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Prepositions in the English Sentences [Дзядик Ю....doc
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Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

  1. The campers had been waiting _____ the gate for half an hour before their bus arrived.

  2. They planted flowering shrubs _____ the pond to draw attention to its unusual shape.

  3. The lead pack stood _____ Mt. Apo and called out to the rest of the mountaineers below.

  4. The ball landed right _____ the line to give the underdog the winning point.

  5. Their organization’s streamer could be seen _____ the rest.

  6. The coach took the young, promising players _____ his wing.

  7. Bank tellers should always put the papers of latecomers _____ those that came ahead.

  8. Organic farmers do not spray insecticide _____ their crops.

  9. Be sure not to leave your ATM card _____ the slot.

  10. The young entrepreneurs put up a flower stand _____ the young diplomacy center and the parking lot.

Activity three.

Certain prepositions are used to indicate direction: to, from, towards, through, into, along, around, at (shows direction, usually indicating aggression).

Exercise 1. Test yourself. Fill in each blank with the correct preposition.

  1. To laugh _____ a handicapped person is terribly rude.

  2. I wish to thank you for your interest in our company, and I promise to get back _____ you as soon as possible.

  3. Xena is having a hard time swimming because she is going _____ the current.

  4. For that insulting remark, he vows to get back _____ her some day.

  5. The officers suddenly broke _____ the casino and arrested everyone inside.

  6. Don’t point the gun ______ us; it just might off.

  7. Coming _____ Banjul at the crack of dawn, the team reached Brikama New Town by noon.

  8. They drove _____Brikama New Town for about an hour before finding his house.

  9. The senior officer is scheduled to arrive _____ Dakar tomorrow noon.

  10. The Sultan of Brunei arrived _____ the Yundum International Airport yesterday.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions.

  1. The members of the committee went _____ with Mr. Brown although they resented the direction that his statements were taking.

  2. The police car went _____ the corner in pursuit of the robbers.

  3. When we heard a strange ticking sound in one corner of the room, we ran _____ what could have been a bomb.

  4. Sait went ______ the mountain with a team of professional climbers.

  5. Jessica walked aimlessly _____ the river, in deep thought.

  6. My friend ran _____ the road at a tremendous speed.

  7. The soldier pointed the cannon _____ the enemy camp.

  8. This discussion is not getting anywhere; we are merely going _____ the real issue.

  9. The criminal crawled _____ the tunnel slowly but surely.

  10. I do not know why she is hostile _____ me every time we see each other.

Activity four.

Certain prepositions are used to indicate time or period of time (duration): on, at, in, before, after, by, during, about, beyond, over, around, to, from, between.

Exercise 1. Test yourself. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

  1. The last student in the room has gone _____ the time limit given for the credit.

  2. I cannot be sure, but I think I saw her walking in front of her office _____ 7 p.m. yesterday.

  3. Let us meet _____ 12 noon tomorrow.

  4. They eloped in October 1941, just _____ the Second World War broke out in December that year.

  5. My niece was born _____ March 1, 2002.

  6. She was a war baby, having been born _____ World War II.

  7. My sister was born _____ April 1982.

  8. My cousin was born _____ 1989.

  9. Helen was born _____ the same year that the airport in our city was built.

  10. Greg was born in March, just _____ the Liberation of the country in February 1945.