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e.g.. “ One kind of variation that we might not want to label stylistic is variation due to regional, temporal and social dialects (Enkvist,1973,p.16).

General terms

Special terms

Everyday vocabulary





ESP, needs analysis, needs assessment, learning needs





Passive Voice constructions

e.g. This analysis is designed to enable corporations to establish a clear picture of their own particular training needs as seen by employees…

The general manner of writing is DISCOURSE.

Verbs of mental perception: assume, infer, point out and conclude:

It can be inferred, it should be noted, it must be emphasized.

3) Logical sequence of utterances is achieved through:

  1. Key –words;

  2. Pronoun substitutes;

  3. Logical connectives: addition, causality (cause and result);

  4. Opposition and contrast;

  5. Logical sequence of ideas;

  6. Subdivision of the thoughts into logical blocks;

  7. Introducing IT-constructions: It follows that; it has often been stated that; it is taken for granted that;

  8. Introductory there sentences: There can be no doubt that; there appears to be no reason for assuming that.

4) The structure of sentences and paragraphs:

  1. Semi-composite (cложный) sentences (non-finite verbs, gerundial, infinitive, participial constructions): I would like to discuss the current state of affairs regarding the teaching of written English.

  2. Demonstrative and personal pronouns as substitutes of the notional words.

  3. Postulatory pronouncements, references to the facts, compound and complex sentences.

5) The structure of a Paragraph depends on the communicative intention and the position of the discourse:

a) Postulatory Paragraphs: introducing the hypothesis, putting forward the main objectives, stating what has been investigated by other scientists: It is common knowledge that; it is fully established that.

b) The Body of Discourse is argumentative: Logical argumentation, listing of facts, comparison, enlargement on the theme, the development of the main thesis, pros and cons of the hypothesis; it abounds in clichés.

[ˌɑːgjə'mentətɪv] дискуссионный

e.g. Analysis A deals with target language needs, the addressee/addressor relationship and the frequency of communication.

This analysis is designed to enable corporations to establish a clear picture of their own particular training needs as seen by employees…

Topic sentences introduce the key-idea; developing sentences are logically connected with the main idea.

c) Formulative paragraphs (conclusion):

Research has indicated a perception gap between teachers and learners as to what constitute “valuable” teaching and learning activities.

TYPES OF SCIENTIFIC TEXTS according to function-content-form:

  1. Texts of “Primary” character;

  2. Texts of “Secondary” character.

PRIMARY: function –communicative; content – scientific; form –defined by the function and the addressees.

SECONDARY: analyzing, compressing, summarizing the primary scientific texts in a condensed form.

PRIMARY: Scientific articles:

      1. theoretical,

      2. polemic,

      3. editorials:

      4. monographs;

      5. text-books.

SECONDARY: annotations, abstracts, reviews(рецензия), theses, synopses.

(abstract=конспектрезюмевыдержка (из книги); реферат, краткий обзор)

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