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Учебник для матем.doc
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I. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

express, high, whole, compare, specific, actually.

II. Give as many derivatives as you can of the following words:

to express, actually, result, high, to remain.

III. Make up sentences of your own using the words and expressions given below:

expressed in higher terms, mixed number, to change a fraction, to change a whole number, can be compared, can be multiplied, without changing, without dividing, without comparing.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is an equivalent fraction? 2. How do you change a mixed number to an improper fraction? 3. How do you change an improper fraction to a whole number or mixed number? 4. How do you change a whole number to an improper fraction with a specific denominator? 5. What must you do to compare unlike fractions? 6. How do you compare fractions?

V. Put 6 questions to the text and answer them.

VI. Translate into Russian:

When denominators and numerators of different fractions are both different, the values of the fractions cannot be compared until they are converted so as to have the same denominators.

Since fractions indicate division, all changes in the terms of a fraction (numerator and denominator) will affect its value (quotient) according to the general principles of division. These relations constitute the general principles of fractions.

VII Translate into English:

Чтобы обратить смешанное число в неправильную дробь, нужно целое число умножить на знаменатель дроби, к произведению прибавить числитель и сделать эту сумму числителем искомой (sought for) дроби, а знаменатель оставить прежним.

Чтобы обратить неправильную дробь в смешанное число, нужно числитель дроби разделить на знаменатель и найти остаток. Частное покажет число целых единиц; остаток взять в качестве числителя, а знаменатель оставить прежним.

Если числитель дроби уменьшить в несколько раз, не изменяя знаменателя, то дробь уменьшится во столько же раз.

Если числитель и знаменатель дроби увеличить в одинаковое число раз, то дробь не изменится.


Decimal fractions

A decimal fraction is a special type of fraction written without a denominator (which is 10 or a power of 10) but in which the number of figures on the right-hand side of a dot, called the decimal point, indicates whether the denominator is 10 or a higher power of 10; e.g. 2/10 is written as a decimal in the form 0.2, 23/100 as 0.23, and 23/1000 as 0.023.

If any figure of the number is moved one place to the left, the value of the number is multiplied by 10.

To round off a decimal to a particular, inspect the figure to the right of the required place: if it is 5 or over, change the last required digit to the next higher figure and drop all decimals to the right of the required figures, if it is less than 5, drop all decimals to the right of the required figure.

To compare decimal fractions, annex zeroes so that the decimals have the same number of places.

A decimal fraction may be changed to a common fraction by: leaving out the decimal point, writing the decimal number as the numerator and the number shown by the name of the last decimal place as the denominator.