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Ex.1 Match the adjectives to their meanings on the right (textbook Ex2p.46)

  1. popular

  2. fashionable

  3. strong

  4. reliable

  5. delicious

  6. fresh

  7. stylish

  8. efficient

  9. healthy

  10. comfortable

      1. popular at a particular time

      2. someone you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do

      3. with a very pleasant taste or smell

      4. attractive or well arranged

      5. feeling physically relaxed, without any pain or other unpleasant feelings

      6. sth that many people like

      7. sth that works well and produces good results by using the available time, money in the most effective way

      8. recently picked, caught or prepared

      9. physically strong and not ill

  1. 10. physically powerful and healthy

EX.2 Translate into Russian

1. Gardening has become very fashionable. 2. It has become fashionable to criticize public institutions. 3. Alice can look after children. She is very reliable. 4. I heard this from a very reliable source. 5. This sauce is delicious with fish or vegetables. 6. Phil likes women who are good dancers and stylish dressers. 7. The bed looked warm and comfortable. 8. What is the most popular leisure pastime after watching TV? 9. The hotel is very popular with tourists. 10. The new machine is far more efficient than the old one. 11. The most efficient way to plan is to put your tasks in order of priority. 12. The hotel`s staff are friendly and efficient. 13. You can use fresh and tinned tomatoes for this recipe. 14. Fresh salmon is much nicer than frozen. 15. Our vegetables are fresh from the garden. 16. The details are still fresh in my mind. 17. I try to keep as healthy as possible. 18. We serve healthy and delicious food. 19. The children were brought up with a healthy respect for books. 20. Are you strong enough to carry that heavy box? 21. What are his strong and weak points? 22. I have a strong feeling she is not coming back.

EX. 3 Match the adjectives from the box to the products 1-6

comfortable delicious efficient fashionable

fresh healthy popular reliable strong





а саr ________________________________________________


food _________________________________________________


а drink _______________________________________________


clothes _______________________________________________


а washing machine _____________________________________

EX. 4 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from exercise 3

1 Tritoп Тraiпers аrе so …… that уоur feet will think they're floating оn cloud.

2 Wе sold more bikes than any other manufacturer last уеаr. That must make Chemkee Cycles the world's most …… bike, wouldn't уоu say?

3 So what аrе food magazines saying about Sheпg Cheпg Hoпg, London's new Singaporean restaurant? 'Сhiс!', Food Today; 'Elegant', Loпdoп Night Review, and 'Tasteful', Capital Cиisiпe. So why not find out for yourself why everyone is saying that the Sheпg Cheпg Hoпg is оnе of London's most …… restaurants.

4 I`m а farmer and I need а four-wheel drive I саn depend оn. That's why I chose the Coипtry Cruiser. I've been driving it for seven years and it hasn't broken down once. Now that's what I саll ……

5 Looking for an accountancy firm that is professional and well-оrgаnizеd? Уоu won't find anyone mоrе …… оr anyone who gives уоu а warmer welcome than Magпитs.

6 This season's must-have footwear has arrived! So check out the new Brady boots - destined to bе the most …… items around.

EX.5 Translate into English

  1. Она - самая модная портниха в Лондоне. Она пользуется большой популярностью среди артистов. 2. Я уже много лет пытаюсь попасть на этот модный курорт. 3. Будьте как дома; я скоро вернусь. 4. Он произнёс слова утешения, но это не помогло. 5. На столе стояла ваза со свежими цветами. 6. Для детей они всегда стараются покупать свежие овощи и фрукты. 7. Можете мне поверить - это достоверная информация. 8. Это самая надёжная фирма, к которой мы когда-либо обращались. 9. Какой вкусный торт! Я съем ещё кусочек. 10. Обед был отменный. 11. Он знающий и энергичный работник. Я рад, что мы его наняли. 12. В наше время нелегко найти квалифицированного и расторопного секретаря. 13. Вы должны быть сильным и здоровым. 14. Всю свою жизнь он ведёт здоровый образ жизни. 15. Здоровая критика пойдёт ему на пользу. 16. У него крепкие нервы, и вы его не обидете своими словами. 17. Только люди с сильной волей могут отправиться в такое рискованное путешествие. 18. Она всё время носит модные шляпки. Ты не знаешь, где она их покупает? 19. Комната обставлена современной и стильной мебелью.

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