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2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

стеклянный купол, в линейном порядке, цветочный рисунок, на всем протяжении, сцена для эстрадных артистов, на борту, огромный

3. Find the synonyms to the following words:

remarkable, to be situated, towering, to include, forms, fresco, round, exquisite, the chief characteristics

4. True or false?

1) The dining venue is situated only on the Carnival Spirit.

2) The Nouveau Supper Club is located on the upper deck.

3) The floral pattern can be found only on pillars.

4) The visitors can observe the work of the cooks.

5) The entertaining area is located in another place, not in the Nouveau Supper Club.

6) The designer of the library on the Carnival Spirit was Thomas Chippendale.

7) The columns in the library have the form of human’s legs.

8) The guests can surf the Internet in the library.

5. In what meaning are the underlined words used in the sentences? In what meaning are the words used in the text?

to characterize – 1) изображать, характеризовать, описывать; 2) отличать; служить отличительным признаком, определять, характеризовать

The artist has that excellent taste which characterizes his paintings.

You have characterized him as ambitious person.

The hero of the book is characterized as a person of very strong principles.

An interest in people’s deepest feelings characterizes all her writings.

to overlook – 1) обозревать; 2) выходить на; 3) не заметить, просмотреть, пропустить; 4) не обращать внимания; смотреть сквозь пальцы, прощать

1) My windows overlook the street.

2) These little details are easily overlooked.

3) I went on deck and overlooked the boundless waters.

4) I won’t overlook your mistakes next time.

6. Answer the questions:

1) In what style is the Nouveau Supper Club designed?

2) What are the main features of Art Nouveau style?

3) In what style is the library decorated?

4) What are the distinguishing characteristics of this public room?

7. Translate the sentences:

1) Одно из самых примечательных помещений корабля выполнено в стиле модерн.

2) Отличительной чертой стиля модерн являются растительные узоры.

3) Комната украшена фресками, расписанными вручную.

4) Многие предметы мебели выполнены в форме цветочных бутонов.

5) Изящные линии и отделка в стиле рококо характеризуют декор библиотеки.

Part 3

1. Read the text

The three-level Pharaoh's Palace Lounge is decorated in Egyptian style. Sarcophagi designed after that of the golden King Tutankhamen are situated between the windows and stone walls which are decorated with hieroglyphics. Twenty-foot-tall stone figures flank the stage. A circular staircase and elevator provide access to all three levels of the lounge, which has a retractable orchestra pit, turntable stage and loft for scenery, lights and stage props.

The ornate Versailles Lounge is located one deck below the Egyptian Lounge, and, as its name implies, is richly done in the elegant, highly decorative manner that emerged in 18th-century France. The sloping floor provides excellent sight lines to the stage, which extends into the seating area for greater interaction between the entertainers and the audience. Since the room is on a lower deck, there are no windows. However, faux windows have been created using ornate frames around French skyline scenes of chateaux with starry skies lit by fiber optics. With a large dance floor, the room has been designed as a cross between a lounge and an intimate theater.

"Funky" best describes the décor of the two-level Dancing Club. A large dance floor is located on the lower level of the club, with a bar and overlook seating located on the upper level. The room also features a two-deck, 20-by-20-foot video wall of 48-inch monitors.

lounge – гостиная, холл, комната для отдыха

to flankбыть расположенным сбоку, располагаться по обе стороны

retractable – втягивающийся, втяжной

loftчердак; верхний этаж

propsбутафория, реквизит

faux windowsфр. фальшивые окна

chateauxфр. Замок

to featureхарактеризуется

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