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I ground my teeth and went for the phone. I dialed Edward's cell.

"Bella?" he answered on the first ring. He sounded more than relieved - he was delighted. I could hear the Volvo's engine in the background; he was already in the car - that was good.

"You knew this was going to happen?" Jasper asked, looking at Edward oddly.

"No, I didn't know it would be this," Edward said.

"But you knew the mutt was going to declare himself," Rosalie said.

"Yeah... I would think so." Edward frowned.

"They why did you let her go?" Jasper asked incredulously.

"I don't know," Edward sighed.

"You left the phone . . . I'm sorry, did Jacob drive you home?"

"Yes," I grumbled. "Will you come and get me, please?"

"I'm on my way," he said at once. "What's wrong?"

"I want Carlisle to look at my hand. I think it's broken."

It had gone quiet in the front room, and I wondered when Jacob would bolt. I smiled a grim smile, imagining his discomfort.

"I really hope he sticks around," Emmett and Rosalie said for the same reason, but they were using completely different tones.

"What happened?" Edward demanded, his voice going flat.

"I punched Jacob," I admitted.

"Good," Edward said bleakly. "Though I'm sorry you're hurt."

"Oh, come on, Eddy... where's your laugh for that?" Emmett pouted.

I laughed once, because he sounded as pleased as Charlie had.

"I wish I'd hurt him," I sighed in frustration. "I didn't do any damage at all."

"I can fix that," he offered.

"I was hoping you would say that."

There was a slight pause. "That doesn't sound like you," he said, wary now. "What did he do?"

"And the punching him in the first place sounded like her?" Alice questioned.

"Er... well, I reckon I was just pleased that she had hit him before," Edward shrugged.

"He kissed me," I growled.

All I heard on the other end of the line was the sound of an engine accelerating.

"Or perhaps that was Edward growling," Jasper chuckled.

In the other room, Charlie spoke again. "Maybe you ought to take off, Jake," he suggested.

"I think I'll hang out here, if you don't mind."

"Your funeral," Charlie muttered.

"Is the dog still there?" Edward finally spoke again.


"I'm around the corner," he said darkly, and the line disconnected.

As I hung up the phone, smiling, I heard the sound of his car racing down the street. The brakes protested loudly as he slammed to a stop out front. I went to get the door.

"How's your hand?" Charlie asked as I walked by. Charlie looked uncomfortable. Jacob lolled next to him on the sofa, perfectly at ease.

I lifted the ice pack to show it off. "It's swelling."

"Maybe you should pick on people your own size," Charlie suggested.

"Maybe," I agreed. I walked on to open the door. Edward was waiting.

"Let me see," he murmured.

He examined my hand gently, so carefully that it caused me no pain at all. His hands were almost as cold as the ice, and they felt good against my skin.

"I think you're right about the break," he said. "I'm proud of you. You must have put some force behind this."

"Everything she had," Emmett chuckled. "I really think I'm going to be winning that bet if she's able to punch her best friend like this."

"Whatever," Jasper said, looking wary about that at the moment, but still confident that he would win.

"As much as I have." I sighed. "Not enough, apparently."

"Just..." Emmett started, but Edward smacked him before he could say anymore. The glare in his eyes told Emmett that he wasn't going to tolerate any more joking about Bella's transformation right now.

He kissed my hand softly. "I'll take care of it," he promised. And then he called, "Jacob," his voice still quiet and even.

"Now, now," Charlie cautioned.