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Методичка English NEW.doc
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  1. Underline the correct word.

  1. She is studying for her first degree; she is a postgraduate/ undergraduate/scholar student.

  2. One of the lectures/trainers/teachers at her university is a well-known and highly respected writer.

  3. He is currently writing his dissertation/essay/critique on education in ancient Greece for his University degree.

  4. It’s cheaper to live in the university halls of dwelling/lodging/residence than to rent privately.

  5. The student has his weekly meeting with his consultant/tutor/adviser.

  6. One could hear the sounds of lively debate/talk/argument coming from the room where the philosophy class was being held.

  7. It was inevitable that the seminar/lecture/tutorial would be well-attended as it being given by the renowned professor.

  8. If you are really interested in applying, ask the University to send you a syllabus/prospectus/curriculum for the upcoming year.

  1. Look at the study methods in the list. For which of the tasks is each method suited?



  1. revising

  2. high lighting

  3. editing

  4. note-making

  5. summarizing

  6. proof-reading

  7. cramming

  1. Isolating information from its context.

  2. Preparing for an end-of-term exam.

  3. Checking and improving on a piece of work.

  4. Condensing information for quick access.

  5. Recording information during class/ lecture.

  6. Keeping new knowledge fresh

  7. Re-organizing an essay/composition.

  8. Organizing material into manageable units.

  9. Ensuring a piece of written work meets the formal requirements.

10.Making important information stand out.

Text 4

  1. Read the text about Cambridge and find exciting facts about Cambridge University. Cambridge

My visit to Cambridge has been an unusual experience. From whatever country one comes as a student one cannot escape the influence of the Cambridge traditions—and they go back so far. Here, perhaps, more than anywhere else, I have felt at one and the same time the Past, the Present and even the Future.

The story of the University begins, as far as I know, in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cam­bridge after they had walked 60 miles from Oxford. These students had been studying in Oxford at that city's well-known schools. It was a hard life at Oxford for there was constant trouble between the people living in the town and the students. Then one day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Mayor (Map) arrested three other students who were inno­cent (невиновны) and they were put to death. In protest, all the students moved elsewhere, some coming to Cambridge; and so the new University began.

The Colleges join one another along the curve (изгиб) of the river Cam. Going through a college gate one finds one is standing in an almost square space of about 70 square yards (the size varies from college to col­lege) known as the "court" or quadrangle (quad). Looking down into the court on all sides are the buildings where the students live. The Colleges are built on a plan common to all. There is a chapel (часовня), a library and a large dining-hall. The student gets a clear idea of much of the English architectural styles of the past 600 years — the bad as well as the good.

There are nineteen colleges, including two for women students which were built near the end of the last century* (women students do not have a very active part in University life at Cambridge by the way, but they work harder than men and one seldom sees them outside of the classrooms).

Text 5