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  1. Comprehension, application, interpretation

Task 1. Which words in the list go with film? (E.g.: film director)

Director, doer, festival, maker, career, speaker, industry, star.

Task 2. Look at the words in italics. In each sentence, two are correct. Which one is wrong?

1. I would love to make / shoot / do a film. 2. Last night, I watched / saw / looked a film at the cinema 3. I enjoy going to the movies / films / pictures. 4. Clint Eastwood has directed / acted / produced a new film. 5. Tom Hanks is starring in / playing in / acting in a new film next month. 6. They have opened a new movie theatre / film theatre / cinema near my house.

Task 3. Look at the prepositions in italics. Only one preposition is correct in each sentence. Which one?

1. What’s on / in / off at the cinema? 2. It’s a film on / about / over a boy and girl in love. 3. Brad Pitt stars on / in / at a new movie. 4. The film was directed after / on / by Alfred Hitchcock. 5. The film is set in / on / at the south of France. 6. I usually go on / to / at the cinema every week.

Task 4. Match the words in the table with the definitions given below.

a) audience;

d) plot;

g) cast;

j) director;

b) special effects;

e) soundtrack;

h) scene;

k) script;

c) star;

f) subtitles;

I) sequel;

l) extra.

1._____are all the people who act in a film. 2. _____ is the most important actor or actress in a film. 3. _____ is a person who makes a film. 4. _____ is the music of a film. 5. _____is a story of a film. 6. _____ is a part of a film happening in one place. 7. _____ are people who watch a film at a cinema. 8. _____ is a film which continues the story of an earlier film. 9. _____are images, often created by a computer. 10. _____ are words of actors in a film. 11. _____ is a person in a film who has a small, unimportant part, e.g. in a crowd scene. 12. _____is the translation of a dialogue of a film into another language.

Task 5. Give English equivalents to the following words (while doing the task pay attention to the article “The Actor`s World”).

1) играть роль без слов; 2) прослушивание; 3) репетиция; 4) переигрывать роль; 5) сценарий; 6) ведущая женская роль; 7) ведущее положение в театре; 8) отчаянный; 9) достичь признания; 10) быть замеченным; 11) ценить славу; 12) привлекать.

Task 6. Complete the sentences, To help you, the first litter of each word is given.

Marlon Brando is a superb actor and in “On the Waterfront” he gave his finest (1) p_____. It is his best-known (2) r_____. The (3) с_____ also included Eva Marie Saint and Karl Maiden and the film's (4) d_____, Elia Kazan, never made a better film. Parts of the film were shot in the (5) s _____ in Hollywood, but a lot was made on (6) I_____ in the streets of New York. The critics loved the film but it was not only a (7) с_____ success. It had a great (8) b_____о_____ success as well, and made an enormous profit. The (9) p_____ is about a young man's attempt to be a boxing champion.

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