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Prepositions in the English Sentences [Дзядик Ю....doc
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Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. У деяких магазинах не дозволяють приміряти чоловічі сорочки.

  2. Кожен народ повинен віддавати пошану своїм героям.

  3. Ми так сумуємо за старими добрими часами.

  4. Журналістів попросили не розголошувати інформацію.

  5. Ви постійно шукаєте якусь прогалину у моїй роботі.

  6. Дітям завжди важко розлучатися з іграшками.

  7. Він вперто наполягав на виконанні цього проекту.

  8. Конфлікт інтересів виникає, коли приймаються ключові рішення.

  9. Студентам заборонено користуватися стільниковими телефонами під час занять.

  10. У головуючого схильність говорити непослідовними уривками.

Exercise 3. Replace each word/ phrase in bold with a suitable verb/ adjective + by/ of/ to combination.

  1. The team had to obey the referee’s decision.

  2. So far this has been the worst holiday of my life, but I suppose I will manage to cope somehow.

  3. Sam accepted that privilege.

  4. The Chinese characters are not the same as Japanese.

  5. You should decide how much time to study these exam questions.

  6. He attempted to throw his bag in a rubbish bin.

  7. The criminal stole the money that the old lady has saved many years.

  8. It is useful to spend one hour doing this task.

  9. These issues affect only married women.

  10. When Jane became conscious again, she realized she was lying on the bench in the park.

Activity two.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words: from, in, trace, in, wraps, trust, transform, to, take, on x3, out x2, into, toll, charges, translate, out with, tribute.

  1. His job transformed him _____ a self-confident young man.

  2. They hope that the attendance at their rallies will _____ into votes.

  3. The governor will be tried _____ charges of overpricing.

  4. Let us pray that our people do not lose their _____ in democratic institutions.

  5. The driver was tried on _____ of homicide through reckless imprudence.

  6. Some shops do not allow customers to try _____ clothes off the rack.

  7. We were asked to keep the news under _____ pending further investigation.

  8. Watch _____ for suspicious-looking characters around the neighborhood.

  9. William withdrew his name _____ the list when he saw the other names.

  10. A drop _____ the value of the peso triggers an economic slump.

  11. The Church voiced its opposition _____ abortion.

  12. Lucy warned her friend against hanging _____ Peter, but she wouldn’t listen.

  13. He is not timid about voicing his political views _____ public.

  14. She likes to try _____ new recipes on her family.

  15. They held a concert as a _____ to our national heroes.

  16. The mayor is going to _____ the former dumpsite into an eco-park.

  17. The police were able to _____ the carnapped vehicle to its owner.

  18. His addiction to gambling took a _____ on his marriage.

  19. Her entry into politics did not _____ a toll on her family life.

  20. They are never _____ time; they are always late.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Як ви реагуєте на політичні події в арабському середовищі?

  2. Жертви несправедливості повинні шукати захист у Верховному Суді.

  3. Усім іноземним громадянам необхідно зареєструватися у найближчому консульському відділі своєї країни.

  4. Інколи не слід давати волю своїй уяві.

  5. Президент відмовився піти у відставку, незважаючи на тривалі протести народу.

  6. Ви підписалися на цю газету?

  7. Варто порушити справу проти цієї фірми.

  8. На яких підставах було звільнено одного з найкращих працівників компанії?

  9. Як тільки почуєте запах диму, негайно біжіть до найближчого виходу.

  10. Почуємося незабаром.

Exercise 3. Replace each word/ phrase in bold with a suitable verb + by/ for/ of/ to combination.

  1. Everyday pressure at work causes her behavior.

  2. He requested the post of a manager.

  3. She can manage on her monthly salary.

  4. Would you like a cup of coffee?

  5. Mary’s friendly disposition makes her popular with everyone she meets.

  6. Many small businesses can be ruined.

  7. Her parents did not like violent scenes in TV programs.

  8. If the fire alarm rings you should go towards the exit.

  9. He was an intelligent lad and they liked him.

  10. People did not really like their new mayor.

Activity three.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words: against, threat, at, from, on x3, for, surprise, up, of, in x3, to x3, support, keep, without.

  1. Please come _____ time, as we will close the gates at five.

  2. We came _____ time for the opening speech.

  3. They are hoping that the latest news will turn the tide _____ their opponents.

  4. He saw the new employee as a _____ to his promotion.

  5. The AIDS virus is a threat _____ humanity.

  6. She planned to take graduate studies _____ night and work during the day.

  7. Asking how much someone paid for something is _____ poor taste.

  8. Unfortunately, she has a taste _____ things she cannot afford.

  9. They won _____ a technicality; the opposing party failed to meet the deadline.

  10. The only way to win is to take the enemy by _____.

  11. The lady is suspected _____ having leaked the examination questions.

  12. She has been assigned to _____ tabs on the use of the office supplies.

  13. Thousands of battered women suffer abuse _____ silence.

  14. Millions of children in Africa are suffering _____ AIDS.

  15. They have made _____ their minds.

  16. We are open _____ suggestions that do not entail added costs.

  17. Our product is superior _____ other brands in the market.

  18. They introduced bills in _____ of organic farming.

  19. The schools cannot accomplish much _____ the support of parents.

  20. Things seem to be peaceful _____ the surface, but a storm is brewing.

Exercise 2. Translate into English. [VIP Файлобмінник]

  1. Які ваші враження про Південно-Східну Азію?

  2. Він постійно нав’язує свої думки іншим.

  3. Здається, ви байдужі до моїх проблем.

  4. Інколи почуваєшся нижчим від інших націй.

  5. Ви захоплюєтеся азартними іграми?

  6. Ваша стаття нікого, крім вас, не зацікавила.

  7. Підслуховувати розмови інших неввічливо.

  8. З нетерпінням чекаємо презентації його нової книги.

  9. Я завжди про вас думаю.

  10. Комісія розглянула вашу скаргу.

Exercise 3. Replace each word/ phrase in bold with a suitable verb + after/ away/ down on/ through/ together/ up to.

  1. Read this contract carefully before signing it.

  2. The officer formed a good team.

  3. He has a poor opinion of me.

  4. I really respect them.

  5. You are always criticizing people.

  6. He made great efforts to get the disc.

  7. Don’t pursue the dirty money.

  8. I admired them all my life.

  9. The cheque was discarded with the rubbish.

  10. He reduced his intake of fatty foods.

Activity four.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words: to x2, in x2, with, rein, stead, out x3, for x3, at, about, on x2, stand, standing, qualms.

  1. Only members in good _____ can vote or run for office.

  2. Her good relations as a young woman served her in good _____ later in life.

  3. The office is now putting a stop _____ long coffee-breaks.

  4. He was stressed _____ by constant demands for better working conditions.

  5. Those who _____ on the side of reason should not give up the fight.

  6. Tell me, please, _____ whose side are you in this nationwide debate?

  7. They do not sound _____ faculty opinion when introducing program changes.

  8. Reducing the number of signatures required resulted _____ quicker results and greater savings.

  9. Her absence from the hearing will give rise _____ speculations about her health.

  10. Terrorist attacks put the civilian population _____ greatest risk.

  11. They saved _____ electricity by using night lights and a dimmer.

  12. There will be no peace as long as people respond to violence _____ violence.

  13. There are those in high and low places who cannot _____ in their greed.

  14. They did not accept the guard’s reason _____ abandoning his post.

  15. We have to reason _____ our plan of attack before it can be funded.

  16. The police pursued the hijackers until they cornered them _____ their hideout.

  17. Some politicians have no qualms _____ switching parties for personal gain.

  18. The Armed Forces should provide _____ the protection of our coastlines.

  19. She could not sleep; she was having _____ about testifying against her friend.

  20. Pam’s dream was to qualify _____ the Olympics.