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2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

вторая волна, карьера, конец 19-го века, напоминающее коробку внутреннее пространство, из первых рук, деревянные полоски, дополнительный, предусматривать проекцию фильмов, экспонат, несмотря на, невыгодное месторасположение, очень благосклонный.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. What is Alvar Aalto?

  2. Who influenced the works of Alvar Aalto?

  3. What was his introduction into design?

  4. What did a wall of wood strips help to make?

  5. What disadvantages did his work face at the New York World's Fair of 1939?

  6. What kind of comment did his work get at the New York World's Fair of 1939?

Part 4

1. Read the text. Pierre Chareau

Pierre Chareau (1883-1950) is best known for his 1928-32 Maison de Verre (House of Glass) in Paris that made use of steel framing and large areas of glass block and plate glass.

His furniture designs included both chairs of rich woods and heavy upholstery and simple folding seating with metal framing and wicker seats and backs, suggesting a move from Art Deco to the International Style.

framing – рамка, обрамление

plate glass – зеркальное стекло

upholstery - обивка

folding - складной

wicker - плетеный

2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

использовать, большие стеклянные полотна, дизайн мебели, дорогие сорта древесины, складные сидения, плетенные спинки, переход.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. What is Pierre Chareau best known for?

  2. What was he the first to use?

  3. What move did his furniture suggest?

  1. Find the synonyms in the text:

To be famous for, a sash, to contain, as well as, weighty, easy, to offer, a step.

Part 5

1. Read the text.

Philip Johnson

In 1949, aware of Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth house, Philip Johnson designed his own house at New Canaan, Connecticut, as an all glass-walled box with only a small cylindrical brick enclosure to house a bathroom and to provide a location for a fireplace.

The kitchen was a counter with lift tops giving access to equipment. The furniture was all of Mies's design, using brown leather on chrome frameworks, while major works of art introduced a variety of less rigorous forms into the space. The red tiles of the floor and the outward view into surrounding greenery establish color.

This "Glass House" has become a famous example of the possibilities of an open plan carried to its logical, extreme conclusion.

enclosure - ограждение

to house - размещать

a counter - стойка

access - доступ

leather – кожа

rigorous - строгий

tile - плитка

greenery - зелень

to establish – устанавливать, основывать

possibility - возможность

to carry – осуществлять, приводить в исполнение

2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

коробка с полностью стеклянными стенами, единственное небольшое кирпичное заграждение, предоставить место для камина, поднимающийся верх, доступ к оборудованию, хромированный каркас (рамка), разнообразие менее строгих форм, напольная плитка, внешний вид, окружающая зелень, доводить до логического заключения.

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