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In the world of managment Умп Буренкова О.М. и...doc
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    1. Переведите слова и выражения.

In many different languages; the concepts and activities; more technical definition; business is the production; moved from the factory; of goods and services; an auto mechanic performs; creating an economic surplus; many different languages; what does it mean; more technical definition; at its various parts; sale is the exchange; one other important factor; major goal; when he repairs a car; which people either need or want; in exchange for money.

    1. Дополните предложения и переведите русские словосочетания на английский язык.

  1. Business is a word which is commonly used (на различных языках) ....

  2. Traditionally, business simply meant (обмен или продажа).... people wanted or needed.

  3. (Одно из определений бизнеса, это - ) the production, distribution, and ....

  4. First,(производство, это - ).... of materials into products.

  5. (Продажа) is the exchange of....

  6. (Товары) are products which people either need or want; for example ....

  7. (Услуги), on the other hand .... for another person or organization.

    1. Ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is one of modern definition of business?

    2. How does this modern meaning of business differ from the traditional one?

    3. What factors have brought about these changes?

    4. What does production involve?

    5. What example of distribution is given in the reading? Can you think of another example?

    6. How do goods differ from services?

    7. In addition to production, distribution, and sale, what other factor is important in defining business?

    8. What is a profit? In general, what do companies do with their profits?

    1. Тест. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. The concepts and activities of business .... increased in modern times.

      1. have

      2. had

      3. has

  1. One definition of business is the production,…, and sale of goods and services for a profit.

  1. distribution

  2. planning

  3. promotion

  1. Sale is the exchange of.... product or service for money.

  1. a

  2. the

  3. -

  1. A major .... in the functioning of an American business company is making a profit.

  1. business

  2. goal

  3. exchange

  1. Вставьте предлог.

        1. The concepts and activities ... business have increased ... modern times.

        2. One definition ... business is the production, distribution, and sale ... goods and services ... a profit.

        3. A car might be moved ... a factory ... Detroit to a car dealership ... Miami.

    1. Business, then, is a combination ... all these activities: production, distribution and sale.

    2. A major goal... the functioning ... an American business company is making a profit.


One reason people go to college is that college prepares them to become managers. Students have told us, "I don't know what I want to do, really. I guess I would like to be in management." Management is attractive to students because it represents authority, money, prestige, and so on. But few students are able to describe just what it is that managers do.

Management could be called the art of getting things done through people and other resources. Managers give direction to their organizations, provide leadership, and decide how to use organizational resources to accomplish goals. Both definitions give you some idea for what managers do. The definition of management we will be using in this text is the following. Management is the process used to accomplish organizational goals through planning, organizing, directing and controlling people and other organizational resources. This definition spells out the four key functions of management: (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) directing, and (4) controlling.

Planning includes anticipating future trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Organizing includes designing the organizational structure, attracting people to the organization (staffing), and creating conditions and systems to ensure that everyone and everything work together to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.

Directing is guiding and motivating others to work effectively to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.

Controlling is checking to determine whether or not an organization is progressing toward its goals and objectives, and taking corrective actions if it is not.

You might also know that management is much more complex than doing a few tasks. A good manager must know about the industry the firm is in and all the technological, political, competitive, and social factors affecting that industry. He or she must also understand the kind of people who work in the industry and what motivates them. Finally, a manager must be skilled in performing various managerial tasks, especially technical tasks, human relations tasks and conceptual tasks.


to call

звонить, называть, вызывать

to decide


to accomplish

выполнять, совершенствовать

to use

пользоваться, применять



to direct

управлять, руководить

to include



общее направление

to attract



условие, состояние

to ensure

обеспечивать, гарантировать

to achieve


an objective

цель, стремление

to guide

вести, руководить

to check


to determine


toward, towards

по отношению к

to empower


to employer


to allow


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