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8. What is the term of office of an American Senator? a congressman?

The Senate and the House of Representatives make the USA CONGRESS.

A SENATOR is elected for the term of 6 years. Must be over 30 years old, US citizen for more than 9 years and be a resident of the State that votes for him. There are 2 Senators from each State – 100 in total. Every 2 years a third of the Senators is reelected.

A CONGRESSMAN is elected for the term of 2 years. There are 435 congressmen in the House of Representatives. The number of votes depends on each state’s number of population.

9. When was the first University founded in America?

The Harvard University in the city of Cambridge (almost Boston), Massachusetts, was founded on the 8 of September 1638. Named in honor of John Harvard, missionary and a well-doer. By the end of 19th Century – central cultural establishment of Boston. In 1900 became a centralized research University and one of the founders of the Association of American Universities. It now includes 10 faculties and the Redcliff Institute for Prospective Studies.

10. What is “the Yvy League”?

Association of 8 USA Universities of the North-East:

Brown University (Providence, Rhode-Island) Harvard University

Dartmouth College (Hannover, New-Hampshire) Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut),

Columbia University (NY, NY) Cornell University (Cornell, NY)

University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)

The name comes from the ivy springs covering the old walls of those Universities. First it was just their sport teams’ association, but later on the name “Yvy League” applied to all the sides of their life and now symbolizes highest prestige, best education level and biggest financial possibilities of the Ivy League Universities.

11. What is the main national holiday in the usa?

The Independence Day or the 4th of July. The Day of Birth of the Nation. Celebrated on the 4th of July from 1776 when the Declaration of Independence from GB, prepared by the Committee of Five and Thomas Jefferson, was adopted by the Congress.

12. When was the War for Independence fought?

1775-1783 Revolutionary War.

In 1765-1767 GB imposes new stamp, newspaper and imported goods taxes without participation of American representatives. Protests were active. The first blood shad when English military and trade boats were attacked in 1772 and 1773 (Boston Tea Party). In response GB blockaded Boston and Massachusetts from the sea and dissolved its legal committee, but blockade didn’t succeed and the British left. 1774-1775 – the 1st Continental Congress in Philadelphia, unsuccessful petition to the British people and the King, G. Washington elected the Army Commander. 1776- Declaration of Independence adopted. 1778 – France supported America. 1781 – the last big defeat of the British with Gen. Cornwallis by French - American army at Yorktown, Virginia; Articles of Confederation rectified by 13 states (it preceded Constitution of 1787-1789). The Treaty of Versailles the 3 of Spt.1783, GB accepted the USA Independence.