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Lesson 1: English Grammar Exercise

Working with Articles and Verbs

Correct the following incorrect sentences.

Example: My name Victor. The corrct version is: My name is Victor.

1) I want that he called me.

2) Could you tell him call me?

3) I get him for you.

4) Hello. I’m Vladimir Ivanov speaking.

5) I’m sorr. The line busy.

6) Can I help to you?

7) He not here at the moment.

8) Can I taked a message?

9) I’m sorry. He have a meeting.

10) I’ll put you back immediately.

Lesson 2

Human Resources

Lesson Introduction

Human Resources

By definition, human resources are the individuals who work within your company. These individuals form your company workforce and your workforce can be considered the most important assest of your organization. The study of Human Resources spans over a variety of topics from employee compensation, new employee recruitment, the hiring/firing of employees, employee motivation, to career counseling. The basic idea of human resources is that your employees are the most valuable asset of your company and without a dedicated, capable, and motivated workforce your company will eventually fail.

In-Class Exercises

Are certain careers more suitable fore women than for men? Which do you consider for women only? For men only? For either? Write down other careers that you think fall into any of these categories.

  • Soldier

  • Police Officer

  • Car Mechanic

  • Nurse

  • Chef

  • Pilot

  • Teacher

  • Hairdresser

  • Politician

  • Construction Worker

The London Underground Railway system recently wanted to hire more women as train operators. The company placed an ad in a popular women’s magazine called, “Cosmopolitan”. Below is an article based upon The London Underground placing this job advertisement in the magazine. Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

Magazine Article from the Daily Telegraph Newspaper by Paul Marston:

Cosmopolitan Readers Queue for Tube Job

More than 1,400 readers of Cosmopolitan have applied to become a London Tube train driver. London Underground described the response to its single advert in this month’s issue as ‘exceptional’.

Successful applicants will have to get out of bed for regular 4:45am starts, but the 27,650 (pounds) salary and up to eight weeks’ holiday pay may prove sufficient compensation.

Lorraine Candy, editor of Cosmo, said the interest her reads had shown demonstrated that young women were not bound by traditional career patterns.

‘It’s always been a classic thing for boys to want to be train drivers. Now we’re seeing that girls can do it too’, she said.

I don’t think the job is boring or un-sexy and I’m sure the passengers couldn’t care less whether the train is being driven by a man or a woman-as long as it it’s on time.’

The ability to break bad news to travelers more sympathetically is one reason London Underground is keen to increase its number of female drivers from 100- just three percent of its driving staff.

Exercise A: What do these numbers in the article refer to?

a) 1,400

b) 4:45

c) 27,650

d) eight

e) one

f) 100

g) three

Exercise B: Answer the following questions about the reading.

1) How many adverts did London Underground put in Cosmopolitan magazine?

2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the job?

3) What do passengers care the most about?

4) Why does London Underground want to hire more women?

In- Class Exercises

Exercise A: Rearrange the words in 1 through 9 to make questions from a job interview. Then decide whether each question is making a request, making an offer, or asking about ability.

1) get you can I anything?

2) details contact your confirm I could?

3) can you software package use this?

4) speak languages any other you can?

5) about tell you job us your present more could?

6) tell your current salary me you could?

7) start you when can?

8) would you as soon as possible your decision let us know?

9) like coffee some more you would?

Exercise B:

Match the questions in Exercise A with the interviewee’s answers below.

a) It’s $43,000.

b) Yes, I use it a lot in my current job.

c) I can let you know next week.

d) Yes, a cup of coffee would be great, please.

e) Yes, the address is the same, but my e-mail has changed.

f) I’d love some more. Thank you.

g) Well, I am currently responsible for European sales.

h) Yes, I can speak French and Spanish

i) My notice period is two months