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alienate - отдалять

angle – точка зрения, подход

applicable - применимый

avoid - избегать

compile - составить

concise – краткий, сжатый

deadline – крайний срок

definition - определение

device -приспособление

facilitate - облегчать

flatter - льстить

guidelines - правила

ironclad rules – «железные» правила

meet the deadline – выполнить в срок

pitch letter – рекламно – информационное письмо

priority - приоритет

props - реквизит

ream - груда

skew - искать

take the time – не торопиться

vital – жизненно важный

voice mail system – автоответчик

Translate the following words and word-combinations into Russian. Make up sentences of your own:

  1. To meet a deadline

  2. To miss a deadline

  3. To set a deadline

  4. To work under a tight deadline

  5. At deadline time

  1. To establish priorities

  2. A top/high/first priority

  3. To have/take/get priority

  4. To get one’s priorities straight/right

Answer the following questions:

  1. What should be done to know your media?

  2. How can you limit your mailings?

  3. Why is it important to localize your materials?

  4. What sort of information should be sent?

  5. How should news materials be written?

  6. Why should gimmicks be avoided?

  7. What does “o be environmentally correct” mean?

  8. Why should you be always accessible for the media?

  9. Why can’t “no comment” be one of the possible answers to reporters’ questions?

  10. In what way should you be fair to competing media?

  11. How can you help photographers?

  12. In what way should you react to errors?

Text 5 media etiquette

In addition to the foregoing guidelines, there are several matters of media

etiquette that should be observed. A failure to observe the following points often leads to poor media relations.

Irritating Phone Calls Don't call a reporter or an editor to ask if your news release was received. Simply assume that it was if you used a regular channel of distribution such as first-class mail, a courier service, or fax.

Unfortunately, the practice of phoning reporters with such an inane question is widely done as a pretext for calling attention to the news release or making a pitch for its use.

Although the approach seems logical, it is better to call a reporter to offer some new piece of information or a story angle that may not be explicit in the news release. The telephone call then becomes an information call instead of a plea to read the news re lease and use it.

Inappropriate Requests It is not appropriate to ask a publication or broadcast station to send you a clipping of the story or news segment. If you want such materials you should make arrangements with a clipping service or a broadcast monitoring firm.

It also is not a good idea to ask if you can check a story before it runs. Publications rarely give such permission and consider the request an infringement on their First Amendment Rights. From a practical standpoint, news is timely, and there often isn't time for outside sources to check stories. It is permissible to ask a reporter if you can check any quotes attributed to you. In many cases, however, you will still get a frosty no.