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III. Study the words and phrases for active use:

landscape пейзаж

visual візуальний

colorful барвистий, кольоровий

detailed style деталізований стиль

conceptual art абстрактне мистецтво

controversial суперечливий, спірний

architecture архітектура

arch арка

semicircular півкруглий

sensitivity чутливість

cast-iron чавун

sculpture скульптура

outstanding визначний, відомий

IV. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The Tudor style became popular for houses in the late 1550s, and included flat arches, many windows, gables and chimneys, and timber frames filled in with brick and plaster.

2. The tradition of relief carving attained its highest expression in the stone work of the Gothic Cathedrals.

3. In this period British art gained a distinct national character and began to develop independently

4. During the 1880s, John Constable and Joseph Turner produced beautiful landscapes, and the English School of landscape painting, which is famous all over the world, is associated with these great men

5. Pop art, which appeared in the mid-1950s, had its origin in the mass media, the consumer sphere, traffic scenes and industrial products, the image of youth.

V. Read and retell the text:

The notion of British art has been known since very old times.

Great Britain has a history of producing outstanding artists. It has been the birthplace of many noted writers, architects, painters, and composers.

There were developed many different styles in architecture over the years. The Norman style began after the Norman conquest of 1066. Buildings designed in this style have heavy columns and semicircular arches. The Tudor style became popular for houses in the late 1550s, and included flat arches, many windows, gables and chimneys, and timber frames filled in with brick and plaster. English architecture in the Victorian Age (1837- 1901) made two notable contributions to the architecture of the world. One was the introduction of cast-iron and sheet glass into building construction, the other one was the small detached house built of local material.

Among the greatest English architects are Inigo Jones, who designed Queen’s House in Greenwich, and Sir Christopher Wren, who rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral and other churches after they were destroyed by the Great Fire of London in1666.

The history of sculpture is rooted in the Christian Church. The tradition of relief carving attained its highest expression in the stonework of the Gothic Cathedrals. The influences of Renaissance and Baroque sculpture on the continent were slow to reach England. Not until the 20th century did British sculptors attained a deeply personal mode of expression. The sculptors Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth are characterized by the quality of moorland stone.

Painting in the modern sense came late in the history of Britain. There was no truly national school before the 18th century that was the great age of British painting. In this period British art gained a distinct national character and began to develop independently. William Hogarth was the first major artist to reject foreign influence and establish a kind of art whose themes and subjects were thoroughly British.

Hogarth was followed by a row of illustrious painters: Thomas Gainsborough, with his lyrical landscapes and portraits; the intellectual Sir Joshua Reynolds, who painted charming society portraits and became the first president of the Royal Academy; and George Stubbs, an artist of the greatest visual perception and sensitivity.

During the 1880s, John Constable and Joseph Turner produced beautiful landscapes, and the English School of landscape painting, which is famous all over the world, is associated with these great men. The early Romantic fascination with biblical and medieval themes resurged in the mid-19th century among the so-called Pre-Raphaelite whose paintings concentrated on religious and literary subjects done in colorful and detailed style. Important painters of the 1900s include Duncan Grant, David Hackney, Paul Nash, Ben Nicholson, and Graham Sutherland.

The Young British Artists movement, which includes Damien Hirst, Sarah Lucas, Gary Hume, Michael Landy, Gavin Turk, Stuart Semple, Georgina Starr and Tracey Emin, is perhaps the most prominent group of visual artists to come from Britain since the Pre- Raphaelites. Their work is mainly conceptual art, and is frequently controversial.

Pop art, which appeared in the mid-1950s, had its origin in the mass media, the consumer sphere, traffic scenes and industrial products, the image of youth. Some pop artists adopt a critical attitude to the commercial world. Others simply reproduce the motifs and forms that they observe in that world. The representatives of this art are Hamilton and Paolozzi, Richard Smith and Peter Blake, David Hockney, Peter Phillips.

Since 1984, the annual Turner Prize has been awarded to leading contemporary British artists who are under 50. Notable visual artists from the United Kingdom who had this award are John Constable, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, William Blake and J.M.W. Turner. In the 20th century the Turner Prize gained Francis Bacon, David Hockney, Bridget Riley, and the pop artists Richard Hamilton, Patrick Caulfield and Peter Blake. Notable art institutions include the Allied Artists Association, Royal College of Art, Artists Rifles, Royal Society of Arts, New English Art Club, Slade School of Art, Royal Academy, and the Tate Gallery.

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