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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студен...doc
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Задания для самоконтроля

Задание 1. Выпишите в три строчки слова, обозначающие различные виды мяса, птицу, дичь

Hazel-hen, pork, chicken, black-cock, turkey, duck, mutton, lamb, beef, pheasant, goose.

Задание 2. Перечислите блюда, которые можно приготовить из говядины, баранины, свинины.

Задание 3. Переведите рецепт: “Roast Breast of Lamb”

  • Remove bones from lamb breast

  • Combine melted butter, onion, fresh bread crumbs, egg yolk, chopped parsley, salt and pepper to form stuffing

  • Lay breast out flat, place stuffing evenly on front half

  • Roll firmly, tie with string, roll in flour, which has been seasoned with salt and pepper

  • Bake in hot oven 10 min. Reduce heat; cook further 30-40 min.

  • Serve with gravy made from pan juices.

Задание 4. Перефразируйте предложения, употребляя Passive Voice.

  1. We wash meat before boiling or frying it.

  2. The Americans prepare meat dishes without spices.

  3. They add spices just at the table.


Урок 4.


Characteristiсs of Fish. Culinary Processing of Fish.

250 kinds of fish are fished out in the seas and rivers of our country. They are: sturgeon, eel, halibut, pike-perch, pike, trout, cod and others. Fish contains the same number of valuable nourishing substances as meat but it is assimilated better. It allows to use fish widely in dietary nourishment. Fish also contains certain fish oils which are particularly beneficial. Cold water ocean fish, such as mackerel, herring, tuna, sardines and salmon are all rich in this type of oil. Experts recommend that you eat these fish twice a week.

There are different kinds of culinary processing of fish. You can fry, boil, bake and stew it You can prepare fish in jelly. Fish can be served in hot and cold state with different flavourings and trimmings.

Vocabulary to the text

1. to fish out.

1. вылавливать

2. to contain

2. содержать (ся)

3. valuable

3. ценный

4. to be assimilated

4. усваиваться

5. to allow

5. позволять, разрешать

6. dietary nourishment

6. диетическое питание

7. culinary processing

7. кулинарная обработка

8. fish in jelly

8. заливная рыба

9. sturgeon

9. осётр

10. eel

10. угорь

11. halibut

11. палтус

12. pike-perch

12. судак

13. pike

13. щука

14. cod

14. треска

15. salmon

15. лосось, сёмга

16. sardine

16. сардина

17. herring

17. сельдь

18. mackerel

18. скумбрия

19. trout

19. форель

20. trimming

20. гарнир

Задания к тексту

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many kinds of fish are fished out in the seas and rivers of our country ?

2. What number of valuable substances does fish contain ?

3. How is it assimilated ?

4. What kind of nourishment fish is widely used in ?

5. What are the kinds of culinary processing of fish ?

6. What state can fish be served in ?

Задание 3. Выполните тест.

1. this text has such title because …

a) it is about sea products and sea products based dishes.

b) it is about valuable nourishing substances of meat.

c) it is about different kinds of fish and culinary processing of fish.

d) it is about different kinds of flowers.

e) it is about seas and rivers of our country

  1. it is about preparing jam, jelly, marmalade and stewed fruit.


The Past Indefinite Tense – прошедшее простое (неопределённое) время

Употребляется :

Для обозначения действия, которое совершилось в прошлом и не имеет связи с настоящим.

Часто употребляются уточняющие обстоятельственные слова и группы слов :

yesterday - вчера

last week – на прошлой неделе

last month – в прошлом месяце

a year ago – год назад

Образуется :