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23. Online shopping

  • Clothes

  • Footwear

  • Flight tickets

  • Computer devices


You don’t have an opportunity to see the item

Wait for the items to arrive

Delivery risks

Online security (making payments online is usually safe but not always)

You need knowledge of operating a computer (older people in particular are not comfortable operating computer and they will never purchase online because of the same reason)

Online connectivity issues

You can’t buy items which you need right now



Better price

Big choice of items

24. An ideal internet site for an e-trading company

1. Display your best selling products on your home page – the reason they are best sellers is because they appeal to most people.

2. Display the retail price next to the selling price and include the amount that people will save – people go online to find a deal and to save money, and if you can demonstrate this on your site you will tap into this ‘bargain’ psychology.

3. Ensure the product images are of the highest quality (distinct from high resolution) – online shoppers judge the quality of the products by what they can see, and if your images are not high quality sales will suffer as a result.

4. Include an ‘Add To Cart’ button right below the price – there is nothing worse than making a decision to buy something and then having to look around for the ‘add to cart’ button.

5. Offer free shipping – one of the biggest reasons shoppers don’t buy online is because of shipping costs. Offering free shipping is one of the best ways to increase sales, just look at the Apple store online where everything includes free shipping.

6. Convenient usage of the site

7. Attractive colors

  1. Which products and services are/aren’t selling well on the Internet? Why (not)?

Nowadays nobody can imagine their lives without internet. Only in Russia there are more than 10 mln users. Internet runs through all spheres of our life. Online business became very popular, because of accessibility to online payment. With the help of the internet people from all over the world can make an order and buy practically everything they want. In my opinion clothes, different toys and books are best selling in the internet, as it is not very expensive. There are a lot of online shops, where we can find everything we want. It is very convenient to do shopping from home. Many products like jewellery, cars and other valuable things are not very popular in the Internet. It is because of high price and because many people are not sure in payment on the Internet. It is rather high risk of stealing their money by frauds.

  1. What are the benefits to a company of doing business online / a customer shopping online?

Selling products and services online can have major advantages for businesses, leading to increased profitability and lower costs, including:

  • Making savings in set-up and operational costs. You don't need to rent high street placement, pay shop assistants or answer a lot of pre-sales queries.

  • Reducing order processing costs - customer orders can automatically come straight into your orders database from the website.

  • Reaching a global audience, thereby increasing sales opportunities.

  • Competing with larger businesses by being able to open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  • Being able to receive payment more quickly from online transactions.

  • Attracting customers who would not normally have investigated your type of high street outlet.

  • Improving your offerings using the data gathered by tracking customer purchases.

There are a number of arguable benefits to the consumer of online shopping verses traditional brick and mortar stores.

1.  Convenience and time saving – Shopping on the Internet can save time. A consumer does not have to travel to a store or adjust his schedule around the store’s hours. Without leaving their home or office, consumers can access thousands of Web sites to research products, and purchase everything.

2. Broader selection – The opportunity to find specialty items not easily available in ordinary retail outlets. This is especially true for consumers who live in small towns or rural areas where retail shopping is limited.

3. Global choice – Online, customers can shop at stores in other states or in other countries.

4. Better information – Access to a fuller range of information about product availability, descriptions, reviews and pricing.

  1. Lower prices – Some Internet retailers offer discounts from traditional channels. Users can access most online news and information free of charge.

  2. Customization and Personalized products and services – Some Web businesses, particularly media, music, computers businesses already customize the product to an audience of one. The result is customized products comparable to those offered by specialized suppliers but at competitive mass market prices.  

  3. Quality of service – eCommerce has created a global market with all suppliers competing for business. It brings suppliers closer to the customer. The customer benefits to the extent that the quality of the service offered is improved.