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16. Banking in future.

In the nearest future the role and share of internet banking will increasing, because:

• It's generally secure. But make sure that the website you're using has a valid security certificate. This let's you know that the site is protected from cyber-thieves looking to steal your personal and financial information.

• You have twenty-four-hour access. When your neighborhood bank closes, you can still access your account and make transactions online. It's a very convenient alternative for those that can't get to the bank during normal hours because of their work schedule, health or any other reason.

• You can access your account from virtually anywhere. If you're on a business trip or vacationing away from home, you can still keep a watchful on your money and financial transactions - regardless of your location.

• Conducting business online is generally faster than going to the bank. Long teller lines can be time-consuming, especially on a Pay Day. But online, there are no lines to contend with. You can access your account instantly and at your leisure.

• Many features and services are typically available online. For example, with just a few clicks you can apply for loans, check the progress of your investments, review interest rates and gather other important information that may be spread out over several different brochures in the local bank.

17. Which factors can potentially cause a company financial problems?


Suppliers - sometimes it’s rather profitable to make partnership with foreign suppliers in terms of a quality, quantity or price. But within the unstable economic situation in the world it’s really risky, because your company will depend on such factors as exchange rate or political situation in the country.

Government - very often legislation has an influence on organizations and limits its activity. Also, government can affect organizations by dues and penalties.

Consumers - for example, within unemployment economic conditions many consumers become unwilling to spend as much available income if they fear losing their job.

Competition - competition has the power to damage your company. Sometimes only competitors have an influence on a price and terms of delivery.


Level of GDP in your country, government policy, level of average wages, economic situation, unemployment level and even average annual temperature in your country.

18. External consultant

Companies take an external consultant to get an additional skills. I think that the most usual reason to hire a consultant is to get access to some of their skills that are nonexistent in your own company. Also, some companies want to receive an intelligent advice or just don’t have suitable specialist in their company who can solve a particular problem.


  • He can give you an advice on the third hand

  • You have flexibility in the relationship

  • You can fire them easier than fire employees from your company

  • It reduces your costs, because you don’t need to retrain your stuff

  • It’s really unprofitable to organize special departments such as marketing department, PR department especially in small companies. It’s will be better just to hire an external consultant for some time to solve your problems or to help you making a company restructuring


  • You have limited control over the external consultant

  • You have some risks connected with unqualified or unskilled person

  • The most important disadvantage is a possibility to lose your confidential, private information, and ones your information is stolen, it can take months or even years to correct the damage