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  1. monoplane - моноплан (самолёт или планёр с одним крылом)

  2. nonretractable - невыдвижной

  3. landing gear - шасси

  4. warbird – (жарг.) военный самолёт

  5. scratch – железки (то, что есть под рукой)

  6. kit - набор, комплект (материал для сборки)

  7. streamlined – модернизированный

  8. affection – привязанность

  9. aerobatic – высший пилотаж, фигурные полёты

  10. executive - принадлежащий к структурам исполнительной власти, президентский

  11. to span – перелететь, преодолеть расстояние

  12. prospector - искатель, геолог

  13. missionary – миссионер, посол

  14. perquisite - привилегия, прерогатива

  15. inducement – побуждение, стимул, приманка

  16. freight hauling – транспортировка груза

  17. surveillance – наблюдение

  18. illicit – запрещённый, незаконный

  19. hurricane - ураган; тропический циклон

I. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does the term “civil aircraft” mean?

  2. What are private planes usually used for?

  3. What is the usage of business aircraft? Who uses them?

  4. What is one of the unfortunate segment of the business aircraft population?

  5. What is the commercial aircraft assignment?

II. Find the English equivalents of the following phrases in the text:

  • следы урагана

  • грузовые перевозки

  • приносить прибыль

  • нелегально использовать

  • сообщение о ситуации на дорогах

  • высокоскоростной транспорт

  • перевозить пассажиров

  • для других применений

  • отреставрированные самолёты

  • широкое разнообразие

III. Make up your own sentences with the following phrases:

    • перевозить пассажиров

    • следы урагана

IV. Read the following statements and discuss them with a partner:

  1. Business aircraft are used to generate revenues for their owners.

  2. Business aircraft also serve as an inducement for potential customers.

  3. Sometimes business aircraft are employed illegally for transporting narcotics and other illicit drugs.

  4. Commercial airliner is the most convenient kind of air transport used to haul passengers and freight between selected airports.

Giving your opinion you may find the following expressions helpful:

By the way as for me I’d like to know

I see I’m afraid I wonder

It seems to me that I don’t know exactly If I’m not mistaken

TU-134 and TU-154 Set for Airplane Graveyard

By Sergei Dmitriyev, The Moscow News

Russia’s medium-haul airliners TU-154 and TU-134 will be withdrawn from operation within the next five years, announced Igor Levitin, Russia’s Transportation Minister. The air crash of a TU-154 near the Ukrainian city of Donetsk (August 22, 2006) probably was the deciding factor in favor of the decision. The Russian flagship air carrier Aeroflot has already confirmed that it will scrap its TU-134 aircraft by 2008, while the TU-154 will be discontinued from service by 2010. Nevertheless, the Interstate Aviation Committee still considers these aircrafts commercially viable. In fact, Russian companies have two alternatives: to use new Russian planes or to purchase used American Boeing and European Airbuses. It is known that around 270 airplanes need to be replaced.

On the one hand, the airlines usually prefer leasing used Boeing and Airbuses, because they are cheaper than domestic newly-made airliners. On the other hand, Russian producers offer modern aircraft able to compete with the European and American models, but their efforts have so far been going nowhere.

However, Aeroflot made a mixed decision in favor of Sukhoi SuperJet-100 short-hauler and Airbus-320 mid-hauler.

The key position belongs to Sergei Ivanov, a First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and the head of the recently created United Aircraft Building Corporation (UABC), the organization, which unites all the leading Russian aircraft manufacturers. It will first and foremost be engaged in the development of the civil aircraft industry and is become a competitor for such air giants as Boeing and Airbus. By the way, Ivanov remarked that such models as IL-96, TU-204, TU-214, a new regional RRJ and MS-21 mid-hauler are very promising projects; nevertheless, these aircrafts enjoy greater popularity in Middle Eastern countries and Cuba than in Russia.

The experts, however, say that the decision to get rid of Tupolevs was made too hastily and that both the TU-134 and TU-154 could have operated for at least another 10 years.

The fact is that not a single Tu-154 or TU-134 crashed due to technical failure within the last 10 years; the accidents were the result of human error. Thus, it would be logical to suggest better training for pilots, taking advantage of new computer trainers, now able to simulate every unexpected situation that could occur on a real flight. Significantly, neither Boeing nor Airbus aircraft have been removed from operation because of air crashes.

The short-hauler TU-134 aircraft, launched in 1967, became one of the most successful projects in passenger aircraft design. It became the first Russian passenger airliner that was certified to English standards of airworthiness. Its total production reached 852 aircrafts.

The TU-154 mid-hauler was launched in 1972. To date, more than 900 TU-154s have been produced. Along with the TU-134, it has been the main air carrier in Russia for several decades.

P.S. Tupolev is one of the leading Russian companies providing full-package services, including design, manufacturing and support of up-to-date civil aircrafts.