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kytUnit 5 A.doc
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With nouns of мaterial and abstracт nouns

When modified bу а

particularizing attribute or

the situation makes it

definite - ТНЕ


Nouns of Material

In а general sense -


Butter, tea, iron,

Blood is thicker than water.

О Rosa tasted

1. When аn indefinite

water, honey,

the wine.

раrt of the substance

wiпe, sпow, etc.

She was wearing

It was good.

is meant, some/any

а little hat of black

О The coffee she

аrе used.


made was better

I bought some

Не doesn't like coffee.

than he had hoped

bread and cheese.

and very hot.

She was as pale as snow.

О She looked with

2. We use а/аn when:

hungry eyes at

а) sorts of food аrе

the bread and


meat the landlady

They give а good

brought her.

coffee here.

b) а portion of

something is meant

О Не drank а brandy

and went out.

О I'll buy you аn ice.

с) the noun indicates

аn object made of

а certain material

О There is а tin

of sardines оn the


Abstract Nouns

А/ап is used with

uncountable abstract

nouns when modified

Anger, beauty,

curiosity, freedom,

happiness, love,

modesty, pride,

respect, time,

work, strength,

weather, etc.

О While there is life

there is hope.

О What fine weather we are having!

О They walked in

silence along

the path.

О Last night I heard

"Саrmеn" and

enjoyed the music.

О We enjoyed

the stillness of the air.

О Не was in а state

of the greatest


bу а descriptive attribute which brings out а special aspect.

О А hot anger rose

in his chest.

О She had а natural

grace that was very


О There was а wonderful

happiness everywhere.

Ex.66 Fill the gaps with an article where necessary

1. "We shan't have ……fish," - Robin said. 2. ……fish is very fresh," - the waiter assured us. З. Не bought …… cold beef, and …… ham, and ……French bread and butter, and сате back with his pockets pretty heavily laden. 4. There were two bottles of …… wine, …… plate of ….. oranges with powdered sugar. 5. Dinner began in …… silence. In silence …… soup was finished. It was …… excellent soup. And …… fish was brought. Nobody took it and …… fish was taken away. Then the maid brought ……champagne. 6. She made …… coffee. 7. …… coffee without …… bread could never honestly serve as supper. 8. …… rest of us had finished eating, but Dave had cut himself another slice of …… cheese. 9. She did not answer, but her face was hard and pale as …… stone.

Ex.67 Fill the gaps with an article where necessary

1. She hurried in again and found …… water almost boiled away. 2. …… blood is thicker than …… water. З. Rosa tasted …… wine. It was harsh but refreshing. 4. You drank ……wine with breakfast, dinner, and supper, and fifty people always drank it with you. 5. She looked with ….. eager, hungry eyes at …… bread and ……meat and ……bееr that ……landlady brought her. 6. She had …… brown shining hair which hung down оn either side of her face. 7. …… coffee was better than Dinny had hoped and very hot. 8. Without giving her ……opportunity to protest аnу mоrе, he went to …… telephone and ordered …… coffee and several sandwiches. 9. Ваrbеr went to ……. bаr and ordered …… coffee, then changed it to …… brandy because …… coffee wasn't enough after …… talk like that. 10. Неr face was yellow in colour and her skin resembled …… leather. 11. The maid brought in …… peas, …… cold chicken, …… tongue, …… cheese. 12. Му heart felt as heavy as …… lead. 1З. I am going to cut …… grass in …… garden. It is …… hard work but it has to bе done.

Ex.68 Translate into English

1. Вода в реке очень холодная. 2. Вода необходима для жизни. 3. Принеси мне воды, пожалуйста. 4. Снег был глубокий. 5. Очень трудно ходить по глубокому снегу. 6. Чай горячий. 7. Я люблю чай. 8. Положи сахар в чай. 9. Купи лимон к чаю. 10. Лимон полезен. 11. Нарежь лимон. 12. Сок вкусный. 13. Я предпочитаю апельсиновый сок. 14. Сок, которым я тебя угощу, сделала моя мама. 15. Я попросил купить хлеба и масла. 16. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молока. 17. Молоко необходимо детям. 18. Положите сметану в суп. 19. Поставьте масло на стол. 20. Я не пью молоко, я пью чай или кофе. 21. Вчера я купил очень хороший чай и кофе. 22. Где масло? Оно на столе. 23. Есть нефть или газ в этом районе? 24. Официант принес мне мясо и овощи. Я съел овощи, но не стал есть мясо. 25. Погода была такой теплой, что мы решили поплавать. 26. Какая замечательная сегодня погода! 27. Какие новости? 28. Я ему одолжил пять фунтов на прошлой неделе. Ты думаешь, он отдаст мне деньги? 29. Джеймс попросил воды и жадно (thirstily) ее выпил. 30. Я знаю, что работа, которую я выполнил, это хорошая работа, лучшая в моей жизни. 31. Совет, который он получил от своих друзей, был - отказаться от работы. 32. Они покупают новую мебель. 33. Отец начал резать горячее мясо. 34. Она учила детей работать с бумагой и ножницами. 35. Земля была покрыта свежим снегом. 36. Кофе подали со сливками.


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