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Розробили викладачі іноземної мови (за проф. спрямуванням): Альохіна Р.І та Петренко О.П.

Unit 1 Оцінка майна Appraisal

Ex. 1. Прочитайте та запам’ятайте наступні слова та вирази:

  1. independent real estate appraisal – оцінка нерухомості;

  2. appraisal of equipment, machinery and vehicles - оцінка обладнання, машин та транспортних засобів;

  3. appraisal of companies (businesses) - оцінка компаній (бізнесу) ;

  4. appraisal of stocks and other market securities- оцінка акцій та інших цінних паперів;

  5. appraisal of intangible assets, including intellectual rights- оцінка нематеріальних активів, в тому числі, оцінка прав інтелектуальної власності;

  6. appraisal of property rights – оцінка майнових прав;

  7. consulting in evaluation– надання консультативних послуг з оцінки

Ex.2.Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

Every business is involved in attracting of loans, issuing of stocks, buying and selling of assets. In order to do these operations, all parts need independent appraisal of assets. All appraisals are provided according to Ukrainian and International laws.

Currently evaluation services are for companies and organizations in almost all areas of business. Evaluation services are helping to take the right decisions that will preserve and increase the financial position of businesses. Our experts provides the following types of appraisal services:

  • independent real estate appraisal

  • appraisal of equipment, machinery and vehicles

  • appraisal of companies (businesses)

  • appraisal of stocks and other market securities

  • appraisal of intangible assets, including intellectual rights

  • appraisal of property rights consulting in evaluation

Ex .3. Доповніть речення:

1. All appraisals are provided according……..

2.Currently evaluation services are……

3.Аll parts need independent………

Ex .4.Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою:

  1. Оцінка майна нашими співробітниками проводиться у відповідності із українським та міжнародним законодавством.

  2. Наша компанія не займається оцінкою машин та транспортних засобів.

  3. Ми хочемо перевірити правильність оцінки ваших майнових прав.

  4. В майбутньому я хочу займатися оцінкою прав інтелектуальної власності.

  5. Функціонування будь-якого бізнесу пов'язане із залученням кредитних засобів, акціонерного капіталу, придбанням та продажем активів.

Ex .5. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.

1.I (not to drink) coffee now. I ( to write) an English exercises.

2.I (to play) computer games yesterday.

3.He ( to drink) coffee in the morning every day.

4.Look! The baby ( to sleep).

5.She ( to cook) the whole day yesterday.

6.We ( to wash the floor) the day before yesterday.

7.You (to do) your homework from 8 till 10 yesterday?

8.Your friend (to go) to the college every morning?

9.My sister always (to sleep) in the afternoon.

10.He ( to read ) an interesting book.

11.Her mother ( not to work) in the office.

12.Our company ( to deal with) appraisal of property rights.

Ex .6.Утворіть питальну та заперечну форми, звертаючи увагу на граматичні часи:.

  1. I trained yesterday.

  2. The industry does not use the resources intensively.

  3. He was translating the whole text by eleven o’clock yesterday.

  4. They are dancing on the stage.

  5. The teacher watched them.

  6. It is necessary for him to leave the city.

  7. I will not apologize.

  8. You will have translated this text by next Monday.

  9. We have already brought a lot of berries from the wood.

Ex .7. Переробіть наступні речення в 9 граматичних часах:

  1. Our experts evaluate his apartment.

  2. He consults my partner inappraisal of business.

Домашнє завдання:

Ex. 1. Вивчіть новий лексичний матеріал

Ex.8. Підготуйте переказ тексту.

Ex .9. Переробіть наступні речення в 9 граматичних часах:

  1. The students discuss their future profession.

  2. He studies tax system .

Питання для самоконтролю:

  1. What is appraisal?

  2. What kind of appraisal activity do you know?

 Unit 2 Визначення та сутність роботи оцінювача.

Ex1. Знайдіть українські еквіваленти поданих слів та виразів за допомогою словника:

  1. Real estate appraisers

  2. evaluate

  3. Investigate

  4. assessments

  5. Purchase

  6. an estimate of the value of the property

  7. Training Requirements

  8. rigorous requirements

  9. Account

  10. holders

Ex. 2. Складіть 3 речення з новими словами.

Ex.3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

Definition and Nature of the Work

Real estate appraisers investigate all aspects of buildings and land to determine their value. This value is used for purchase, sale, investment, mortgage, or loan purposes.

The value of a building is determined by making an appraisal—an estimate of the most probable price for which a property should sell under current market conditions. To make these estimates real estate appraisers begin by visiting a property and talking with people familiar with it. They then measure the property and inspect it for design, construction, and condition.

Having gathered this information, real estate appraisers take a number of other factors into account. They use a variety of standard formulas to assess possible losses in value and reproduction costs. They also consider location and other trends that could influence the future value of the property.

Real estate appraisers search public records for any additional information that may assist them in making an appraisal, including records of previous sales, leases, assessments, and other transactions. The records are usually found in local government offices or computer databases accessible through the Internet.

After all the information on a property has been collected, real estate appraisers make an estimate of the value of the property and prepare a detailed report that includes a legal and physical description of the property, photographs, plans, and an explanation of the estimate. Appraisers must be able to stand behind their assessments when questioned by property owners and realtors. Sometimes appraisers are brought in to public hearings to testify on the value of property.

Some real estate appraisers evaluate several different types of real estate; others specialize in appraising commercial, residential, rental, or agricultural property. The work performed may depend on where an appraiser works. Some appraisers choose private practice or partnerships, while others work for private corporations or financial institutions.

Education and Training Requirements

To become a real estate appraiser a candidate has to meet state licensing requirements, which are usually established by a state assessor's board. There are three types of widely accepted licenses: the State Licensed Appraiser license, the Certified General Real Property Appraiser license, and the State Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser license.

Ex.4. Доповніть речення:

1. Real estate appraisers investigate all aspects of…

2. The value of a building is determined by…

3. After all the information on a property has been…

4. To become a real estate appraiser a candidate has to…

5. There are three types of widely accepted licenses…

Ex.5. Заповніть пропуски та перекладіть речення:

(banks, license, ways, profitable , employers)

1). Real estate ……are looking for people with a combination of strong deal-making and interpersonal skills.

2). Real estate can be a very…….. career.

3). If you want to get into real estate, there are a lot of ……….to do it.

4). If you want to become a real estate agent, you first have to earn your real estate………..

5). Corporate real estate departments, governments, and ………….also employ real estate specialists.

Ex.6.Складіть діалог, використовуючи інформацію з тексту.

Ex.7. Заповніть пропуски, вибираючи правильний варіант дієслова:

Lots of children have got a part-time job. As for me I(1) ….as a paper boy. I (2) …. A paper round twice a week, so I (3) at 6.30 on Wednesdays and on Sundays. It (4)…. Me about an hour. Sometimes it (5)…. Me longer on Sundays because the Sunday papers are very heavy. My parents often (6) me any pocket money, but I need it. The newsagent (7) me two pounds a weekday and three pounds on Sundays, so in a week I (8)…… five pounds.

  1. Work / works / not work / not works

  2. Do/ does/ doesn’t/ do not

  3. Get up/ got up/ gets up/ gots up

  4. Take/ takes/ is take/ is takes

  5. Take/ takes/ is take/ is takes

  6. Do give/ don’t give/ does give/ doesn’t give

  7. Pay/ pays/ doesn’t pays/ don’t pay

  8. Get/ gets/ doesn’t get/ don’t get

Домашнє завдання:

Ex. 1. Вивчіть новий лексичний матеріал

Ex.8. Підготувати контрольне читання та переклад тексту

Питання для самоконтролю:

1.What do real estate appraisers investigate?

2. Do some appraisers choose private practice or partnerships?

Unit 3 Карєра, робота, навчання.

Ex. 1. Знайдіть до слів в лівому стовпчику українські еквіваленти з правого стовпчика:

1) real estate appraisers а) власники

2) investigate b) рахунок

3) purchase c) покупка

4) account d) досліджувати

5) holders e) оцінщик з нерухомого майна

Ex. 2. Прочитайте та перекладіть тексти:

Real Estate Careers, Jobs, Training and Employment Information

In the United States Alone there are currently 5 million plus individuals working in the various parts of the real estate industry, including mortgage banking, construction, title insurance, appraising, property management, brokerage and leasing, and real estate development. In addition to that number are the thousands of people working as commercial banking lenders, corporate real estate agents, savings and loan officers, and insurance companies who aren’t officially part of the real estate industry. Because real estate serves as a guarantee for mortgages and the foundation for mass amounts of capital, more than 33% of global financial assets are connected to real estate. Real estate is an exciting and essential part of the global society. Those who work in real estate provide a service that affects each of our lives, and they contribute to development that will impact society for generations. A career in the dynamic field of real estate will provide fulfilling opportunities to stretch your abilities and expand your experience. Continue reading to find out how a career in real estate can change your life.

Real estate employers are looking for people with a combination of strong deal-making and interpersonal skills. The skills involved include:

  • People skills: High

  • Sales skills: Very High

  • Communication skills: High

  • Analytical skills: Medium

  • Ability to synthesize: Low

  • Creative ability: Medium

  • Initiative: High

  • Work hours: 20-70/week

There are dozens of different ways to become involved in the real estate business. There are financial analysts positions for those who like to crunch numbers, there are customer service positions for socialites, and there are real estate investment opportunities for aspiring investors.

If you want to get into real estate, there are a lot of ways to do it. If you want to become a real estate agent, you first have to earn your real estate license, and then you have to sign on with a brokerage. But if you’re more interested in analysis and property acquisition, you’ll need a graduate degree focused in real estate. Then you can put your skills to use at a large property management firm. Corporate real estate departments, governments, and banks also employ real estate specialists.

Ex. 3. Дайте відповіді на питання:

1.How many individuals are working in the various parts of the real estate industry in the United States?

2. What necessary skills must have a future appraiser?

3. What have you to earn to become a real estate agent?

Ex.4. Заповніть пропуски:

(Аppraisers, the property, specialists, real estate, individuals)

1) In the USA more, than 5 million…….. work in the various parts of the real estate industry.

2) If you want to get into………, there are a lot of ways to do it.

3) Real estate departments and banks also employ real estate…...

4)After all the information on a property has been collected, real estate appraisers make an estimate of the value of……….

5) ………prepare a detailed report that includes a legal and physical description of the property, photographs, plans, and an explanation of the estimate.

Ex.5. Складіть діалог (робота в парах), в якому ви обговорюєте ваші вміння та перспективи для майбутньої роботи оцінщиком.

Ex.6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в різних граматичних часах:

  1. Yesterday we ( to discuss) the film which we (to see) some days before.

  2. By eight o’clock yesterday I ( to do) my homework and at eight o’clock I ( to play) the piano.

  3. He (to receive) the telegram tomorrow.

  4. I (to do) the exercises by seven o’clock tomorrow.

  5. Last night we (to go) to a football match.

  6. By 6 o’clock father (to come) home and at 6 o’clock he (to have) dinner.

  7. Where are the pupils? – They (to plant) trees.

  8. They (to drink) tea every morning.

  9. What you (to read) now?

  10. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from 3 till 4 yesterday.

Домашнє завдання:

Ex. 1. Вивчіть новий лексичний матеріал.

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