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2. Answer the following questions.

  1. What fundamental principle is democratic govern­ ment founded upon?

  2. What are inalienable rights?

  3. Why can't these rights be legislated away?

  4. Why is freedom of speech devalued without freedom of assembly?

  5. What can democratic government do concerning free­ dom of assembly?

  6. What does freedom of religion mean?

  7. Is it to enhance their rights that citizens in a democ­ racy undertake their civic obligations and responsibilities?

  8. What is the essence of democratic action?

  9. How does D. Ravich define democracy?

10) Do you agree that freedom means responsibility, not freedom from responsibility?

3. Find in the text the beginnings for the following endings.

  1. ... are God-given natural rights.

  2. ... when their government is not.

  3. ... is the lifeblood of any democracy.

  4. ... freedom of speech would be devalued.


Учебное пособие для философов и политологов

  1. ... recognizes that a person's religions faith is a pro­ foundly personal matter.

  1. ... do not function in isolation.

  2. ... is the ultimate custodian of its own freedom.

  3. ... democracy will begin to wither.

  1. ... cooperation, compromise and tolerance among all citizens.

10) ..., but man's inclination to injustice makes demo­ cracy necessary.

4. Fill in the blanks with words from the text.

  1. Governments in a democracy do not... the fundamen­ tal freedoms.

  2. Governments are created to ... those freedoms.

  3. Neither society nor government can ... or ... them.

  4. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ... the Congress from passing any law interfering with free­ dom.

  5. To debate and vote, to assemble and protest, to wor­ ship, to ensure justice ... upon the unrestricted flow of speech and information.

  6. The democratic state ... that a person's religious faith is a profoundly personal matter.

  7. Democracies ... upon the principle that government exists to serve the people.

  8. While the state protects the right of its citizens, ... , the citizens give the state their loyalty.

  9. Democracy ... cooperation, compromise and tolerance among all citizens.

10) Democracy ... ideas of freedom and self-expression.

5. Find the statements which are not true to the text.

  1. The fundamental freedoms are granted and protected by governments.

  2. Every individual possesses these freedoms by virtue of his or her existence.

Part I

Political science

  1. T he US Constitution gives the fundamental freedoms to the people.

  2. Freedom of speech is closely liked to the right to gather, protest and demand change.

  3. Democratic governments have no right to regulate the time and place of political rallies.

  4. The people do not exist to serve the government in a democratic state.

  5. Rights, like individuals, do not function in isolation.

  6. Democratic government is elected by and accountable to its citizens.

  7. Democracy is a process, a way of living and working together.

10) Democracy is more static than evolutionary.