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19. The use of consultancy firms in Russia?

Consulting market in Russia is really young. During all time there were 2 reasons why Russian organizations don’t like to use consulting services. The first reason: there is a lack of highly qualified and skilled consultants in our country in the sphere of marketing, management and finance. The second one: people from our country can’t understand the intent of consulting services. Why we should pay somebody for this when we have an opportunity to find out this information by ourselves.

At the present time we have about 3000 consulting companies on the Russian market. The main spheres of consulting firm in Russia: overall management, administration, personnel management, valuation activities, financial, juristic, fiscal and it-consulting. And the most developing sphere of consulting is a IT-consulting.

Currently, the demand of the consulting services in Russia is slowly increasing.

20. Tips for sales negotiation

1. Remember you're the expert. Buyers often have to buy products or services they don't really understand. Think of negotiation as education. Of course, you have to know all characteristics of your product or service.

2. Negotiation is a process of give and take. When you give a discount to the buyer, always ask for something in return.

3. Don't forget you have something the buyer wants; but they need you as much as you need them.

4. You do not need to automatically accept the contract terms a buyer offers you. Remember, it's their job to get the best possible outcome for their company. That's your job too.

5. Stay consistent

6. Don't celebrate until the contract is signed. The negotiation process has many twists and turns and what looks good today might not look so good tomorrow.

21. How important is it for a business to formulate strategy?

It’s very important, because strategy is determining where you are now, where you want to go, and then how to get there. It’s the art of developing and implementing specific actions and decisions that will enable the business to achieve goals and objectives. Without a strategy it is highly unlikely you will achieve your goals – this is true not only in business but in just about any aspect of life.

1. Define your business vision. You have to imagine in your perfect world, just what your business look like?

2. Decide your company's core operating values. You are looking for the core beliefs and values that you wish your company to be known for.

3. Make and draw up your long-term plans that will help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be.

4. Make and draw up your medium Term Plans. You need to include elements to guide your day to day.

5. Figure out what resources you've already got, and what resources you need to get you past any barriers. And then create an action plan that will describe how you will achieve your goals.

6. It is important that you carefully monitor progress on your strategy and plans. Develop a set of milestones.

22. What kind of strategies can a company adopt when entering a new market?

1. It is very important to make and may be draw up clear and specific goals.

2. Formulate a strategy, because it’s determining where you are now, where you want to go and how to get there. Without a strategy it is highly unlikely you will achieve your goals – this true not only in business but practically in all spheres of our life.

3. Perform SWOT analysis to assess the opportunities and threats.

4. Assess size, growth and other important metrics, figures of the new market.

5. Identify your risk areas.

6. The objectives, together with the opportunities and threats in the new market, will decide your market entry strategy. There are different types of market entry strategies. Depending on your appetite for risk and your capital outlay, you may choose aggressive entry strategies such as acquisition, or a non-aggressive, slow and steady approach, such as partnership. You may also use a combination of these approaches to enter a new market.