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Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студен...doc
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Задания к тексту

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы

1. What can’t we manage without ?

2. What dishes is bread served to ?

3. Do we use white or brown bread with tea and coffee ?

4. The basis of what popular snacks is bread ?

5. Is there a person who doesn’t like cakes, pastry and biscuits ?

6. What do all products from dough have ?

Задание 3. Отметьте верные утверждения словом – right, неверные словомwrong

1. We can manage without bread.

2. Confectionary is the most important product of our nourishment.

3. We use brown bread with soups, meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

4. Sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs are the most popular snacks nowadays.

Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова и выражения из текста.

1. Каждый день на обед мы едим суп с чёрным хлебом.

2. На завтрак я предпочитаю кофе и тосты с джемом.

3. Торт – это настоящий атрибут любого торжества.

4. Любое изделие из теста имеет питательную ценность.

Тест 1.

Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер.

  1. a) roll b) biscuits d) cake e) pastry f) fruit cakes


Неопределённые местоимения “some”-“any” и их производные

Some (несколько, немного) – употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и в вопросительных предложениях, выражающих просьбу или предложение

There are some cakes on the table.

Can I have some tea ?

Any (несколько, немного) употребляется в вопросительных, отрицательных предложениях, а также утвердительных предложениях в значении «любой, всякий»

Are there any cakes on the table?

There are not any cakes on the table.

Any student must do it.


1. some, any + thing= something, anything = что-нибудь

There is something on the table.

Is there anything on the table?

2. some, any + body = somebody, anybody = кто-то

There is somebody in the room.

Is there anybody in the room ?

Грамматические упражнения

Упражнение 1. Вставьте some, any

  1. We haven’t got … milk. We can’t make an omelette.

  2. Bob always likes … sugar in his coffee.

  3. Oliver is hungry. He wants … bread.

  4. … more coffee?

  5. Is there … sugar in my tea ?

  6. … person likes confectionary.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте something anything

  1. We’ve got … to eat.

  2. The student didn’t understand … .

  3. There is … in the fridge.

  4. is there … in the fridge ?

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык.

Дай мне, пожалуйста, что-нибудь поесть.

  1. Передай мне масло.

  2. Я не хочу масло.

  3. Он никогда не кладёт сахар в чай

  4. У нас есть что-нибудь поесть ?

Задания для самоконтроля.

Задание 1. Выпишите из данных слов наименования хлебобулочных и кондитерских изделий (в две строчки)

Bread, roll, biscuits, snacks, person, sweets, cake, value, chocolate, goods, pastry, vegetables, bun

Задание 2. Перечислите названия закусок, которые можно приготовить, используя хлеб.

Задание 3. Переведите рецепт “Dry Cake”

- Rub egg yolks with sugar till whiteness

- Mix them with flour

- Add carefully whipped egg whites

- Put ready mass into the form and bake 15-20 min.

Задание 4. Составьте из данных слов предложения.

1. Goods, value, nourishing, all, have, dough, from.

2. No, there, person, who, is, doesn’t, cake, like, pastry, biscuits.

Задание 5. Составьте диалог по предложению кондитерских изделий к чаю, используя следующие фразы :

I would like …; What do you prefer …?; some more …; with (without) sugar; We have a great choice of … .

From the History of Words.

Hot Dogs

These sausages were first sold in the United States of America in the 1860s. Americans called them “dachshund sausages”, because they had the form of dachshunds – long and thick.

They were sold at baseball games. The sellers put the hot sausages on buns and shouted: “Get your hot dachshund sausages!”

One day in 1906 a newspaper cartoonist went to a baseball game and saw people with the dachshund sausages. Soon a funny cartoon appeared in a newspaper: a bun with a dachshund inside. Under the drawing the cartoonist wrote: “Get your hot dogs!”, because he didn’t know the spelling of the word dachshund. After that they became very popular and people began to name the sausages in buns “hot dogs”.

Proverbs and Saying to Memorize.

1. Honey is sweet, but the bee stings

2. You cannot eat your cake and eat it.


Урок 8


Recommendations. "How to serve different wines to different dishes"

White natural wines. So called dry grape wines have tiny fresh taste. They are well сombined with boiled, stewed, fried and baked fish. Such wines as : Abrau - Risling, Anapa-Risling, Tsinandali, Gurdzhaani can be recommended to all fish dishes.

Red dry grape wines possess specific and nice taste and flavour They are such wines as : Kaberne, Mukuzani Teliani. All of them can be served to different meat dishes: roast beef, beefsteak, pork chop, goose and duck.

Sweet wines have pretty sweet taste and very attractive flavour. They are served to different sweet dishes: puddings, pancakes with jam, jelly, cream etc. These are such wines as : dessert Muskat, white Muskat, Токаj.

Champagne. There is no more suitable for the party wine than champagne. It is especially good with fruit, It can be also recommended to cakes, pastry, nuts.

Hot Drinks: tea - чай, coffee - кофе , cocoa - какао, chocolate – шоколад

Soft Drinks: juices – соки, mineral water – минеральная вода, coca-cola – кока кола, pepsi-cola – пепси кола, tonic – тоник, fruit water – фруктовая вода

Strong Drinks: wine - вино, cognac - коньяк , liqueur - ликёр , champagne - шампанское , whisky - виски , beer – пиво