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Interviews a talk with irina petrovskaya, a tv critic, member of the russian academy of television art2

Michele A. Berdy: Насколько сильно контролируется телевидение?

Irina Petrovskaya: In about 2000 they decided in the Kremlin that the main central channels needed to be regulated. Now TV is a totally managed system.

The other mass media are left as a "storefront window" so that when people in the West get upset about the lack of freedom of the press, they can say, "Here, take a look at this. Newspapers print whatever they want, Ekho Moskvy says whatever it wants." But the newspapers have tiny print runs and Ekho Moskvy reaches maybe half a million listeners. Besides, I don't think those guys are idiots; they realize that the liberals — what they call "the marginal population" — have to let off steam.

I don't think anyone has really thought about the viewers who watch the news for a long time. They think about one viewer, or I rather a dozen viewers in the Kremlin, who watch the news and report on it to their superior. As in the Soviet period, those people don't just watch the news, they interpret it, and now, like then, high officials in the Kremlin are getting a distorted picture of what's happening in the news media. It's hard for me to say exactly who is doing it, but probably [Deputy Chief of the Presidential Adminis­tration] Vladislav Surkov. Certainly there is an entire service that monitors TV 24 hours a day and reports on it in condensed and I interpreted form.

MB: Что случилось с ток-шоу?

IP: There are still "women's" talk shows during the day, as well as various talk shows on general social issues, but the political talk shows that had once been the calling card of television stations have disappeared. Vladimir Pozner's show Времена (The Times) is more analytical or thematic than a political discussion, and besides, in Moscow we don't see it live, we see it taped and after cuts. It's funny that the shows go out live over satellite to areas beyond the Urals — it's an old Soviet tradition, to show something live to part of Russia (or the Soviet Union), as if those citizens were different and it didn't matter if they saw something uncensored. And then it's shown in Moscow all cleaned up, since it's in Moscow where the main viewer is, who has the power to make life miserable for the channel if something isn't right.

The show Свобода слова (Freedom of Speech) was closed because it was uncontrolled territory. It was a place for those "marginals" — on the left and right — who didn't support the Party Line. From the very start Shuster must have been regarded with suspi­cion, since he's "not one of us" — he has a foreign passport. He worked at Radio Liberty then the old NTV, where they didn't care where he was from.

MB: Но ведь и без политических ток-шоу в стране хватает нестабиль­ности?

IP: No, if you don't talk about something, it doesn't exist. Even Beslan: people have forgotten about it, about the children, about the hor­rendous situation with humanitarian aid... if you watch the news, the children have gone off to resorts, humanitarian aid has been delivered (not mentioning that no one has gotten it). It's a policy of silence. If you don't talk about it, it's as if it doesn't exist, and the viewers have the sense that everything is fine.

MB: Разве по прошествии времени люди не поймут, что в стране не все гладко?

IP: We have a strange population. People don't want to hear about bad things, so this policy satisfies the population's desire not to know. Why are deputies pushing those insane initiatives to ban violence from the television screen? Because people don't want to see it. "We have a million problems of our own. If we have to look at all these problems, too, we'll go crazy." On the other hand, the policy of silence is ultimately stupid, because the current world (in contrast to the Soviet period) is far more varied in sources of information. During the Soviet era, the information blockade was so great, you could have had five Beslans and no one would have known about it. Or maybe ten people who managed to hear something over the jam­ming of the Voice of America would have known. Now newspapers write about it, there's internet, and many people can watch foreign channels by cable.

Ultimately this is why it's impossible to have a totalitarian re­gime again: it's impossible to control and close down everything. Besides, what the West says is still important.

MB: Что такое цензура сверху и что такое самоцензура?

IP: Every so often the station chiefs are summoned to the Kremlin where, without outsiders, there is a talk about how things should be done and portrayed. But there's no question that self-censorship is stronger than censorship. It's highly developed among station heads, and they avoid things that might not have even occurred to the bosses in the Kremlin. There was a case when the channel cut the words of someone talking about the lack of press freedom — you just see his lips moving. No one ordered it: it was mid-level people being doubly careful.

MB: А как насчет молодых журналистов, которым говорят: «Нельзя делать то, нельзя показывать это»?

IP: If they are young, they don't remember or have associations with the Soviet period. On the other hand, they all had a chance to work in freer conditions, and now the conditions have changed.

Unfortunately, they have no choice. There's no other place to go: before they could have gone to the old NTV or TV-6, but now there's no choice. They're in a tough spot. They put up a fight at first, but now some of them are toeing the party line very diligently. And they've all forgotten that one regime will be replaced by anoth­er. These young people aren't thinking about it, but when the situa­tion changes again, they won't have jobs.

In most cases they don't seem to be suffering much; they sim­ply do what they are told. In other cases they think it's awful. They do it, but they talk about how awful it is. There's still hope for them. They know they are doing something disgusting.

MB: Почему сегодня такое обилие сериалов, идеализирующих пра­воохранительные органы?

IP: Since everyone knows the president has a certain past in the special services, they are trying to anticipate his viewing preferences. But there are exceptions. The recent series Moscow Saga portrayed the KGB in the worst light. That shows that control is not total. Be­sides, people are honestly looking for a positive hero. For a long time the only hero on TV — negative or positive — was the gangster. We were living through a period of gangster capitalism. After awhile the public complained: people don't want to see a gangster as a hero.

MB: Что на телевидении за последние несколько лет изменилось в положительную сторону?

IP: There is more diversification of shows for the audience — for wom­en, for men, for the whole family. The best achievements of recent years are the series — they are well done, the budgets are decent, and they are using good scriptwriters, directors and actors.

Now the business of television is cleaner in comparison to the 1990s. Plus the stations have learned to ran their businesses as busi­nesses — they are producing DVDs and cassettes for home viewing, as well as promoting their own programs. Elena Yakovleva hosts the light-hearted talk show What Women Want.

In the regions there is also some good TV. In many places where the governors and mayors are opponents, different stations show different points of view. In that sense the viewers of local TV have more choice. And then there are some successful local stations, like Afontovo in Krasnoyarsk, Channel Four in Ekaterinburg, TV-2 in Tomsk - the quality of their programming is better than on the cen­tral stations. Or take Khanty-Mansiysk, where they bought sophis­ticated equipment you can't even find in Moscow, and made a se­ries they could sell to the national channels.

MB: Что в девяностых было не так?

IP: In part, the heads of the liberal channels thought that the ideas of democracy were so obvious that there was no need to do any educa­tion, explanation or promotion. And they screwed up, because the idea couldn't be attractive to many people who lost a great deal dur­ing the reforms. If at the start of the 90s there was a huge energy of opposition to the communist regime, by 1993 things had returned to where they started, and people associated the communist regime with stability — maybe not affluent or free — but at least predictable. I think it was a huge mistake.

MB: Можно ли исправить положение?

IP: You can be less afraid. Every time you make a concession, more are expected of you. The lesson the authorities learned when all of TV supported Yeltsin was that TV could be tamed and work for them.

At the beginning of the 90s the authorities were afraid of the mass media; now the mass media are afraid of the authorities. All the station heads have a few skeletons in their closets; they have things they'd rather not remember; there are probably dossiers on all of them. But you can still work and not fear. People always ask if I'm afraid. I can't say it's nice to wonder if I'm going to have prob­lems, but so far no one is making me do anything I don't want to do. I'll deal with problems when and if they arise.

Passport, by Michele A. B

1 Michele A. Berdy

2 Вопросы американской журналистки и переводчицы Мишель Верди пере­ведены на русский язык в учебных целях.

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