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Prepositions in the English Sentences [Дзядик Ю....doc
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Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Тисячі біженців із Кот д’Івуару наражаються на небезпеку, перетинаючи державний кордон.

  2. Його мало цікавило розгортання подій на Близькому Сході.

  3. Чимало політиків розпочинали свою кар’єру зовсім молодими, вступаючи до лав партії.

  4. Деяким студентам доведеться наполегливо працювати, щоб іти в ногу з решта студентами.

  5. Їх звинуватили у шпіонажі.

  6. Ваша стаття не відповідає вимогам.

  7. Можете покластися на мене.

  8. Бунтівників тримали у казармах до початку судового процесу.

  9. Церква завжди виступала проти смертної кари.

  10. Хоча ми живемо в епоху інформаційного прогресу, все ж необхідно боротися з неписемністю чималого відсотка населення планети.

Exercise 3. Replace each word/ phrase in bold with a suitable verb + in/ up combination.

  1. Pay a short visit on your way home.

  2. The children enclosed the hedgehog tightly.

  3. Have you connected your pc to a socket?

  4. Andrew’s car was surrounded by the police cars.

  5. Bryan stopped talking when we asked him if he was going to start a company.

  6. Who will wash the plates tonight?

  7. They are going to bring the company’s operations to an end.

  8. The traffic was delayed for hours.

  9. Sometimes I wanted to stop everything and have a peaceful life.

  10. You have to gather courage to tell them everything you know.

Activity eight. [VIP Файлобмінник]

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words: in x3, among, up, into, example, to, from x3, through x3, exchange x2, at x2, for, divert.

  1. Researchers will be fielded to communities selected _____ random.

  2. They were afraid that the whole country would explode _____ a nationwide war.

  3. The examinees are not allowed to _____ seats with one another during the examination.

  4. A number of people were seen exiting _____ the gallery.

  5. While the intersection is under repair, the residents will have to exit _____ the alley at the back.

  6. They were surprised that no one from _____ the audience took exception to the speaker’s position on censorship in the media.

  7. Sally was expecting an answer _____ the scholarship committee, but it never came.

  8. Don’t expect to remember everything we took _____ unless you take notes.

  9. There will be thousands of candidates _____ local government positions in the coming elections.

  10. Has there ever been a tie _____ the election for the presidency of the UN General Assembly?

  11. They go into every negotiation well prepared, so they never come out _____ the losing end.

  12. Before you enter _____ any agreement, read the fine print in the contract.

  13. Set a good _____ for your children by eating the right kind of food.

  14. I will not _____ my position for a nine-to-six job.

  15. Make an effort to rebuild your community _____ outreach programs.

  16. Do not allow irrelevant issues to _____ you from the main objective of the discussions.

  17. The slump _____ sales was due to bad weather.

  18. Under the present system, those who do not go _____ pre-school are at a great disadvantage.

  19. There are many who argue that globalization is disadvantageous _____ our national economy.

  20. How does one distinguish locally made products _____ imported ones if the country of origin is not printed on the labels?

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

  1. Етнічно вона близька до корінних жителів Китаю.

  2. Вони віддадуть частину свого майна на благочинність.

  3. Допомогу розподілили між найбільш постраждалими регіонами.

  4. Доповідач вибачився перед аудиторією за запізнення.

  5. Якщо вам потрібно отримати перепустку, зареєструйтесь у відділі охорони.

  6. Як можна застосувати цю теорію на практиці?

  7. Комісія схвалила план.

  8. Військовий наступ на Лівію було засуджено багатьма державами.

  9. Часто у людей не лежить душа до політики.

  10. Довіряйте йому, він жодного разу не порушив своїх обіцянок.

Exercise 3. Replace each word/ phrase in bold with a suitable verb + up combination.

  1. Please, help us to organize the seminar; with the officials coming, we do not want to fail with any of the arrangements.

  2. They erected the monument within some months.

  3. All parents know that it is not easy to raise a child.

  4. Xena had to write plans for every department.

  5. Every year the prices rise.

  6. The snow never stopped the whole time we were in Paris.

  7. The criminal was imprisoned.

  8. Benjamin wanted to end a relationship with his fiancee.

  9. We had to wait in line for two hours to get tickets.

  10. He must carefully consider the options open to him.

Activity nine.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words: confide, without, in x4, with, dearth, dealers, from x2, under, on x2, down on, deal, to x2, after, cudgels.

  1. It was hard to stop the mob, which was charging _____ one direction.

  2. It was inspiring to work _____ the direction of a master.

  3. The coach was disappointed _____ the performance of the defending champions.

  4. He is now a serious writer who has died _____ the glitter of show business.

  5. France and Germany differed _____ the United States and great Britain in their outlook on the invasion of Iraq.

  6. One should be able to differentiate fact _____ opinion.

  7. The Armed Forces chief deployed a full battalion to go _____ the rebels.

  8. If we despair _____ trying our best, then we deserve to fail.

  9. The loss of their parents left the children _____ despair.

  10. Anyone with a pending administrative case is disqualified _____ taking the examination.

  11. All the questions of the prosecution _____ with the foreign dollar accounts of the accused.

  12. The _____ of medicines in the countryside is a challenge to the resourcefulness of health workers.

  13. The bill was never deliberated _____; it died a natural death in the senate.

  14. His lavish lifestyle is in stark contrast _____ his supporters’ claims that he is a man for and from the masses.

  15. The police have been accused of cracking _____ defenseless students while going easy on armed goons.

  16. Different lawyers’ organizations took up the _____ for the beleaguered Chief Justice.

  17. There are unconfirmed reports that some members of the Armed Forces are _____ in contraband firearms.

  18. The restaurants get their supplies directly from dealers _____ fresh meat and vegetables.

  19. She accepted the assignment _____ three conditions.

  20. Should the defense counsel _____ their strategy to their client?