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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студен...doc
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Урок 6


Grain and Egg Dishes.

Cheap, nourishing and sated dishes can be prepared from grain. Grains are rich with protein and starch. Semolina contains much starch, oatmeal contains much protein and buckwheat is rich with vitamins B l, B 2 and PP. Grains are easily assimilated by our organism, that is why they are used in child’s and dietary nourishment. You can cook different porridges, cutlets, rissoles and baked puddings out of grains.

The most widely spread product is egg. It is used boiled, fried and scrambled. One can use eggs as the basis of many dishes: omelets, pies, salads, puddings, creams, cakes and others.

If you want to recommend some of grain or egg dishes to the foreign tourists you must know that the Americans and the Englishmen eat oatmeal with great pleasure, but the Englishmen prefer fried eggs with bacon and the Americans –fried eggs with sausage.

Vocabulary to the text








манная крупа



foreign tourists

иностранные туристы









baked pudding


widely spread

широко распространённый





with great pleasure

с большим удовольствием

Задания к тексту

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы..

1. What dishes can be prepared from grain ?

2. What are grain rich with ?

3. Does oatmeal contain much protein or starch ?

4. What kind of nourishment are grains used in ?

5. What can you cook out of grains ?

6. What must you know if you want to recommend grain or egg dishes to the foreign tourists?

Задание 3. Отметьте верные утверждения словом – right, неверные словомwrong

1. Grains are rich with protein and starch.

2. Grains are not assimilated by our organism.

3. Oatmeal contains much protein.

4. Egg is used boiled, fried and scrambled.

5. The Englishmen and the Americans don’t eat oatmeal.

Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста.

1. Утром англичане едят овсяную кашу.

2. Мне нравятся запеканки из круп.

3. Моя мама готовит вкусные каши из гречневой и манной крупы.

4. Он предпочитает яичницу с ветчиной.

Задание 5. Переведите шутку на русский язык.

Diner : Waiter, I want a chicken – and the younger the better.

Waiter : In that case, sir, order eggs.

Задания для самоконтроля

Задание 1. Выпишите из данных слов наименования различных видов круп :

nourishment, diet, grain, semolina contain, sated, buckwheat, oatmeal, assimilated, cook, rissoles.

Задание 2. Перечислите названия блюд, которые можно приготовить из крупы и яиц.

Задание 3. Переведите рецепт : Rice porridge with butter.

  • Pour four glasses of water into a saucepan

  • Put there some butter and salt

  • Bring water to the boiling point and put there washed rice

  • Simmer rice stirring regularly until thickening

Задание 4. Напишите, что Вы должны иметь в виду, когда рекомендуете крупяные или яичные блюда иностранным туристам (англичанам, американцам)


Урок 7


Bread Goods Confectionary.

Bread is considered to be the most important product of our nourishment. We can't manage without bread. It is served to the first and second dishes. We usually eat brown bread with soup, meat and fish dishes, vegetable salads. We use white bread when we drink tea, coffee, cocoa.

Sandwiches, hamburgers, hot-dogs are the most popular snacks nowadays. And the basis of all these snacks is also bread.

Confectionary is the real attribute of any party. There is no person who doesn't like cakes, pastry, biscuits.

All goods from dough have nourishing value because they contain protein, vitamins В and PP and starch.

Vocabulary to the text

1. bread goods

2. to consider (to be considered)

3. we can’t manage without

4. to serve ( to be served)

5. brown bread

6. white bread

7. snacks

8. confectionary

9. attribute

10. dough

11. nourishing value

12. starch