistance for reconstruction and development state-members by finance of economy;

  • Encouragement of private and foreign investments;

  • Stimulation of long-term balance international trade. Development of industrial resources of state-members;

Investments are given by developed states for stimulate of economy growth. Each investment guaranteed by government. Main part of credits directs to local development banks, which redistribute the IBRD resources. Term of the pay-off more or less 20 years. IBRD cooperates with non-governmental organizations, UNO departments, businessmen, regional organizations.

Council of managers is high body of the IBRD and consists of managers, assign by state members (usually ministers of finance or presidents of Central banks). Term of manager’s authority and their deputies is 5 years. Council of managers meets one time in year. Voting in Council depends of state capital share.

Executive Principles, electing on 2 years, respond for current business. 5 from 24 principles appoint by 5 IBRD members (Great Britain, Germany, USA, France, Japan), having most capital share in bank. Other principles represent a few states, excluding China and Saudi Arabia, which represent by own Executive Principles. Each principle appoints deputy to him.

President is elected by Executive Principles for 5 years term. He can’t be manager, principle, representative of manager or principle. President manages by current business of Bank. Traditionally representative of the USA is elected a President (USA has majority votes in the IBRD). Right of vote defines by state fee to Banks capital. 7 leading states have more than half votes in bank.

Bank has departments in 37 African, Asian, European and Latin American states. In 1994 Bank organized new information centers in Washington, London, Paris and Tokyo, offered information about development projects in the state-members, documentation projects, national ecological programs, reports about state and economy sectors.

II. IDA is a specialized department of the UNO, founded in 1960, promoted to development most backward states, by giving non percent credits. Credits of the IDA are given just to governments and postponement is 10-55 years without percents. About 80 states (half of them African states) include to the activity sphere of organization. IDA is a daughter organization of the IBRD in the UN’s system.

Conditions for taking IDA credit:

  • Annual income, 925$ less per one man (category of poorest states);

  • Economic, political and financial stability.