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VII. Answer the following questions:

1. When was Lviv founded?

2. Who is the founder of Lviv?

3. What countries did Halicia form part of?

4. What is the population of Lviv?

5. When did Ukraine declare its independence?

6. What outstanding figures is Lviv famous for?

7. What art museums do you know in Lviv?

8. What part of Lviv was turned into a historical and architectural preserve?

9. What is Lviv industry famous for?

10. What are the reasons for listing Lviv’s historic center as “World Heritage”

VIII. Ask several questions with interrogative words, “what, when”.

Model: In 1837 the famous “Ruthenian Trinity” published a collection of poems in the Ukrainian languagе which was the mаnifesto of national regeneration of Ukrainians.

1. When did the famous “Ruthenian Trinity” publish a collection of poems in the Ukrainian language?

2. What did the famous “Ruthenian Trinity” publish in 1837?

IX. Complete the following sentences from the text using the words listed below:

1. This 700 year old city has a rich and...

2. The museum of National Art was founded in 1905 and has one of the ... and the most ... collection of national art in Ukraine.

3. No wonder that Lvivvites are ... their beautiful ancient city.

4. Lviv’s historic churches, buildings and relics… to the 13th century.

(richest, glorious history, complete, proud of, date back)

X. Find the English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words:













XI. What architectural monuments of Lviv do you know. Name them.

XII. Find in the text the translation of the following sentences:

1. Упродовж сво­єї іс­то­рії Львів, як i вся Га­ли­чи­на, скла­дав час­ти­ну різ­них кра­їн.

2. Ду­ша міс­та – це ду­ша йо­го твор­ців, умі­лих ре­міс­ни­ків та жи­во­пис­ців, бу­ді­вель­ни­ків та ар­хі­тек­то­рів, які по­бу­ду­ва­ли па­ла­ци, цер­кви; малярів, прозаїків та по­е­тів, які ство­ри­ли уні­каль­ні вит­во­ри мис­тец­тва та лі­те­ра­ту­ри.

3. По­над 110 іс­то­рико-ар­хі­тек­тур­них пам’ят­ок над­зви­чай­ної ху­до­жньої цін­нос­ті бу­ло взя­то під охо­ро­ну дер­жа­ви.

4. Політична та економічна роль Львова привертала до нього увагу численних етнічних груп з різними культурними та релігійними традиціями.

XIII. Speak on the following situations:

1. Your foreign colleague asks your advice about what he should see in Lviv. Ask him what he is interested in, what his hobbies are and recommend him places to see.

2. Your English colleague asks you to tell him some facts about the history of Lviv and its places of interest.

3. After walking around the city your foreign colleague shares his impressions of Lviv with you.

4. Speak on the problems of pollution and the public transport system.


Україна, її історія та культура Ukraine, its history and culture

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