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IV. Creative understanding and application

Task 1. Write a movie review for a magazine. Don't forget to give this information. Remember that you must not use the pronoun I when you write a review.

  1. What is the name of the movie?

  2. Where is it on?

  3. How long does it last?

  4. Who are the principal actors?

  5. What is the plot?

  6. Who were the best actors? Why?

  7. How good were the filmmaking techniques for producing special effects?

  8. What didn't you like?

  9. Should people go to see this movie or not?



Students should know: topical vocabulary of this unit;

Students should be able to:

  • match definitions with words from the topical vocabulary;

  • complete sentences using words and names from the topic “Cinema”;

  • make up a film quiz.

  1. Recognition, memorization, reproduction

Task 1. Read these words paying attention to their pronunciation, find Russian equivalents and memorize in order to use them in your speech.

blockbuster, n

blockbusting, adj

comedian, n

director, n

duo, n

heartthrob, n

leading lady

legend, n

play a role

play in a film

role, n

script, n

shoot, v

star, v

win an award

II. Comprehension, application, interpretation

Task 1. Here are some definitions. Find the words using your active vocabulary.

1. _____ means to make a film. 2. _____ is a kind of a film which is extremely popular. 3. _____ is the main actress in the film. 4. _____ is a man who is popular among women. 5. _____ is an actor who plays comic roles. 6. _____ is a story coming from the past. 7. _____ is a form of presentation done in a pair. 8. _____ is the base of a film.

III. Analytical-synthesized search

Task 1. Be ready to cope with the following movie quiz. It is devoted to the foreign film industry. This movie quiz consists of 12 statements. Complete the sentences using the words and names from the box below. Be sure that you know these names.

Pierce Brosnan

Pulp Fiction

Tommy Lee Jones

Raging Bull


Pedro Almodovar

Marlon Brando

Lord of the Rings


Mickey Mouse

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Marilyn Monroe



Jack Nicholson


Clint Eastwood

Julia Roberts

George Lucas



Michel Keaton

Archibald Leach

1. Disney star _____ celebrated his 75th birthday in 2003. 2. The role of James Bond has been most recently played by actor ____. 3. Troy, starring Brad Pitt, was shot on the Mediterranean island _____. 4. John Travolta played a hitman in the Quentin Tarantino film _____. 5. Apart from “Ben Hur” in 1959 and “Titanic” in 1997, the only other film to win 11 Oscars was _____. 6. Spanish director _____ won the Best Foreign-Language Oscar for his 1999 film “All About My Mother”. 7. Tough-guy actor _____ is now governor of California. 8. Sylvester Stallone made _____ “Rocky” films in total. 9. Robert DeNiro won Best Actor Oscar for his role in the film _____. 10. “Men In Black” actor _____ attended Harvard University. 11. Actor _____ famously refused his Oscar for his role in “The Godfather”. 12. Stan Laurel, of comedy duo Laurel and Hardy, married _____ times in his life. 13. _____ played “The Good” in the film “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”. 14. Comedian Jim Carrey is originally from ____. 15._____ is real name is Michael Douglas.16. “Gone With The Wind” star Clark Gable was married _____ times.17._____ is the only living actor to have won three Oscars. 18. Director _____ wrote the scripts for all of the “Star Wars” films. 19. “The Godzilla” films first came out in 1954 in _____. 20. Hollywood legend James Dean made _____ films before his death. 21. _____ was named Norma Jean Mortensen at birth. 22. Blockbusting actress Nicole Kidman was born in _____. 23. Before he changed his name, heartthrob actor Cary Grant was known as _____. 24. Leading lady _____ played Richard Gere’s love interest in a 1990 film and then again in a 1999 film.

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