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english for designers.docx.doc
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2. Find the English equivalents:

to be puzzled, to unite, pattern, cloth, to decide, to fancy, universal, to change

3. True or false?

1) Homeowners usually have some problems in using their favourite colour in home décor.

2) It is always very easy for a professional designer to imagine the whole décor of the room .

3) If you don’t know exactly what colours to choose, paint different patches of colour on the walls.

4) Tricia gives some advice how to decorate without excess expenses.

5) The furniture must be multi-functional.

4. Match the words with their synonyms or definitions. Then fill in the gaps with the necessary form of these words.

1) to incorporate a) a sample of cloth

2) to imagine b) a complete change

3) an overview c) to form a united whole or mass

4) a swatch d) to form a picture or idea in the mind

5) to add e) to join something to something

6) a transformation f) a general survey

1) I can … the scene clearly.

2) You may … some necessary accessories to the interior of this room.

3) I chose … of neutral colour which would be compatible with the décor of this interior.

4) We shall try … some of your ideas into our future plans.

5) All the elements of the décor give … of the designer’s conception.

6) You’ve painted the room blue all over; what … !

5. Translate the sentences:

1) Нам было очень сложно объединить эти яркие цвета в декоре данной комнаты.

2) Дизайнер представила несколько образцов ткани, которые она хотела использовать для драпировки.

3) Родители решили полностью изменить декор всей квартиры, хотя и были ограничены в средствах.

4) Декоратор попытался дать общий обзор своего дизайнерского проекта.

6. Describe any interior from the point of combination of colours. The following words and phrases may help you:

colour: light, bright; dark; glossy, shining; matt; warm / cold

nuance, shade: light, bright; dark; delicate, soft; pale, pastel

combination of colours / tones

colour contrast

to choose smth. by contrast with smth.

to choose smth. to match (the colour of) smth.

in the colour spectrum of …

in the same tone as …

to match smth.;

to go well with smth.

to be in harmony with

to harmonize with

to have in common with the colour of …

to emphasize, to produce an effect with the help of these colours


Part 1

1. Read the text

Carnival Spirit's interior design, celebrates world's great architectural styles. From art nouveau to postmodern to funky to Egyptian, the public rooms on the newest ship, the Carnival Spirit, celebrate a wide variety of architectural styles in their interior-design themes. As the Carnival Spirit represents a new class of "Fun Ship", its interior design reinvents the traditional central thematic idea by creating a mood of diversity through a synthesis of highly divergent décors.

"Although the central idea for this ship could be called 'noteworthy décor styles,' it's really a very abstract unifying theme," said Joe Farcus, interior architect for the "Fun Ship" fleet.

"There is a main decorative style used in each of the public rooms - Chinese in one, art deco in another, for example - however, the styles are not necessarily executed in a traditional manner, but rather are more interpretive," he added.

The Spirit Lobby and some public areas are decorated in the art deco style, which uses sleek, graceful lines and slender organic forms. The lobby houses two grand staircases, a bar with dance floor and the information and tour desks. Rich wood and antiqued copper are used extensively in the lobby, stairwells and elevator bays. Railings are a lacy cast copper, stained glass domes in the ceiling provide diffused lighting, and the walls and elevators combine wood, handmade etched plates, marble inlaid frames and embossed copper trimmings.

Art Nouveau стиль модерн (художественный и архитектурный стиль конца XIX - начала XX вв.)

funky – 1) вонючий; 2) грубо-материальный; приземленный; 3) броский, вызывающий; 4) стиль «фанки» (муз.)

lobbyвестибюль, холл, фойе


stairwell – лестничный колодец

bayстр. пролет

railingограда, перила

diffusedразбросанный, рассеянный

to etch – гравировать


embossed1) резной, тисненый, чеканный 2) рельефный; выпуклый 3) богато украшенный 4) напыщенный (о стиле)

2. Choose the most suitable title to the text:

1) The interior design of the Spirit Lobby.

2) The best design project of Joe Farcus, interior architect for the "Fun Ship" fleet.

3) The diversity of the interior design on the Carnival Spirit.

4) The up-to-date interior design of the public rooms on the Carnival Spirit.

3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

заново открывать (обновлять), представлять, объединяющая тема, выполненный в традиционной манере, вмещать (содержать), цветное стекло, обеспечивать

4. Find the synonyms to the following words:

to be famous for, a great diversity, a feeling of multiplicity, different, remarkable, shiny, refined, impressive, widely, embellishments

5. True or false?

1) Different styles are presented in the interior design on the ship.

2) The Carnival Spirit’s décors are not united by any theme.

3) All the décors on the ship are performed in established styles without any interpretation.

4) The entrance hall of the ship is designed in the style of 30-ties of the 20th century.

5) The décor of the vestibule is rather reserved and have no pretentious garniture.

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